Hi Allen, Thanks, I never read those. Pretty compelling really I've seen some anecdotal web pages on black walnuts and prostate cancer benefit but nothing from a truly reliable source. Black walnuts...
Hi Gadget, Feb, 2012? I'm confused. I was around your age when I went to a urologist for prostatitis. I had an elevated PSA of 6 at the time. A 6 core biopsy (standard at the time...rrrrrrr) was done...
Hi Allen, Thank you, as always. I hope it turns out to have been a wise decision. We'll see. In the mean time I'm gonna eat lots of black walnuts. It's a family tradition as my father and grandfather...
Hi, I haven't attended the board in a while (classic out of sight, out of mind) and thought I'd share my experience to date with Lymph Node Dissection (LMD) if it could provide any information to...
Italitin, My experience with Lupron wasn't that hurrendous honestly. Yeah, loss of labito and menopausal symptoms including hot flashes, mood swings and breast enlargement are hard to digest for a...
Ciao Italitin, Two different opinions, if not twelve, seem to dominate the field of recurrent disease. I am just recurrent myself and after wading through months of delayed appointments and differing...
Thank you again Allan for sharing your knowledge. The more information a mind has the more it can see things with depth and in stereoscopic 3D. Much appreciate it! About the Zytiga trial, you...
Hi, I am scheduled for a lymph node dissection in a little over a month. After reading this I am a bit nervous. I was told the risk of problems after the dissection was low side but now I have to...
Dear Mr. Beacon of Hope, From a PSA of 3216 to .05 after 11 years. Dang! That's impressiveness! Thanks for sharing. Michael...
Hi Annie, Oh, that's really nice you've visited with Dr, Karnes as well. Yes, he's a good guy. I'm glad to hear that you liked him. Did he treat your husband? I probably overstepped my statement that...
Thanks Allen, I have to say I very much like the guy. Finding good care that you feel is on you're side is half the battle and Dr. Karnes is a very decent, human, intelligent man who enjoys his work...
Thanks George and Allen, It makes sense a whole prostate gland would shed more cancer cells than oligo mets and removing larger mass would have more benefit than smaller sites. I understand the risk...
Ok, so if you receive treatment on oligometastatic sites and your PSA becomes suppressed and flat lines for five years without rising (which I was told can happen), even though you are not seeing...
Hi Guys, Thanks much for the input. George I see what you mean with standard imaging and OPC classification. Thanks!! I feel better now. I didn't catch that. (There is a learning curve in...
Hi All, I have been at a difficult cross roads with how to proceed with my oligometastatic disease. With not a huge amount of data available and hearing differing opinions from oncologists and on...
Hi Bob, Can you possibly tell me who your oncologist is that uses Dr. Meyer's methodology? If not on the forum, here is my email address: yarbo3@aol.com. I wouldn't mind a pair of eyes on my...
Wow, I am definitely going to ask for Casodex alone as an experiment as it sounds way more tolerable. How about a quick shot of firmagon to lower PSA then wean into Casodex to see if control is...
Wow, that a weekly dosage of Casodex was enough in that patient to acheive such a drop in PSA is something to remember. I have osteoporosis and am freaked out about eternal ADT I must say. To find a...
This thread is nicely addressing my situation with my recently discovered pelvic node disease and is clarifying. What's clear from the discussion is thats its unclear treating oligomets is life...
Thank you Allen, It's encouraging my decision make sense to you and others here. When I spoke to Dr. Karnes over the phone he mentioned that someone did some data work and came up with thought that...
Hi Allen, My pelvic region did receive 45 gr. My prostate and seminal vesicle received gradient amounts higher than that according to my radiologist. I am having a biopsy done of my prostate and...
Thanks much George. Those was helpful and somewhat encouraging links. Allan, all I see in my hospital on line records is: Treatment: Brachytherapy followed by EBRT (45 Gy/ 25 fx) completed 6/29/12...
Hi Allen, Yes, sorry, I should have been more clear. The salvage prostatectomy would only happen with a positive biopsy confirming presence of cancer. An MRI I recently had suggested remaining cancer...
My radiation oncologist said the nodes were previously radiated so I have to assume they were. That SBRT can be administered post IMRT is encouraging. So many conflicting statements and claims...
My radiologist who did my initial IMRT says I experienced too much radiation to qualify for further radiation of my pelvic nodes as they already radiated the entire prostate bed. Does this hold true...
I am now heavily considering a prostatectomy and lymph node dissection to deal with my recurrent, lymph node positive cancer. I understand that a prostatectomy following failed radiation comes with...
They claim they have evidence the docatoxel has greater effacicy without ADT (in a non castrate body). I don't know why they believe that but I will ask for details and will let you know if I get...
Hi Allen, I realized I have a fairly simple question regarding this new local trial that wants to use Docataxel without ADT at first, then adding ADT later towards the end of treatment. Do you know...
Thanks Allen, When they factor overall survival are they seeing time till death or time till biochemical recurrence? If till death, these studies must have been around quite a while as low risk...
Hey Tall Allen, Ask and you shall deliver! I am truly, truly in awe... That's sobering. I'm not a fan of needless toxicity to the body and I am wary of going forward with chemo unless it's really...
Hey Tomson, Thanks for the balance and inspiration. You, along with others here mention not looking back after making the decision to quit working. That's really comforting. At 56 and having a...
Yeah, true. "Winners" don't like taking on something they may not win. Anyway, enough of killing this thread with useless political innuendo. I will leave the topic with this thought though. If our...
Thanks Fiddle canoe, I think I will follow through on your suggestions.. Michael...
Hey Redwing, 2/3, huh? Hmm. That does hurt the mind. How complicated we make everything with our greed and our fear. When I think of all the taxes I've paid and where most of it all went. Boo.... A...
Yeah, in retrospect I'm not sure if it was a wise decision or not to get the test. Unless there are tailored treatments to match specific genetic profiles, which I assume has never been established,...
Ok, this time I'm typing this in an email to myself, then I'll copy and paste onto my new post. Loosing that post was emotionally taxing. Bohemond, 30 years later and you still remember the painful...
I want to cry. I REALLY WANT TO CRY! I spent an hour and a half writing a nice post, full of wit, intelligence and commiseration and the damn thing dissapeared on me. I tried again and it DISSAPEARED...
Thanks Allen for the clarity on SBRT. Do you know if there is any stellar data with Prostvac at this point? Many thanks, Michael...
Thank you everybody for all your fine input. I fully understand now the issue with treating lymph nodes. It's a gamble for sure and only beneficial I can see if there is any hope for cure. Otherwise...
Hi Friends, My recent UCSF Gallium 68 PSMA PET scan (insurance covered this but it would have cost roughly $4,000 without insurance I was told) revealed I am now metastatic. CRAP! I have two...
I got some "Viagra" from a Canadian pharmacy. The pills were manufactured in India, generics and were only labeled as sildenafil. They work fine though, just as good as name brand and nice and cheap....
I live in Charleston and see Dr. Lilly at The Hollings Cancer Center. He is an oncologist that specializes in prostate cancer. He has been very objective, honest, connected to some clinical trials...
I think the cost is around $1400 but I'm not positive. It might or might not be covered under insurance as well. I read the details of that other scan and it looks like I don't qualify. Qualifying...
It's so amazing that these antigens are discovered and used in the way they are. The process of discovery is wondrous. How lucky we are to live in the era we do. 100 years ago, we'd all be gone....
Hi George, Did you look at these images between the two scans? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4493776/figure/Fig1/ It's a pretty convincing. I just wonder if these images are the norm...
Thanks George, What's the difference between PSA and PSMA? Is there any proven benefit to take bicalutimide before a PSMA scan? Like dusting ghosts with flour to see them better? I have some left...
Thanks guys, I have spoken to some of the contacts at those DCFPyL studies and am excluded by all but perhaps one. I would have to go to Hopkins twice. I am already accepted for a Gallium scan at...
Allen or anybody else, Can you direct me to the study that compared Gallium 68 and DCFPyL? I would like to show that to my oncologist. Also, has there been any comparison between a Copper Cu 64...
Sorry, I drifted badly off topic. My mind goes off in strange directions at times I'm afraid. Especially these days. Allen, I couldn't open that second link. I made some inquiry over the last few...
Allen, It's a tough time for sure. Thanks for the understanding. How much can a mind handle? I brought my parents down from Chicago to live next to my wife and I. They were my parents, my best of...