Dear Beth--I don't post often, but I must respond to the beautiful gift you've given us. Your words make me sad and proud at the same time. Proud of the women who love their men and become fellow...
Wife of Pi, your comments take me back to when my husband was diagnosed in '09. Oh boy did the regrets and look-backs start for me. I really enjoyed sex with my husband, but how I wish I could take...
Hi to all. My husband has been on casodex monotherapy for about a year. His psa in 2 mo. went down to .08 and has stayed there until this month when it jumped to 1.1. Of course we will be talking to...
Yes, my husband is on bicalutamide monotherapy, 150 mg. daily. His psa dropped from 6.18 to .7 in one month, so it certainly seems to be working. Side effects are breast enlargement, which he had...
Well I remember being just about obsessed with it to the point of embarrassing my husband in front of the first oncologist we first met with. (and I was 62 at the time). And, no, it wasn't bigger...
Thanks all--I guess I had a "duh" moment there--didn't realize AMI was the acronym. Talked to Dr. Ryan yesterday--and this is what drives me absolutely crazy--he is not a proponent of Steve getting...
Thanks, Sonny for your reply. What does AMI stand for? Do they do the C-11 Pet Ct scan? As far as I could see they are only done in a few locations in the US....
I was shocked today when I called the Arizona Molecular Imaging Center in Phoenix where Dr. Almeida does the C 11 Pet CT scans. The operator said the center was closed as of Feb. 19th and she had no...
Thanks for all your replies. I am formulating my questions for Dr. Ryan. And here's another: Does anyone know if these scans should be done BEFORE HT stops working, or AFTER? I know the body can only...
Husband, 61, surgery, radiation, 1 yr. HT, 2.5 yr. HT vacation, Itraconazole study, psa held steady at @ 2.5, now rising to 3.36. It's decision time. Dr. Charles Ryan at UCSF has suggested ARN 509...
My husband is 61, had open surgery in '09, salvage radiation in '10, on IHT3 for 1 year, off until rising psa (.08)in Oct. 2012. We were then referred by our local oncologist to Dr. Charles Ryan at...
Thank you for all your responses--I appreciate it....
Dear Friends--My husband had been on ADT3 until March, 2011, when he had his last Lupron shot, stopped the Casodex, and continued the Avodart for 9 mo. until March, 2012. all undetectables until this...
This morning "undetectable" is the most beautiful word in the English language. I don't post often, but I must share our happiness with those who understand like no others. Thanks especially to...
Thanks Fairwind and BBFan for your replies. He was a gleason 7 before and after surgery (3 + 4 before, 4 + 3 after). SV invasion on left side, 2 positive margins, no lymph nodes positive. His psa has...
I have been lurking for almost 1 1/2 years (Is this record?). A good friend gave me a link to this site, and I have been following it ever since, finding a great deal of information, support and...