Best news! Lots to celebrate. Congrats! Steve...
If not for my wife I would not know I had choices. I would have gone with my urologist (whose a surgeon) advice to schedule robotic as soon as he could get me on his schedule. I'm not much of a...
Prato - I get this and wish you the best. Suz and I checked out for awhile too. We lived PCa 24/7 for 7 months and needed to find our "new normal". Most important thing is to take care of you. Glad...
Jerry - That is just fantastic news. Really happy for you. I've taken up the banner, too. Doing what I can to spread the word. Not always easy talk to have. Especially when you are going against...
Does not sound like a fun experience. No catheter used for my SBRT simulation at the Cleveland clinic. Grateful for that....
David - I don't get on here too often. Tend to leave the computer stuff to Suz. Was poking around and ran across your posting. The extent of your trials and suffering are just plain staggering. At a...
Allen - Mr Suz, oh man is she gonna love that! Hahaha THANK YOU for that description of SBRT that I can understand. My stumbling block with those peer reviewed articles is no medical degree = no peer...
Hey Michael - this is the toughest decision of my life. It helps some to hear that other guys struggled. I envy those who said they just knew what the right thing was. I hope I get there. Good to...
Hey Allen - my wife talks about you. She trusts what you say. You dont know my wife but believe me when I say that's a compliment. Maybe you gave her those studies before because she printed them and...
If I wait until January I could do this. I can get off my wife's ins & sign up for Medicare. I don't know if it would be smart to wait that long. Maybe you were just pulling my leg John. Even if you...
Thanks Andrew. I do have a question about the seeds. One doc did stranded and one did not. We asked questions about why they did or didn't and the answers each gave sounded good at the time but how...
Yeah Andrew, I didn't check that box. Glad you figured it out for me. Thank you....
Oh man, I used to have one of those things on the bottom with my stats. but now it's gone. No kidding about being a computer dunce, huh...
How do you decide which treatment is the best for you? I just finished the Dr Walsh book. It took a month to read it. This stuff does not come easy to me. I use a cheat sheet to keep all the acronyms...
I thank the good Lord that I have a wife who cares, loves me (well, most of the time), is a whiz on the internet and had a 4.0 GPA. Me, I'm not so great on the computer and best to leave my GPA out...
If not for a DRE I still wouldn't know I had PC. Sneaky b**stard kept my PSA low. Never got to a level where my doc had concern. A blip up to 2.2 and a casual mention to have a uro check it out did...
Hey Halbert - Wish I read your note before Suz and I both konked out last night. It is a good reminder that I'd be flapping around like a fish out of water without her. Ziggy in Colorado, huh? Am I...
Man, all these howdy and welcome messages are real nice. Does a body good to feel among friends. I need it today cuz the meeting with the surgeon was a bust. Only thing I know foe sure is he is not...
Hey Jazzman - cool name! Who did your surgery? Did you like him? Would you do surgery again or think about radiation? Is it ok to ask stuff like this? I'm going to listen to the surgeons spiel but I...
Hey Halbert! Nice to meet a home town boy! I moved around a lot as a kid with my dad's job. We lived a lot of years on a road that eventually got bought up by Weir Cook airport in Indiana. Had some...
I bet you know more about me than I know about myself cuz my wife Suz has been reading and writing on here for weeks hahaha I am not good with computers. Type with 2 fingers and don't always know...