Hi Irish rose. Sorry for not being online, not been too well. Succumbed to stress and ended up on diazipam, taken the edge off at least. Going to see urologist tomorrow so had to do a urine input...
Wildirishrose, yes it's so important to enjoy the day as best you can. Something like this this does throw life into sharp perspective, 20yrs ago I had a terrible motorcycle accident, the effects of...
Hi Mike, I'm assuming the figures with your info refer to dates, why such a long time to diagnosis if you don't mind me asking ? ...
Thanks mike_t . I hope your treatment is going well. One things for sure, the psa test has much to be desired. After my first dre I had the psa test. I was so relieved when it came back low, that was...
Hi wildirishrose. Yes the waiting, it's terrible. They say ignorance is bliss but I disagree. I'm not expecting good news as ive had symptoms but unfortunately put them down to other factors in my...
Mike-t really sorry accidentally pressed the ignore button or something!!!!!...
Thanks dogdays, the stress has got to me I'll admit. Of course, like most others, it's not just about me, I'm my dad's only carer plus I run a business single handed too so stress is pretty high...
Thanks Rose, I hope he has a good outcome. As has been said to me, try not to worry too much, easier said than done I know. My other symptoms have felt a little worse today, pelvic and back pain, doc...
You're right. I'll keep you posted thanks 👍...
Hi, firstly my apologies if it's inappropriate me posting as I have not been diagnosed with prostate cancer, i have had two dre exams one said bumpy the other hard. My psa came back at 1.7. I've been...