Thanks again for all the responses. You are very good counselors on this difficult journey. @Mumbo, sadly, I see. It's became aggressive and it makes sense now why they recommended such a drastic...
Thank you for all your fast replies and the good wishes. I changed my signature to reflect my current status. @Mumbo, my Gleason scores went from 3+4 pre-op to 4+5 post OP, is this strange? They...
I return to this forum, post-robotic prostatectomy. My recovery is going well, with incontinence being fixed and impotence getting better and better. The clinic where I had my surgery done...
As per the given responses, and Saipan's help, it seems the best course of action is to visit a good medical center for this issue to get the best advice (regarding as well if I'm fit for RT and if...
Thank you for all your responses and for your wishes. I would like to apologize for mistyping my age, it's actually 48. The last PSA score was 9.46, the Gleason score was 3+4. There is no cancer...
Good day. After a PSA investigations, I have discovered that I have prostate cancer. I have made the following investigations: - Fusion Biopsy in Milan, the result was 7 (positive) - A PET Colina...