Met with the doctor today. He really had no explanation for the pain as he hasn’t really seen it and he expects it’s just part of healing. He told me to give the stimulus a break for a few more weeks...
Visualize birthing Mick Jagger lips first. But I am wondering if anyone has any input on the orgasm pain. I read an old study from 2005 that found two correlations with that specific type of pain...
So back in March of this year I was diagnosed with a very small amount of G6 PC, after an MRI showed a small lesion and a Prolaris test showed slightly more aggressive I went ahead with an RRP. The...
I haven't seen my full report yet but here's a portion of a case study report that has a similar number to mine. It seems I'm at the lower end of the more aggressive bracket, closer to the consistent...
Hello all, I've been quiet for a while doing my research and visiting a couple different doctors including a surgeon and radiation oncologist. One thing I was waiting on was I had a Prolaris genome...
The only radiation options presented were IMRT and LDRBT. He also said that the LDRBT procedure is only done by one doctor in all of Southern California for my HMO and that doctor is in Los Angeles...
Thanks. I wouldn't let it get that high either but based on my steady PSA rising over the years, even if my current doubling time remained consistent, I'm looking at a couple years tops before it...
So I had my consultation with the radiation oncologist today. Unfortunately he didn’t really make my choice any easier and wouldn’t recommend one treatment or another given my situation. He believes...
Thank you for sharing....
Island Time, Wow that's nuts. I haven't talked to any other doctors yet, but I'm curious what they will say when I do. I have noticed though, in the various support groups I've visited so far, nobody...
ASAdvocate, You are very fortunate in your successful AS, that is good news. I definitely haven't ruled AS out. I currently have consultations lined up for radiation and surgery and then I want to...
While low grade G6 is a good place to be, the AS controversy (and stress of being on the fence) is it's own issue. It'd almost be easier to decide if it were a 7. I'm not concerned with AS leading to...
My URO found a dark spot on ultrasound and felt a firmness that he suspected could be a tumor. It was in the same spot that the MRI found a lesion weeks earlier, and the same spot the pathologist...
This is a slide from a video resource Kaiser gave me, I'm a little troubled that they rule out AS for stage 2 except for those too old or too unhealthy for treatment. Kaiser isn't small, so this is...
Thanks everyone for the input, it's a lot to take in so I'm trying to learn. Kaiser: They are indeed closed and cumbersome to navigate outside their defined perimeters for sure. If I wanted to change...
Any idea what that costs? I'm not sure I have any objection to the Kaiser pathology report, it seems pretty favorable. And the MRI lesion, digital exam nodule, dark spot on biopsy ultrasound, and...
Yea that's the vibe I got from the doctor. He said its low grade enough that I can take my time getting myself in order and ready to do the surgery, but didn't want me to just leave it untreated...
He also said watchful waiting would likely entail PSA checks every 3-6 months and biopsies annually....
I joined here 2 years ago trying to learn what I could as I became aware of and was monitoring a steady rise in PSA with a increased risk factor of a father who was DX PC at a fairly young age. I...
Just had another biopsy today. Doctor said on digital exam he can feel a slightly denser area located approximately where the lesion was found on the MRI, and the ultrasound before actually taking...
Greg, That's the impression I'm getting about the watching, you don't want to act unnecessarily early, but also don't want to wait too long. Seems a bit of roulette trying to find the right balance...
Well I had my MRI, and I'm not entirely sure what it all means. But what I'm taking away from it, is that my suspicions all along were probably right. That something slow was growing over the long...
Finally got a reply from my Urologist: "I usually will order an MRI if there is a concern that we are missing an area of biopsy. This is seen with very large prostates- greater than 60 grams. Your...
Some of my PSA numbers were ball-parked from memory, so I requested specific dates and results from my doctor to better track, they are listed in my sig below. I have also requested the MRI suggested...
I will ask, I think I'm at the mercy of Kaiser's policies and it's not like I can get another doctor or I'll just end up with the guy in the next office over in the same place with the same policies....
Hi 0311, When I had my last consult with my Urologist about 6 months ago, he said recheck in 6 months and if it was over 4 then he would do another biopsy. If that second biopsy was negative, then an...
Hello, back again. PSA is now up to 4.4 and I'm scheduled for another biopsy next month. UO says if this one is negative again then he's going to send me for an MRI or something that looks for...
Pratoman, all I've tried for antibiotics is for my biopsy they gave me a cipro injection followed up by several days or oral cypro. Intended of course to add protection from the biopsy intrusion,...
If my math is right, these are the year to year percentage increases over the previous year. Not sure what the standard for fast or slow velocity is. 2010 - 0.81 2011 - 0.97 (+ 16.49%) 2012 - 1.24 (+...
Lots of good advice here, things I was unaware of asking about. Thank you all....
Not sure of the details, but I know at the beginning of the biopsy procedure, the Urologist measured size and shape with the probe (sonogram?), did a finger check, and a visual check of the core...
2010 - 0.81 2011 - 0.97 2012 - 1.24 2013 - 1.82 2014 - 2.2 2015 - 2.9 2016 - 3.6 Well it's still going up, seems like the fractions are getting larger (is this what's called doubling time?) I've been...
Hi all, I just got a call this morning and biopsy was negative, no cancer. Urologist has released me back to my primary care physician and has recommended I continue with my annual PSA checks. As...
I’m 47 years old, my father had prostate cancer at age 56, so because of that I began getting screened early. Below are how my numbers have steadily progressed. 2010 - 0.81 2011 - 0.97 2012 - 1.24...