Welcome back David. It has been a while since I have been on here. You and I joined about the same time (7 years ago this month). If you remember after my robotic surgery I developed scarring at the...
My 2 cents. I have been using the vacurect pump for 4 years. My insurance would not pay for a pump so when I bought mine it was around $175 and I also bought a few other size rings from them that was...
My wife and I just got back from a trip to Yellowstone with stops on the way there at Sturgis, the Corn Palace, Devils Tower, Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse. We trailered the Trike out (for those that...
I am scheduled to have my first screening colonoscopy in a couple of weeks. I just turned 54 and am 4 years status post prostatectomy Gleason 3 & 4 and PSA's all 0. Is there any reason why I...
When I first started with the trimix every 3rd or 4th injection would end in failure. After a while using the plump and stick I have had complete success every time over the last year. Lennybob you...
Boys I got great news 4 years since Robotic Prostatectomy and PSA is still ZERO and 3 years since last surgery for strictures and still peeing!!! ED still here but gotta love TRIMIX! I wish you all...
I hate to hear you are going through this. I also had a 9 month ordeal with strictures a month after my Robotic Prostatectomy. Complete blockages on multiple occassions, ER visits, middle of the...
I seem to have this problem also. There is one side that on a few occassions does not get the response I am wanting. I am not sure why that is. Kbars...
I have used trimix for two weeks .30 ml (3 times and always worked). Wife gave me a shot last night and got nothing (no wood). Started a low dose med (Hyzar) for increase blood pressure. Does anyone...
I started trimix 2 week ago. I have used it 3 times using .30 and it worked every time until last night. My wife gives me the shot (I think she enjoy torturing me LOL) and nothing happened. Not sure...
David, As Joe Biden would say this is a "ffffing big deal". I am very happy for you. Kbars...
Hey Guys I have a question regarding trimix dosage. My doc says to start out using .25ml. How many cc's will that be on the insulin syringe?...
I had my 18 month follow up yesterday with the specialist who fixed my ongoing stricture problem. I had already posted my PSA - 0 the other day. The doc said he was very pleased that I was urinating...
David, I am sorry to hear about the problem exchanging the SP cath. I had a similar experience. Mine was being changed out in the office and the tract blocked off so fast they could not get a new...
Thanks, Cajun Jeff for the Kudos! I was in New Orleans during Super Bowl weekend, what a blast have some friends in Waveland, MS that want me and the wife to come down and go to the horse races this...
I wanted to share my good news with everyone. I was diagnosed by biopsy with PCa in July 2007 at the age of 49. Had Robotic Surgery in Jan 2008 with 3 + 4 gleason. Had problems with...
David, I sent you an e-mail off line the other day. I hope you got it. I will ask my question here so Squid can answer also. Since myself, David and Squid all have blockages caused by scarring...
Squid, Send me an e-mail to kelly@macocompanies.com and I will send you the specialist contact info. Kelly...
Squid, I am another who developed strictures following robotic surgery. Went through 4-5 procedures (hard dilation, cystos with laser under general anesthsia, numerous foley and SP caths) before the...
Dave I forgot the moral of the story for you to remember when you remove your cath. Use a syringe big enough to suck all the WATER out of the balloon so it doesn't hang up in the bladder neck like...
Hey Dave, On a lighter note I have to tell this story. After one of my first bouts with a stricture and having a cysto done and cath put in. The surgeon told me to keep the cath in for a week and...
David, I have been out of town the last 10 days and just now have caught up with what you have been through. As you know I went through about 6 procedures status post Robotic surgery for scarring at...
Dan, I live in SouthEast Missouri and was referred to the Washington University School of Medicine - Urologic Surgery Department for follow up. I highly recommend this group. They are affiliated with...
David, I sent you a personal e-mail last week with words of encouragement. I hope you got it, hang in there! Kelly...
Fred, I don't post here often. I have posted to David in the past. Approximately 6 weeks afte my robotic surgery I developed a stricture/blockage in the bladder neck area. Had surgery after not...
Jerry, I to had a couple of the clips work they way out into the bladder neck. This was found a month after the robotic surgery. They were found during a follow up cystoscopy for the first of the...
Mr. Gimpy, Are you using bimix or trimix? You say it is $64 delivered, where is it being delivered from? Who do you order it from? How many injections are you getting out of a vial at say 3...
Dave, Glad to see you are recovering from the S/P cath and dilation. As you are finding out the S/P cath is much different from the foley. When I finally got mine it was a god send especially not...
David, Wanted to touch base with you. I have been keeping up with what has been going on with your case, but haven't had time to reply. It sounds like you have your mind right and the right Dr. for...
Dave, I have been out of town and just now had a chance to wish you the best today. I pray that God guides your surgeons hands as his own and fixes the problem with blockages once and for all. Look...
Tony that is great news! I don't want to hijack your thread but this morning I awoke (5:30am) to a spontaneous erection! This is the first time since prior to my DaVinci back in Jan. 2008. It also...
I subscribe to a newsletter from the Prostate Cancer Foundation. I just got an e-mail from them of a study by the Fred Hutchinson CA Research Center - Alan Kristal that was in the July 13 issue of...
David, Why don't you ask your doc about putting in a suprapubic (SP) cath until they can figure out what is going on. This acts as a safety outlet. In fact the specialist that ended up finally fixing...
David - I am currently semiretired from the Medical Field and work part time for a company as their HR Director. I live in the Midwest half way between Memphis and St. Louis. Goodlife - I only posted...
David, Thank you for the welcome. You have my permission to use anythig I have posted here especially if it helps your cause. While our cases are different there are many similarities. I agree with...
I was the same way very visual, if the wind blew up went the flag pole. I am now 18 months post RP and while I still like to look/watch it doesn't do a thing down there. Lots of physical stimulation...
Hello everyone. Let me first apologize for how long this post will be. This is my first post here @ HW, I used to post over @ Web MD but was told about this site 6 months ago. I have been sitting...