Cece - so sorry to hear you are having problems on your new job. Talking w/ your GI doc is a good idea. I guess it depends on if you can afford to not work. Sometimes I look at things like that as an...
I was slightly anemic right after my surgery while still in the hospital but I guess not low enough to give me a transfusion. Had surgery in Oct '07 (wow..almost a year now). By January I was back to...
I agree! Whose idea was this cr*p?! Excuse the pun!...
My thoughts are w/ you both and hope everything works itself out w/o another hospital visit....
I was glad to see it stay a tropical storm so there wouldn't be the damage w/ a hurricane but Florida would still get the rain it needs. So glad you're doing well flchurchlady :smilewinkgrin:...
I'm sorry to hear about your husband partygirl. Mine never did that, but if he did that would be grounds for divorce. I told him when we got married if he ever cheated on me I would not take him back...
I had my TC last Oct at Piedmont hospital too. My surgeon was Dr. Singh. He is absolutely terrific! I'm so sorry you're having such a difficult time. The only problem I developed after the surgery...
Sorry I missed this news. I haven't been on in a while. But glad you're doing better Cece. Will keep you in my prayers and your family as you ride out the storm. ((hugs)) Kim...
Hi Peggy! From looking at the location of the ulcers and after my GI doctor spoke w/ my surgeon they both agreed it was a reaction to the staples so my GI doctor was pretty confident it wasn't...
Wanted to post this info for anyone who might be having or have this problem in the future. I had my colon removed end of last year. Had small intestines hooked up to my rectum. No bag. The beginning...
Hi Peggy! Glad to hear you and Scott were able to go to Hawaii for vacation. That sounds great. And so glad to hear the house is progressing. Thanks for checking in w/ us!! Have fun at the races!...
All right! Lamborghini guy!! Can we all go for a ride? :) I'm sooo happy for you!!...
Peggy, You know when I was dealing w/ my small intestines spasming after my surgery my surgeon was telling me about how stress effects the gut. I started taking xanax with my meals and the spasming...
Peggy, Thanks for the update. I've been thinking about you and DH. I pray the meds kick in for him and he gets his strength back. So glad to hear the kink got worked out for you and you're feeling...
I'm so sorry to hear she's still dealing w/ problems. And I hear ya about the co-pays. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS)))...
Wow Peggy, that chinese food really did a number on you. I hope your intestines calm down and the pain goes away soon. ((HUGS))...
Wow, that has to be so disheartening after going thru surgery. I had a total colectomy last Oct. I take stool softener pills. My surgeon and GI doctor said it would not hurt me to take them. I've...
I live in Atlanta. I'd be glad to come and see Mitzi and encourage her if you'd like. Just let me know what hospital she's at. ((HUGS))...
Awww Peggy (((HUGS))) I'm so sorry you have a bad episode. I ate some Bar BQ ribs w/ fries the other day and that set my small intestines off. They were very sore and painful. I finally took enough...
I'm so sorry she is going thru this. My prayers for her lung to heal up and the rest of her body to recover. Please keep us posted and let her know we are thinking of her. ((HUGS))...
I had my colon removed in Oct 07. I was dx'd with colon inertia. I took the sitz marker test and after 5 days 23 out of the 24 markers were left in my colon. I had all the pelvic floor function tests...
Sub - glad to hear you're home. Pain from the surgery took around 4-6 weeks to lessen or go away for me, but my small intestines started spasming when I'd eat. My GI doctor gave me something for the...
It's a very hard surgery and with her being so sick she's been thru a big trama. And to be in pain it's very hard emotionally. I had my entire colon removed Oct 07. My pelvic floor function was good...
I had all my colon removed Oct 07. They reattached my colon to my rectum b/c my pelvic floor functions were fine. The surgery was the most painful thing I've ever gone thru and I was having pain...
Yeah I can commiserate too. I HATE that stuff. But I had to do it. I was only eat jello and mashpotatoes for several weeks before the surgery anyway b/c my colon wasn't working and that's the only...
Oh no! That's too funny. Hope you got it all out....
Manny, I had my colon removed the end of Oct 07. It took me until the middle of January to feel better. But after that I've been doing great. Eat what I want and do what I want. I have MS so I'm...
SubColectomyhereIcome - You can ask for a plastic surgeon to do the closure. The scar will be very minimal. You'll have to ask your surgeon in plenty of time for them to arrange for a plastic surgeon...
Jo, so glad to hear everything went well and you're home :) You sound in good spirits. I can't give you any advice since I didn't have those procedures but wanted to say Hi and ((HUGS)) Kim...
April, I've been thinking about you and Amy wondering what has been going on w/ you and her. I'm so sorry to hear everything you're going thru. I was hoping that the diarrhea would clear up after...
SubColectomyHereICome, As far as sex...that's the last thing that'll be on YOUR mind after surgery. I would suggest that when you feel like it it should be okay. But I'm sure the standard 6 weeks...
Mom2Sophia - I also have experienced the bad gas. How long has it been since your surgery? My gas was really bad the few months after the surgery (Oct 07) but I've noticed the last month that the gas...
I had chronic constipation. The surgeon did the sitz marker test and I had 23 out of the 24 markers left after 5 days. My pelvic floor function tests were all fine so last Oct they removed my colon...
Hopeful, How did your tests go?...
Hey Peggy! I've been thinking about you and was wondering about your DH. I'm glad the house is moving along. Hopefully you'll both be in by the timeline and able to relax a little and enjoy your new...
I'm sorry. I didn't realize it had been 5 years. In that case your problem wouldn't be from recovery after surgery or spasms. It does sound like you're having complications from the surgery and the...
I'm so sorry you're having such difficulty and still in pain. I had all of my colon removed Oct 07. After the surgery my small intestines would spasm when I'd eat. The surgeon gave me Symax Duo. I...
Wow Cece! I think that's a good confirmation you are at the right job :)...
ROFL!!! How true, how true....
Oh wow Irish Mom, so sorry to hear about your husband's accident. Glad that he's okay. Hope nothing serious shows up in the future and that the insurance situation works out. ((HUGS))...
I had my whole colon removed back in Oct 07 with lapo surgery. I don't have a bag. My pelvic floor function was fine so the surgeon just hooked everything back up to my rectum. I was dx'd with colon...
Being able to eat without being in pain later. Being able to go to the bathroom!! I'm actually cooking again and enjoying food....
Yeah I'm anemic too. Was admitted to the hospital last month and given 3 units of blood. After I got the blood I actually was warm!! My blood level got pretty low. I was short of breathe with very...
Okay Richard I will. Thanks!...
Peggy said to tell everyone hello and she misses you all very much. Scott was meeting w/ a doctor on Friday for a second opinion regarding the ALS. They are also overseeing the building of their new...
If you want a good iron supplement you might want to check out hematinic. http://www.hematinic.com/...
Erin, You have a good attitude and should do fine getting thru this procedure. Cecilia is right, take your pain meds to get you thru the pain part and help you to continue to move. Moving your body...
Lizzie, I had my colon removed Oct 07'. I was doing well and recovering good. Was even able to get back to working out doing a little jogging on the treadmill along with a little strength training....
Hi Peggy :) If you or Cece can give me some type of contact info I'll give you my aunt's name and phone number. Or, you can email me at admin@baxterthebunny.com and I can email you back. ((HUGS)) Kim...
Cece that's awesome!! Congratulations :) What a blessing to get to work in a nice environment....