I appreciate you all for your thoughts. The medicine I'm on does help but even after being on all of those I still have pain, which is very irritating! I haven't tried Yoga but it sounds like a great...
Thanks for the reply, my pain is from digestive problems, here is my story, I may not have all the details right because I kind of blocked them out: I got colonic inertia when I was 13 and had my...
hello, I haven't been here for quite a while, anyways, I was wondering if anyone knew anything new that helps with pain? Right now I am on Lyrica, Fentynal pain patches, Oxycodone for breakthrough...
I tried looking up what you have, this is some of what I found, I don't know if it will help you at all, but I am worried about you, so here it is: Megestrol acetate (Megace) is the most studied...
There are times where my ostomy can be a bit loud, but you can cover it with something to make sure no one hears it, and if they happen to hear it one time, just say that it's your ostomy. I know...
I have never had a problem going through security either, I use a wheelchair when there'll be a lot of walking, so when they do the pat down thing, I just tell them it's an ileostomy, and they say...
I was wondering if anyone has a hard time waking up at night to empty your bag, I had a really hard time with that, so I use irrigation sleeves, they are really long bags (when I'm standing it goes...
I only use the powder if my skinround the stoma is sore, so I don't think you need to use it every single time. Also have you ever used adhesive spray? I use it and my wafers last about a week,...
I will say that even though I hate the NG tube, when I've had it, it has really helped...
I hate the NG too, and the spray kind of tastes like bananas mixed with gasoline lol...
I was just curious as to how long you all have had your ostomy, I got mine when I was 18, so I've had mine for about 13 years!...
RiddleMeThis, that made me laugh! I bet it was not very funny at the time though, I can just imagine it: Nurse: "Oh, well this doesn't look right" *pulls bag off* "OMG, that wasn't supposed to...
When I used the bags with the clips, the clip fell off two different times at work (when I worked) it was really embarrassing lol, now I use the bags with the Velcro closure....
Rosemary, I'm so sorry that you are going through all this crappy stuff, I know how pain can be very hard to deal with, I really hope that you are able to find something that will help you! If you...
Are you still obstructed?...
I don't remember what I ate...
I'll have to try the marshmallow thing, yeah it's never done that before either, and it took a lot of patience, which I don't always have, it was very messy!...
The last time I changed my bag, at first everything was normal, I changed it in the morning so it wouldn't be active, well as soon as I took the bag off, it was like someone opened a flood gate, lol,...
I have a water bottle with me all the time, instead of focusing on the amount, just keep a water bottle around and drink the water every so often. I hope that makes sense....
The paste does sometimes come up like that, but not a lot, it's worth a try, you can email me anytime at: dustiann29@gmail.com...
Try using stomahesive paste, I put it around the hole of the wafer, on the side that's going on my skin, perhaps that will work better....
I had a blueberry muffin, and one berry came out whole lol...
I have a jpouch instead of a rectum, but I also have an ostomy, I also sometimes have mucous coming from there, and I've had this ostomy since I was 18, I'm 31 now (my birthday was November 10th)...
Lol, lots of foods come out funny, I think it's because bananas are thick, so they come out thick, I'm sure it's pretty normal!...
Thanks for bumping this for me, I don't know why, but I've always sat sideways to empty my bag, except in the hospital, I remember that I would kneel on the floor and empty the bag into the toilet,...
The other morning, I woke up and my wafer was half off!!, it was awful! Luckily that doesn't happen very often....
Thank you! I hope you have found something also!...
Oh, I wish it would work for you guys, I wonder if my stoma is in the wrong place..? If anyone else wants to see the pictures, go ahead and email me. At least I tried giving you all a suggestion lol...
My stoma seems to work fine, is it normal for people to have to have it redone? I always thought that the stoma lasted your whole life.. I wish you were feeling better rosemary, it saddens me to hear...
I feel bad that I haven't been able to take that picture, I haven't been feeling well lately, but when I do feel better I will take that picture. I hope I'm not insane, lol!...
Rosemary, would a PICC line help?...
I didn't mean taking the pic while I was emptying it lol, I just meant a pic showing how I sit sideways. You're silly! My stoma is on the left side. I'm glad that I could make you laugh, laughing is...
It's not between my legs, it's hard to explain, if you want to email me I can take a picture...
I do sometimes have output from my jpouch, it's kind of like thick dark mucous, but it's not all the time. Cancer in the jpouch?! That's a bit scary!...
Yes, that's a better way to explain it, thank you!...
This is harder to explain than I thought it would be, like imagine a public bathroom, instead of my knees facing the door when I sit, they face the side. Does that make sense? If not you can email me...
Yeah, more scar tissue too...
I have a j-pouch, but it's not connected to anything, I was curious if it would be best to have it removed, since I most likely will never have a take down surgery, I did have a take down 2 different...
I haven't been on for a while, sorry, I never saw the replies after my comment, anyways, I just sit sideways on the toilet, and I pull my pants down, it's the easiest way for me. Could someone bump...
I've had a bag for about 12 years, it's not as bad as you may think it is, I do wish I didn't have it, but things could be worse...
Why do you drop your pants onto the floor, and spread your legs apart to empty your bag? It's much easier to sit sideways on the toilet, that's what I do anyways. You know you have an ostomy when...
I will also repeat PUT YOUR SUPPLIES IN YOR CARRY ON, I once had to change my wafer on the plane! I would have been in trouble if I didn't have my supplies lol...
I would definitely take more than you'll think you'll need, you'd hate to run out of anything! I went to Holland, Paris and London with my family, it was way fun, I hope you have a great time!...
I tried to meet a group of people who had ostomies, but when my parents and I went to the restaurant, none of them was there, so we sat and waited, but no one ever came, but it was a nice dinner with...
I hope you're ok, I didn't know that can happen....
If my skin get irritated, I'll use the powder, wipe the access off, then put the barrier wipe over that, so I don't use the powder each time. I also use paste, and a convex wafer, I can go about a...
Well, I had my entire colon removed, and I did well for a while (I forget how long) but then I started having problems again, and I was diagnosed with rectal inertia, and had my rectum removed, got a...
We think that maybe when I was developing before I was born, the part of my brain that controls digestion, didn't develop right. But I'm not 100% sure that's why...
My surgeon told me that since colonic inertia is in the whole colon, then it would be more effective to remove the entire colon. If that's what you end up doing, it doesn't neseccarily mean you'll...
I remember a while ago there were quite a few people with Colonic Inertia, but since I haven't been here for a while, I thought I'd ask, I was diagnosed with it when I was 13, unfortunately the...