Thanks Tall Allen et al... feel better knowing that my PSA trajectory is not that unusual... Dave...
I had SBRT radiation about 16 months ago... from UCLA. At the time my gleason was moderate - 6s and 7s as I recall. And pc appeared to be contained to prostate... not grown into walls... and bone...
Thanks for the replies here... gives me some reassurance that this is typical (for some at least). I spoke to Dr. King at UCLA (excellent doc BTW if anyone is looking - top in his field - and very...
I'm soon to be 55... completed my 5 sessions of SBRT at UCLA w Dr. King about two weeks ago (via the Rapid Arc system - not cyberknife) for prostate contained cancer - psa pre treatment was 21 -...
Thanks for the posts/replies regarding quality of orgasm after SBRT or any PC treatment that causes anejaculation... Glad to hear that for most of us orgasm (with little to no ejaculate) is as...
I am a 54 year old - recently diagnosed w moderate risk (PSA about 20 - gleason scores of 6 and 7 - appears prostate contained). I am planning to be treated via SBRT at UCLA using the Novalis system....