Thanks for the responses guys. My husband had surgery in May, started hormone therapy in July, had radiation throughout Oct. and Nov. This was our first psa test since radiation. The radiologist said...
My husband just had his first psa test 3 months after finishing salvage radiation. He has already had a radical prostatectomy and been on HT for 6 months. From what the doctor told us it was my...
Well, we have an appointment scheduled with an MO. Our urologist assures us the MO is a way nicer man than Dr. Brown. He says Dr. Brown is super pessimistic with all his patients. Erik is going to...
Thanks, Pratoman. Erik was really glad to hear about the man with such a high PSA score who was still with us 10 years later. Next week is Erik and my honeymoon. We have been together two years but...
Thanks, Pratoman, for sharing the story about the man with PSA of 3200 who is still in the fight 10 years later. That was very encouraging. I wish Erik and our current doctors were all more...
The urologist removed quite a few lymph nodes and they were all cancer free. The urologist really thought the cancer was confined to the prostate bed and that with radiation Erik had a good chance of...
Thank you so much for all your responses. My husband is 49 and was diagnosed in April. The urologist told us at that time it was a very aggressive cancer but still early stages. Erik (my husband) is...
My husband had a prostatectomy 6 weeks ago. His last PSA before surgery was 23.6, his gleason score was 9. His lymph nodes were clear as were his CT scan and bone scan. The pathology report after...