Thank You! I'm in Grand Rapids, MI. We have a great medical community, but I think a trip to maybe Mayo may be necessary if things don't improve. I was sent back to ER although I begged not
Thank you, Liz. It could be...and yes I had pretty severe motility issues. It started with colonic inertia, but tthen affected by rectum, bladder, a small Amt of sm bowel and in Dec 2012 I was dx...
I wasn't :( at first I thought it was just a response to the acute hypertension and headaches from my new endocrine issues, but its unfortunately CR said that my abd is hard and taught and...
Hey all... Been a little bit...things are just continuing to spiral. I got yet again another blood clot from PICC line on Tuesday. I was in desperate need for fluids so nurse at PCP attempted IV. I...
NCOT- I agree that without your terminal ileum that you need to keep a closer watch on your electrolytes as your malabsorption can affect those and cause horrible symptoms, not to mention, low levels...
Saw cardiologist and colorectal surgeon today...worried about BP and HR...I'm have double issues from adrenal insufficiency and dehydration:( resting heart rate 128-135 today!! Cardiologist also said...
I didn't :( SOOOOO SORRY!!! I was in hospital and things have been messy. My email is'll check again. Hope to hear from you soon. Lizzie...
THANK YOU! all for your responses. So much has happened in last two weeks my brain and body are so exhausted and I don't think it will be long before I'm dehydrated again if not already?! I am still...
I would gladly answer any questions...I can't figure out how to private message you :)...
I'm soooo frustrated :( Everyone in my family just keeps telling me you HAVE TO EAT! And drink. I'm trying so hard, but the pain and nausea is enough to make me not want to eat period. I have no idea...
I went through over six months of biofeedback therapy, Botox injections, etc. The whole works....I had TC for colonic inertia, but constipation continued d/t animus or rectal dysinergia. I was about...
Hello dear friends... I got out of hospital late Thursday night and things are no different. It's a very long story. Somehow with five days of fluid I ended up losing more weight. I was getting great...
Thank You!!! I was up all night with my husband and then slept two hrs and woke up at 8:30am dry heaving every 15 min. I was so weak and dizzy. I could not get ahold of my friend and was going to...
This night has been a disaster!! My husband came home with my nephew and they had gotten ice cream. My husband started having stomach pains and tried laying down. He thought it was gas pains, but...
Trying to find a way to ER. Normally my husband or mom take me, but my husband had to work, no choice, and we've been watching my nephews for my parents (they have custody if my older sisters boys)...
Should I go back to ER? I don't know what to do and I don't see my colorectal surgeon until May 15? After the negative Cdiff and throwing up three times on Tues from eating, I haven't been able to...
Thank you ddd for your reply!!! Today has been a long and exhausting day. I haven't eaten, but drank some, def not enough. I am just so nauseated and everything sounds horrible. I have a massive...
Thanks for your replies... I've had an awful night and actually am still up with no sleep and just miserable. After the vanilla cone I tried 5 saltines and maybe 1/2 c white rice. I was nauseated...
Best of Luck with surgery!!!! I will be praying for you!!...
My local colorectal surgeon did order a CDiff check and I had that done other other labs today. How long does it usually take to come back? His nurse said may have to scan brain to r/o any issues...
Just got home from ER :( I do have my 7th raging UTI. I'm also down 14 lbs since April 1st from nausea/vomiting and that was with sweats, shirt, sweatshirt, and tennis shoes on :(My urine was...
On my way to ER :( Finally succumbed after fever started two hrs ago. I called doctor and the fever, nausea, vomiting, UTI symptoms and my hx I have to go! So I'm just headed in :( Lizzie...
Rosemary-Your welcome! Please just think about the things we talked about and know I only have your best interest at heart! I think everyone does... I had the flu this winter as Michigan has had an...
I'm not sure if it was me you saw that info from, but I was told in just last 6mo that after my 13-14 I had in just under a year combined with my five years of that or more yearly and since the first...
Richard, I'm sorry for what your experiencing and that its affecting your daily life. I agree with summerstorm, you need to see a GI specialist and then he may refer you to a colorectal specialist....
Well, I think I may just have to surrender and go to ER tomorrow. I always wait things out and tonight I feel awful. I decided it would be smart to 'Spring Clean' and it wasn't such a good idea....
Rosemary and I text quite a bit and everything I've ever said, I've said to her and she knows I care and have her best interest at heart. I've been there daily via text trying to help her, guide her,...
Thank You ActiveUCer for your kind words!!! I'm just not sure if anyone will have suggestions, but at least it's support!! I'm not sure what to do today and if I should go to ER or urgent care. I had...
Miranda- I read your post on my thread and again I thank you for all your kind words. Although we've had different journeys, the pain and grieving is the same. I hope in due time you are able to feel...
NCOT- It doesn't matter to me anyone's beliefs and each of us believes in different things and faith or not, I and the rest of HW are here through your trying times. Just know that somehow, somewhere...
NCOT-Thanks for your kind words. In order to not get angry, I try and tell myself that God only gives you what you can handle and that I must be pretty tough :) May sound cliche lol, but its what...
My potassium in on low end of normal right now taking 20-40 meq of KDur, but they are referring me to endocrinologist and nephrologist. I have high Aldosterone and high Renin and they found Adrenal...
NCOT- I have an ileostomy for life and def don't have a choice to ever not have one. I had my first stoma at 28 and I'm almost 33! At first it was mortifying and I couldn't stand the thought of...
Thanks everyone for your replies. My pcp and internal med dr arevoutbof office tomorrow, but I can call my colorectal surgeon here in town and I'm sure he will just enter in system and I can r/o that...
Windy City- Thanks for your response and kind words. I'm going to type fast as I'm waiting on cardiologist for new holter results. I would have been completely open to you coming to Rush to...
It's a lot to take in :( Sorry for lengthy's just hard having very few people to talk to about all of this. I have not been checked for Cdiff?! I know what it is from my nursing days, but...
Hey all... It's been forever since I've posted on here and I wish it was because things were going so well, but unfortunately that's not the case. I don't even know where I left off or who's still...
Hi Taylor-I have sufferred from low potassium since I was 19 as well...I am now almost 33. I was wondering more about your situation so maybe I can help. I have been hospitalized three times since...
Hello old friends and many new....Its been a very very long time and SO much has happened, but I wanted to comment here first and foremost. There are many of you who are not wrong in what you are...
Hello Everyone.... I cant believe this hasnt been updated in quite sometime!!! I miss you guys SO much and need updates on all of you. I have not been on in forever....I wish I could say its because...
Hello My sweet friends.... I think it has been forever since I have posted on here. Thank goodness Allie keeps everyone updated as I just havent felt well enough. I have a lot to catch up on, but it...
Hello All... So I got some bad news today. My surgeon had to fly to Italy immediately for a family emergency. They have post-poned my surgery until Dec 14 (pre-op/ 15 surgery). So about five weeks....
I miss all of you guys....i am going through some pretty hard times right now with oh the flu, had to withdraw from pain meds through the same way as last and get on the soboxone. This is to try and...
Hey all.... I need to catch up, but Allie summed it up well and I am still dealing with the flu and stomach bug and vomiting. I am thankfully holding my wt for surgery so far, but who knows. I need...
Thanks for all your prayers and support. I am still battling this nasty has been about a week now. Marisa....I am very worried for you. There are other ways to get ahold of me. If any of...
Just a Quick Update: I really need to read through and catch up on everyone...... Marisa and Judy....hope to hear from you soon and Hodaya and everyone thanks for all the prayers. I a\had a...
Rosemary- Interesting idea, but No.....they said as well as they know mw and since she had just seen my stoma. I have had the same nurse since surgery and she had others come in and give theor...
Hello loves.... Sorry again for the delay. I will find out tomorrow when my test for the bump on my stoma that has a hole in it that appears to be some type of fistula. I have now tried 3-4 different...
Hello ladies..... How i miss you all so much. I will be back posting soon, its just been so emotionally hard (except the wk Allie was here). I am having major major leaking issues. Had two stoma...
Thanks everyone for your love and support. I was told surgery will be around 1:30 pm. I am the second case of the day as an add-on. It has to be done emergently as since Sat they have been worried...