Thanks again Tallguy. I will be taking all of your advice and doing all I can to work around my problem. You have been real helpful and an inspiration. You may hear from me again at some future time....
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I had my procedure done at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN which is 600 miles away. I'm thinking about calling them for some advice but I doubt that...
Thank you so much. Maybe I was expecting too much, like perfect. I think now that my main problem is the shortness of the tubes to the pump. I really have a hard time getting to it and only hope that...
Hi to anyone who might see or read this. I've been a member for a while but have never know how properly post and get replies. Hopefully I have it figured out now. I was particularily interested in...
I had an artificial urnary sphincter implanted seven weeks ago at the Mayo Clinic and activated last week. I'm still leaking a lot and feell like I went through a lot of discomfort and expense that...