I have just finished 44 rounds of IMRT and have been doing ADT for approx. 6 months. My most recent PSA reading, taken only a week after finishing IMRT, has come back at 0.066. I'm excited with that...
VICTORY....two great pieces of news this week.... Insurance has reversed decision and will be allowing IMRT.... Last weeks lab results show PSA drop to 0.16.......
Tall Allen.....that's a question I'm trying to find out, but I'm not pleased with having to drop back to something my doctor feels is inferior. What I can't wrap my head around is it's still...
We're on our second appeal...and waiting to hear again. The first appeal denial stated ....Since metastatic disease is not "localized cancer", the medical policy does not consider IMRT medically...
Doctors have not suggested that yet ( the brachytherapy procedure) but I plan to ask....
JNF...insurance is saying "not medically necessary"..I've been on HT for 3 months and was ready to start IMRT radiation, and then they denied....
updated profile with info...
Any thoughts, positive or negative, for IMRT radiation versus 3-D Conformal..? My insurance is denying IMRT and doctor is now suggesting we treat with 3-D Conformal. thanks for any input....
I'm in Greenville SC and looking for recommendations on a medical oncologist....
Just diagnosed with PC..Gleason of 9,,,,possible bone mets yet to be confirmed. Urologist has started me on Bicalutamide 50mg. My next step is to find an oncologist...what's the best route to go...
Hilander64....most definitely would like to check them out plus hear more of your experience with them....
Tall Allen....I'm in Greenville, SC. help with identifying the best medical team is appreciated, if you have any for this area....
I have just been diagnosed with PC on Monday. Biopsy was done 12/9/16. I am 63 years old and normal/good health otherwise. 11 of 12 core samples showed cancer with a predominant Gleason score of 9,...