FWIW, got yearly bloodwork back and still <.008.Thank you F18 Pet scan, radiation machine and my URO. Dave...
The more I delve into the question of, “Does TRT affect PC,” the more I read of contradictory studies negative and positive. I am sure there are ongoing studies that bolster each scientists...
When I first read this article, I first thought that if you can take T shots that will enhance your life in the later years as T levels drop, and it does not affect your PC, it sounds like a win/win....
5.5 years ago when my PSA was1.17 my URO got me into a F18 Pet scan which showed two small LN in the pre sacral area that were hot. Too small and out of the way for surgery so had pin point RP aimed...
After surgery 2013, took up to 20 mg of cialis on recommendation from URO which quickly became 5 mg when needed. Still taking 5 mg 1 or 2 times a week on demand. Take no other prescription drugs...
Had RP on April 23, 2013. This was not robotic. Started walking within a couple of days of surgery. We live next to a large rural park by a lake so it was easy for me to access the trails daily....
Had RP 2013. 5 years later when PSA= 1.17 got a PSMA Pet scan that showed 2 small pre sacral LN that were the only thing “hot” in my body. Surgeon saidLN were too small and hard to get at, better to...
I have never taken this drug to answer your question. Dave...
Any time we can reduce our dependency on drugs of any sorts is very positive so the program you are on seems to be working. Hopefully over time you can continue to incorporate at least some of the...
Had the surgery procedure , April 23/2013,RP,not deVinci age 63, now 75. Catheter out 10 days, stitches I think 2 weeks. Started walking day after surgery and almost passed out. Lucky had my wife...
There have been over 7,000,000 deaths from covid world wide up until now, affecting every country no matter where you are in the 1st, second or third world. When at its height and before...
Prato Started ADT about same time you did for 6 months with RT in early December. 2018. <.04 PSA over last 5 years until my last draw which was at a different lab which measured <.008. My blood draws...
I agree 100% regarding diet and exercise what AZ Guy has written especially exercise. Dave...
TimG, Thank you for your kind words. Dave...
Nutrition is just one of the pillars although very important which makes up the foundation for healthy living. A plant based diet will surely help in reducing a number of physical problems which we...
It’s been 11years sinceRP and what I remember was the catheter being a pain. Walked every day for a month after surgery then riding road touring bike for 6 weeks before a bike trip in Europe. I did...
You are in a noble fight if rolling back the ravages of heart disease is your target. Don’t know if you can reverse the process, maybe slow it down. This is a major killer for people over 65. Diet,...
Had 6 months ADT 5 years ago with RT and T levels dropped pretty low. (below 12). Took a couple of years to get above 400, still going up at last blood test which was awhile ago. Yearly PSA= <.008...
Tim G Obesity incidence is increasing globally; the prevalence of obesity in Asian countries has risen to about 30 [1]. There is a linear correlation between obesity and OSA. In obese people, fat...
Not knowing much about sleep apnea I started to read up on the condition and realize for some, it can end up being quite serious. Maybe 12 years ago, I was a member of a truck camper group and one of...
Tim G 48bpm before the drop to 30. Was 45 this morning. Normal HR. Only goes into the 30 mode when sedentary. Cardiologist said doesn’t look like I am a candidate for pacemaker but he or someone else...
Mumbo, Bradycardia(HR:30) at rest started a month ago. Don’t know if it was a coincidence but I had my heart at an average of 148 bpm for 2hrs 52 min which was my time in our first 34 km xc ski race...
Good to see positive results from statins for those who are at risk with cardio-vascular disease. As we are all in the fight with PC in different ways, we don’t need another physical issue to deal...
Thank you Cyclone for encouraging all of us with PC to walk everyday all year round whether on ADT or not. I don’t know if this has been mentioned but If you want to walk outside and are in an area...
I think many of these items on the list will resonate with us in some way as many of us with PC are 65 and older. Having said that, we all differ in ways we have lived our lives and also in the way...
Had 6 months of HT during RT. T levels dropped to nothing but are now back up to 530, high enough that my wife says that I’m getting too frisky. And that is with only one testicle. Other one I lost...
60Michael, Yes, magnificent mountains and the only sad aspect is that whenever the park was named probably before the 19th century, there were a lot of glaciers. Now the way fewer ones that are left...
Sitting in the trailer on a foggy morning in St. Mary’s CG at Glacier NP Montana watching 4 older cycle touring guys packing up their wet tents. Fit looking bunch. They Were on a bike tour of the...
"Nobody wants to change their lifestyles if they can just take a pill". Most GP's have busy practices where they see every day, people of all ages who have abused their bodies with poor lifestyle...
Nice to hear of normal folks on the forum doing normal things like regular exercise that help us combat PC and all related procedures. Too many of us take our bodies for granted and live an unhealthy...
Studies that show how exercise especially when high intensity is included reduces the negative effects of heart attacks and strokes, the leading cause of death in adults, seems to be popping up all...
Haven’t noticed any shortages when taking Cialis. Quite the opposite. Flushed face maybe, higher blood pressure. I do think however, that we are getting the shaft for this high priced drug. Dave...
Cyclone, Good advice on daily exercise/walking, As of now am not suffering from issues/treatment of PC but that could change quickly knowing what this cancer is capable of. Finished our last day in...
There are many research studies done that show a direct correlation between daily physical activity especially with some intensity and positive outcomes for your immune system, healing from injuries/...
Every fad diet that comes along initially gets results in weight loss. Yes, even the all you can drink scotch diet. The only “diet” that will work consistently over time is where you burn more...
60Michael, Don’t think the mods would appreciate photos of vacations when the site is for helping those with PC. I do have some nice photos of our 5.5hr hike at Red Cliffs Rec Area yesterday and...
Todd, Used to play hockey and there are still lots of rec opportunities, but too many outside activities take up all of my time. Did get the life insurance but had to pay a premium which the company...
Ten years to the day as the sun rises on our dispersed camping area above Hurricane Utah doing one of the activities we like which is MTB when I had my RP date with the surgeon. Before this, in the...
Little under 2 weeks I will be 74. Knowing what I know now and after getting a complete hip replacement middle of December, RALP for me would be just another medium sized pothole on the road of life....
Had my one and only experience with cellulitis about 6 years ago. It was in the winter and was brought on by poor sanitation. I was skiing every day and came back home with itchy toes which was not...
I will answer the two questions that are in the original post dealing with me personally. Had RP in 2013 just turning 64. This was a more invasive procedure than the newer RALP which seems common...
I have also fallen a few times pre surgery when climbing a short, steep hill on skis. It is called harringboneing which means your feet are splayed out. This was odd as generally I never fall...
December 14/2022 had a complete hip replacement. Before this, I found it difficult to pick any thing off the floor, put on a sock or shoe, tough getting up off the floor when doing something on my...
Prato, The statistic that I read is that 90% of men over 70 which is you, have some degree of hardening of the arteries, forgot the technical name. The amount of plaque with calcification which is...
Late fall of 2018, received RT of 40 sessions to the prostate bed and 2 small hot lymph nodes in the pre sacral area. Had RP April 24/2013. Sessions were short, 20 minutes including getting on the...
Just wait till you see what Lupron does to Mr Wiggles. Dave...
Prato, excellent information in your reply. Type 2 diabetes is a completely preventable disease which if left untreated, can lead to serious comorbidities. Our body just does not need another life...
Thanks Jim for editing the long scientific article that I posted. I did not know how to link said article so sorry if I caused a problem. Dave...
“Cardiovascular Effects and Benefits of Exercise Matthew A. Nystoriak and Aruni Bhatnagar Additional article information Abstract It is widely accepted that regular physical activity is beneficial...
“The American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association developed some prescription guidelines. Typically, if a person's LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) is 190 or higher, they're often...