I had bleeding with clots 4+ years after completing salvage radiation. Scary stuff and had the full workup including CT scan and cystoscopy. Diagnosed with radiation cystitis and did hyperbaric...
Hey Teddy- I'd say its more regular bike as I'm more upright. Have you considered trying it in small doses and gradually lengthening the time if you progress without bleeding?...
My experience with radiation cystitis and post Hyperbaric Chamber is that lifting heavy objects can cause bleeding. I'm able to run and use stationary bike at the gym without issue. Don't use...
Get SRT + ADT now. Not much to think about. You'll do great!...
Sorry you lost your < Jay. You've certainly done all the right things and looks like you have excellent resources. Looking at your signature, I see you had a decipher test on 7/16 with some decent...
It's hard to make recommendations but I would act if I were you. I was diagnosed at 49 with Gleason 6. Genetic testing revealed intermediate risk. MRI showed no sign of cancer. I did all the research...
I'm a huge believer in AI and its positive impacts on health care. It's perhaps natural to go to fear first with technology innovation, but AI is going to enable customized therapies based on the...
I just finished reading "Outlive" by Dr. Peter Attia. It was very interesting and I highly recommend it. Of course nutrition is important. But one of the takeaways is that its actually more important...
My first PSA post surgery was .40 so I didn't have to concern myself with decision-making. I was getting SRT 4 months after surgery with a six month course of ADT. That was six years ago and I've...
I had persistent PSA post surgery in August of 2017. It was .40 and then .52. I did have a positive margin. Three months after surgery I began salvage radiation with a course of ADT for six months....
I had persistent PSA post surgery and then salvage radiation immediately. That was 5+ years ago and my PSA has been undetectable since. However, I developed radiation cystitis so I stay with the RO...
So update on my unique experience. I completed 40 hyperbaric treatments two weeks ago. The hyperbaric doctor recommended 10 more and we are waiting on insurance approval. No episodes of hematuria for...
Do your best to follow the directions of the full bladder. I did my best but did get radiation cystitis anyway that has resulted in hematuria 5 years delayed....
Thank you for sharing! Sorry for your loss, your father sounds like he was a brave man....
With ChatGPT, Bing is now best. Plus you won't see as many ads. Google floods you with sponsored content....
That was the premise I was working on at the time- finasteride may make it less likely that you get cancer, but if you do get it could be worse. Now is that because finasteride masks PSA so its been...
I would add that my finasteride use was the wildcard that spurred me to take action I might not have otherwise. Given that I was 3.3 PSA I decided not to wait on a Gleason 6 diagnosis. As it turns...
My urologist is Dr. Borhan at Affilated Urologists....
I was on Finasteride for 20 years for hair loss. When my PSA creeped up to 3.3 I had a biopsy that found cancer. Originally diagnosed at a 6 it was upgraded to 4+3=7. Uro thought my psa of 3.3 was...
Four months ago began having blood and blood clots in my urine. I am over five years out from salvage radiation. Did the full work up with CT urogram and cysto. This ruled out cancer, stones or...
After three weeks clear, the blood and heavy clots came back with a vengeance yesterday. Its now been clear since early evening, and if this trend continues it will return in another 2-3 weeks. I'm...
My experience has been that it was blood, then clot, then clear urine. Its been over a week since my last (and worst) episode. Still drinking plenty of water. Interesting about the hyperbaric study...
Sorry your battle continues Glen. Tomson, I seem to be on a similar journey as you. Hematuria showed up 5 years after SRT and uro confirmed cystitis. I've had 5 episodes since Nov 12, but the one...
I'm dealing with it right now. I first had hematuria on Nov 12 and was quite alarmed. This is nearly 5 years after radiation. I got into the urologist who did the cysto and confirmed radiation...
I too had persistent PSA of .40 after surgery at the end of August in 2017. Started radiation treatment + six-month course of ADT in December, 2017. Not fun to go through that regiment but you have...
I just scheduled my annual PSA check for Dec 16. My first annual interval. I have family coming into town for Christmas and thought about rescheduling. Maybe the week before? Maybe January? I dunno...
Wish you the best AZ. I was .40 after surgery so no debate in my case. I was on 6-month ADT and doing SRT 4 months after surgery. The .40 PSA was difficult to absorb. I did well with radiation at...
Very sorry Stephanie. Bless you and your family. His story did matter and he was lucky to have you....
After my RP the hospital pathologist came back with 4+3. I sent it to John Hopkins who came back with 3+4. Then Mayo calculated it at 4+3. So there is still some subjectivity in the analysis even...
I remember calling the surgeon's office three months after my RP asking for the results of the PSA test. The nurse/admin (I wasn't sure) told me .4 and I was naturally distressed. But the nurse/admin...
Surprised to see people on here OK with assault. So if you deem the joke to be insensitive and bad you are able to take physical action against the joketeller? Really? How about you use your words...
Well this would change everything as its 180 degrees from what we've always been told. In unrelated news, study shows higher highway speeds cause less fatalities....
After my surgery I had persistent PSA of .40. This is with a Gleason upgrade to 4+3=7 and positive margins. RO recommended I get the ADT two weeks ahead of beginning SRT. The RO also stated recent...
Simply outstanding. Reading this makes me happy....
True. I had taken finasteride 20 years for hair loss. When my PSA showed up at 3.3. I was told it needed to be doubled. My Pca journey began....
Good update and positive news Stephanie. And also, you are an excellent writer....
Sorry you are dealing with this Stephanie. Keep fighting the good fight. And plan for fun....maybe lunch/movie/game/shopping whatever it is you both enjoy....
Time for treatment. Like MotownPaul I had persistent PSA and went right to Lupron+SRT. Undetectable since. I find it interesting many still get PET Scans at such low PSA's. My Mayo doctor said we...
This is not what I was expecting to see. I haven't read the study and just responding to what I saw in this thread, but it runs counter to what I had always seen about T being the fuel for PCa. I...
Wow. Best thing I read all day....
Natural to feel despondent Avalanche. But this moment will likely be your worst in this journey. Take your mental health as seriously as your PCa treatment. I would recommend talking to someone about...
Remember that Gleason can be subjective. After my surgery my Gleason was upgraded from G6 to G4+3. Bummer. I sought a second opinion on the Gleason and it came back as G3+4. And then Mayo, prior to...
I was also diagnosed with G6 but post surgery wound up G4+3=7. My advice would be if you are seriously considering AS that you get a confirmation biopsy that you don't have a more serious issue. I...
GuitarHunter glad you are recovering well. Thought I'd share my experience. I went into surgery as G6 and did the surgery given my young age (49), decipher results as Intermediate Risk, and the...
Way to go Denis! Big one for me is to understand how Finasteride effects PSA. My GP wasn't taking into account that my PSA in the 1-2 range should have been doubled due 20 years of finasteride use....
Good to hear this. Wonder if anyone has experienced the side effect of nightmares. I have had occasionally crazy disturbing dreams while on cialis....
I was also disappointed to see that thread about a "New Era, New Hope" was just political garbage. Was hoping for good news related to prostate cancer when I opened it....
I would not recommend my urologist as the surgery wasn't successful. However I did go to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix for my radiation and the experience was outstanding. However, I don't know about...
I find this interesting as I have long read the recommendation to do the ADT first followed by SRT a couple months later. In my case, Mayo recommended, and I agreed, to start SRT just 2 weeks after...
And cautionary tale...I was diagnosed after biopsy with low volume G6. Turns out after surgery I was actually Gleason 4+3=7 and wound up getting SRT soon after. While all journeys are unique, I'm...