Thank you all for all of your excellent support. I have handed the baton over to my husband. Putting my own oxygen mask on first. I applaud each and every man who takes interest, responsibility and...
My husband’s PSA was 7.8, up from 0. 3 years prior. RO never worried, he said, because of doubling time over 1 year. Every man on here gets additional treatments when PSA rises fractions. Haven’t...
Tall Allan, if I am understanding this correctly, it is the patients with the higher Gleason, more lymph node, most disease that fared better. My husband has a Gleason of 3+4, negative surgical...
First opinion was in St. Louis at Washington U. Second opinion was at Johns Hopkins. Husband will not go for a 3rd opinion. And frankly, it’s time to make a decision. Going in next week to talk...
So glad that I clicked on this thread. My husband’s story is very similar. PSA raising years after RP and Rad. Inguinal lymph nodes positive. Bone scan negative. Lupron dropped PSA to 0.1 in first 2...
Thank you Tall Allen and everyone. We will likely go home and talk with Michalski. Your advice is invaluable to us....
Thank you. Doctor just called, saying that 2 Radiologists here at Johns Hopkins read the CD of his CT of abdomen and pelvis and they see a pelvic mass, suspicious of metastasis, that our home cancer...
I think he is now sufficiently terrified, that he will do anything....
Ok. I posted all of this once and it disappeared. My error, I’m certain. Here is my husband’s story. Age 50..2003. Radical Prostatectomy. Gleason 4+3.Negative lymph nodes and margins. 2006.. PSA....