If you use labcorp, you can ask for ultra sensitive with serial monitoring. I believe in that case they will use the same machine and keep its calibration consistent. I’m 13 years out and 3 weeks ago...
I am not a doctor, but I am a retired lawyer, so I’m familiar with CYA. Without randomized controlled testing, there is no way to know the answer about trt for PCa patients, but when I was diagnosed,...
Thank you, all. I was 54 when I had my surgery. Had I been 67 like now, I’d probably have chosen active surveillance, but at 54 I couldn’t see what could hopefully be 30-40 years of daily worry. MRI...
Thanks. I remember it well. Both biopsy and final pathology were 3+3=6, PSA 3.7....
It’s been quite a while since I’ve visited here, so hi to all. Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of my RP at NYU. Figured that was a good day for my annual PSA test. Results are back and PSA is...
Im not a doctor either, but I hope this helps you relax. MSKCC only tests down to .05. Anything less than that they consider undetectable. Best of luck....
Thank you all. My pre-surgery PSA was 3.7. My Gleason score at biopsy and post surgery was 3+3=6, organ confined, although it was found to be bilateral after surgery. I was 54 at surgery....
It’s been a while since I checked in here. Just got my 11-year post surgery PSA result, which is exactly the same as last year, 0.008. Happy to escape any PSA inflation this year! I wish everyone...
I had the same experience with labcorp. Went from <0.006 to .<0.014. I’m ok with less than <0.014. Almost 9 years post-op and I’ve had fluctuations from to time time. Once got a reading of .02. Had...
Thanks Prato. Good idea....
Thanks, all. I did call Labcorp, but they will tell me nothing. After all, it’s just my test results! I will follow up with my doctor next week after the holidays. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!...
I just received my PSA results from LabCorp. In the past they reported undetectable as <.006. This test shows a result of <.015. Does anyone know whether LabCorp has changed their lower limit of...
Pratoman, If you read further, you will see that the Labcorp report also says: According to the American Urological Association, Serum PSA should decrease and remain at undetectable levels after...
Thanks to all....
Had my annual PSA test and results are back, <0.006. Happy to say that PSA anxiety was a bit lower for this year's test. Wishing everyone here the best....
While I don't know what started this, it's pretty obvious that some here have developed TA derangement syndrome. TA is extremely knowledgeable and a valuable poster here. I've often learned from him,...
Retest is in order....
Great news. Congrats!...
My short answer to the original question: Nope....
NYC lawyer, which RO did you see at NYU?...
Can SBRT be used as salvage therapy after surgery?...
Thanks for the replies guys. Alfred E. Neuman image notwithstanding, I don't think I will ever have the same relationship with food again. Not that that is all bad. Two years ago I had another health...
It's been almost 6 years since my RP and as of my last PSA reading 9 months ago, my PSA is undetectable. After 1 year of PSA readings every 3 months and one year at every 6 months, I've been on a...
I am aslo a Gleason 6 with pathology similar to yours. I had an isolated reading of .02 about 4 years ago. My uro told me not to sorry, that it was likely an isolated instance and could likely go...
It was Michael Milken's story that caused me to start following my PSA at age 40. If not for his story, I don't know that I would have ended up finding out I had PCa at age 54....
Stress causes inflammation. Inflammation causes bad things....
Congrats!! Here's to many more!...
Love it! Congrats!!...
The short answer to your question is yes. I had an isolated .02 at 2 years out, and my doctor told me not to worry, as he thought it would likely go back to to <.01. He was correct. Try not to worry....
I am posting this reply not more than 30 minutes from Lake Worth. I bought a place her 5 years ago and couldn't be happier that I did. I spent last week up north on Long Island and in 8 days caught...
Thanks to all for the good wishes. I wish you all the same. Hey CMM, I remember. I went in the day before you. Hope you are well....
Best of luck. You're in good hands with Dr. T. You'll be fine....
This morning I had blood drawn for my 5-year post surgery PSA test. By the afternoon I got an email alert from the hospital that I could log on and see my result. I was most relieved to see it is...
Pratoman, Congratulations on your daughter's engagement....
TA, "For guys like you and I who have already had curative therapy, I don't see any point to dietary changes, other than for cardiovascular health." Interesting. I've had curative treatment, RP, and...
David, From what I understand, Ambien gives some people very vivid nightmares. A friend of mine took it once, had that experience, and never took another Ambien. Perhaps this is what is happening and...
I would go to NYU Langone and see Dr. Herb Lepor. They can do a MpMRI which may possibly spare you from a biopsy. There are also newer tests that can supplement the information from a simple PSA...
Just had one last week. Not a big deal at all. I would take a tranquilizer if you have one and are anxious, but the procedure itself was uncomfortable, not painful. Just breathe through it. It did...
I agree with JackH. You cannot control for a single dietary factor, since there are so many variables in people's diets. In addition, these studies are of the general population. Those of us in this...
I love reading stories like this. Congrats!...
Retest is the first order of business. One off results can always be wrong....
The don't start with an MRI due to cost. I followed the same path as NewDay. I was leery of a biopsy, so started with a mpMRI (good insurance) which showed a suspicious lesion. An MRI guided biopsy...
I actually understood one of logo's posts; now I'm scared!...
Congrats on the zero! I knew your first reading had to be an error. What a relief! This is an example of why no unexpected test result should be acted upon without verification by at least one more...
Great News! Congrats!!...
Best of luck, David. I hope this will bring you a better QOL....
Pratoman, Your post is something I could have written about myself. It is a terrible way to live. Even 4 years out from my PCa surgery, I still research that and worry about whether I am doing...
I assume that you transposed your numbers and it is 92% at 10 years and 75% at 15 years. If so, the reason is simple, people fail over time. The more time, then more people that fail. Conversely, the...