Well october will be two years... PSAs virtual zero... and both incontinence problems and sex life are also virtual zero. Look at it this way...I am batting .500 and got to live to see my only...
John get all the opinions you can about 2 months after my DX I iwent on 50mg of Casodex every day and the expensive (zoladex?) shots every three months for 13 months before prostate was removed at...
tomorrow will be 2 months after prostate removed. Catheter out after 9 days...after 2 weeks less than one pad a day.. Things seemed fine until third week when pink ooze appeared through largest ofo...
Get another membership card ready... Except for the nagging surgery exit wound--the one they pulled the prostate through-- my wife and I were thrilled to learn today ==2 days shy of 8 weeks after...
Good report Chris.. Dr. G and his nurse Ana and staff are terrific. I am 10 weeks post surgery...one small pad a day, a minor wound healing problem but no infection, and went back to work 2 weeks...
good suggestion mny htx mbshine...
[color=blue>mbshine == AGE 62 ANGEL FIRE, NM DX 7/08 EMAIL: MScheinbaum@LF-Financial.com pls put “Healing Well” in subject psa HAD GONE FROM 1.7 TO 4.3 IN THREE YEARS...DIGITAL AND ULTRA SOUND EXAM...
I asked my primary care physician, my urologist, and six other former physicians from other cities or social friends who are MD's "Given my situation if YOU were the patient, where would you go and...
Good topic...my surgery was 6 weeks ago and after the catheter was removed after 9 days, and a few days of wearing those padded undies, I hve been on one light pad a day, the kind you paste into your...
I am a financiql planner and dont think this forum should be used for personal biz, so ask aound and shop around.. we have found cancer survivors with "no recurrence" or ovenight hospitalizations for...
you will wake up in recovery befoe you know it!!...
I think it has more to do with how each of the parties views the words "for better or worse." If they come from dysfunctiona; families with histories of many generational separation and divorce it is...
Dr Sanjay Gupta on CNN this morning took a question on prostate cancer survival rates. he put a graphic on the screen and said something like: The latest data from the American Cancer Society says...
Post op plus 10 days and first difficult BM arrived on day 4....2-3 stool softeners a day and each small BM daily was a struggle but successful and not too much pain. the gravity to do its thing, I...
WOW AS A VERY RECENT GRADUATE co2...gas buildup indeed landed in right shoulder and along collar bone....just as if rotator cuff had been shorn....nurse said it is common and put instant heat packs...
jnm Good luck and be of positive mind...Got my catheter out yesterday...9 days after robby the robot...and used only 2 pads the first day and little pain and no pain pills for 2+ days....not a nice...
First I don;t really know how to navigate these threads, so I ask you all to share this note. First a thank you to moderators and posters who have been guides and supporters since my DX in July 08....
Talk to doctors you know..ask point blank what they would do....read everything...read old threads on this site...there a world of research and common sense.. for me with lots of risk factors, I...
ACTUALLY the algorithms are kn own and published b NSKCC dr Scardino's book and he lists the direct weblinks so readers can check the latest data.....just my opinion....repeat my opinion only...am...
hate to say ste ve hits the target but there are usually financially concerns.. if you have had lots of medical bills this year either to meet deductibles or copays or to achieve an I rs deduction...
a lawyer i have known for years and knows this area basically says we can go nuts with frustration challenging insurance companies. in recent years he sugests EACH AND EVERY TIME YOU EVEN THINK THEY...
sleepless et al thank you all for welcoming me to theother side...not for a family website but the first BM this morning, surgery day plus 4 was as glorious as (what I remember of) sex. LOL! wife and...
many thx....guillonneau I guess has become one of the stars these days...also impressed with his fellow dr Heidi Rayala, Ph.d and MD fom 'Washington Univ st Louis, senior resident in urology at...
thanks guys..you have been a safety net and support networki...Hope I can be of help to someone else down the line... mbshine...
dr guillonneau performed my da vinci 10/19/09 out of hosp in one day...
surgery mon...4 hrs plus...MSKCC dr Guillonneau. Said year of Casodox had made postate small and brittle and had to make extra large incision o remove in one piece. MRI had shown nearly lumph node of...
brad mny thanks for the post and doc and james tremendous thanks for the fine comments...on the eve of DaVinci I found this thread very reassuring and informative...I am thinking positive...
I joke about side effects but much less than anticipated....some hot flashes or sweatsin middle of night50 mg of Casodex daily and quarterly shots of Zolodex for past 13 months.....no ill effects of...
survey addendum the past two days I have read dozens of articles or re=read many of them and in addition to James our moderator/s observations re experience, there is part of the experience puzzle...
I guess I do have a dog in this fight. The news of this latest study broke while I was sitting in MSKCC in NYC waiting for ekg and other pre surgery screening for the davinci set for Monday. Everyone...
James thanks for the positive note... There are several excellent USA and UK trained prostate surgeons in Panama, and I visited with one of them who probably spent 45 minutes with me discussing...
so--what are the estimated total costs for the DaVinci? I am schedled 10/19/09 at memorial Sloan Kettering....my insurance reneged on their promises and will only treat it as "out of network" and no...
The] this thread is that I feel secure in the knowledge that I am talking to myself, and thus carrying on a brilliant conversation. [b][color=#800080> [color=#800080> open methods, or scrub the...
[u]FIRST] Bariatric Lap Band surgery done 1/20/09 at De; Sol Bariartric Center in El Pasowith Dr. Acosta. Things according to surgeon "went smoothly with no complications, one of his easiest text...
Tony et al well presby health care has not paid a penny of the $500 shrink fee but at the bariatric seminr they said I will not have to duplicate the shrinkification required at their...
Tony et al.. Head for required bariatric lap band seminar tmw. Insurance will only pay if I use two surgeons 11 hours away in El Paso. Two days ago the insurance company, Presbyterian, threw in...
James C thank you for that candid and comprehensive update for those of us who still hve not had surgery. mbshine...
RB and friends.. I guess I withdrew into a shell for a few weeks but here is an update, all your thoughts are sincerely welcome. No prospect of DaVinci or anything else until I lose weight....
What about hormone therapy BEFORE surgery? What are the side effects. I am 61...gleasons of 3+4=7 and 4+3+7 diagnosed July 10th of 2008...went to Memorial Sloan Kettering and saw Dr Guillonneau. He...
re DR RANDY FAGIN Sunday I was on I-40 from ABQ heading to Vegas and Dr Fagin with whom I have never spoken or met, called me on my cell phone for 15 minutes. He was gracious and candid. He has...
dagger3...LV-TX...Billy Mac... Thank you sooo much for taking the time to post. I am struggling to be positive....hauling firewood and slash, working, keeping busy, and waiting for my next step....
even though these are old postings...thjey are extremely valuable... I sent an email to Dr Fagin.....total stranger to him... within 12 hours he emailed me back and asked for the best number to phone...
Just a brief note re my exam and consult with Dr. Bernard Guillonneau at Memorial Sloan Kettering I had a nice intake session with his senior research fellow, who administered a Digital Rectal Exam...
well...it just so happens...my daughter who was working for the american cancer society kept bugging me that at age 60 it was time for a colonoscopy...I gave in and 11 (count em) polyps were found....
RB-Billy Mac you guys are great..giving me confidence! mbshine...