I did not watch the entire video. Are you saying that anyone can get an updated GRID report? I had my Decipher and GRID reports done in 2016. How did you go about ordering (a free) updated GRID...
AZ Guy, The GRID PORTOS was a report done by the same company as DECIPHER. My surgeon was affiliated with a top notch Philly hospital and had a close relationship with the company that does the...
Thanks for the responses guys! So, anyway, I had a yearly scheduled appt with my local Uro today. Of course he tells me no need to worry, I seen the "less than" sign reappear on re-testing and a lot...
Hey JNF, can't say its good to be back! Lol I was treated (SRT) at Fox Chase. But right around that time, they were being bought out by Temple Health. I'm not so sure they are the same "Fox Chase"...
Hey guys, Bummed out. Lost my < after 4+ years post SRT/ADT (8+ years post RP). I now sit at .1. I know from all your posts that it's nothing to immediately worry about as nothing will be found on...
No. I was skittish about the needle. Plus, I heard some plaque can buildup with the shots and cause some disfiguration (Peyronies). Is that fact, not sure. If you read some of my ED posts, you'll...
Please take a look at my journey. https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=3828639 ...
Interesting read. I think this has not been posted here. Sorry if this is a repeat. Not sure how to make is an active link. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34555930/...
One of the first guys to talk me down from the ledge here on HW. Very sad. Here is his obituary. I am not sure how to make the link active. https://www.startribune.com/obituaries/detail/0000397362/...
Hey Stephen S, I went to the same RO for SRT that you went to at Fox Chase. He wanted the uPSA, I said nope, give me the regular one that just tests to .1. I didn't want to get worked up following...
ASAdvocate, I believe the SEER government database uses only Medicare (and Medicaid) info, so that limits the age to 65 and above. So, I think the 36% number you mention is low. I could be wrong, but...
I have about 9 months of daily use (2 per day) .4 mg Tamsulosin that I cannot use. Not sure if the Mods will keep this post up. Email me if any of you can use them. My contact is in my profile. No...
Cyclone-ISU, did I read that right that ISU football is currently in 1st place? Anyway, all my other labs were good and liver ultrasound found a slight fatty liver. So, we agreed that I would retest...
So, after reading Halberts recent post about his annual physical and blood pressure, I have a question about White Blood Cell Count and Lupron. Had my annual physical last week and all the routine...
I was diagnosed and treated at age 54. I wonder how I would have been treated in 1954? 4+3, T3a, RP, 3 yrs later SRT + HT....
If I recall correctly, the conversation centered around his statement of "cancer free", not a rush to treatment, and how that statement leads people to believe we have the "good" cancer. He is now...
Halbert, being 5 years out vs several months is a BIG difference. J...
His quote several months post RP, "I'm cancer-free". I think this statement does all of us a disservice. It feeds into the belief that PCa is not a "real" cancer. I would have preferred a statement...
PSA test 6 weeks post RP is too early. The 3 month post RP PSA test will tell you what you need to know. Good Luck!...
Gunner34, Really good to hear from you. I know your path was not easy and your future is uncertain, just like every one of us with PCa. You have demonstrated great resilience and fight. I look to you...
Well, my SRT was completed on Monday, 34 sessions at 200 Gy equaling 6800 total Gy to prostate bed and nodes at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philly. I got two 1-month Lupron shots beginning 8/23/19 and...
garyi, the HT was my choice. My RO actually told me that HT showed no benefit for anyone with PSA under .34 (he cited a study). He gave me the choice. Me, being who I am, opted for HT, as I figure...
Senior Sailor, The RO gave me the option of 6-7 months of ADT (Lupron) and I took it. I am 7 weeks into the ADT and 3 weeks into SRT. I discussed the 6800Gy over 34 treatments with him today and he...
I had a conversation with my RO on Tuesday this week after my 10th treatment. I know he told me prior to the start of SRT that I would be getting 6800 Gy at 200 Gy per treatment over 34 treatments....
Hey Guys, thanks for the support. I am done 11 out of 34. Some urgency, but very tolerable. Things have kind of settled in, just as you all told me they would. I got the routine down and, if the...
I started my SRT yesterday, so 2 sessions of 34 down. But, I'm receiving my treatment at a leading cancer center here in Philadelphia and as I walk thru the hospital, there are signs all around me of...
FranPro, You gotta hang in there. I was the same as you, then about 7 months out, I started to see some life. My surgeon told me that I should see incremental improvements over time. He was right....
PeterDisAbelard, OK, now I get it! Thanks for the extended explanation. My uPSA is only around .07, so no visible mets or any symptoms of them. Start SRT on Sept 25. J...
I got my first one month Lupron shot last Thursday (5 days ago). Did not get Casodex, even though I asked about it. I was told it was not needed. Anyway, from what I understand, Casodex helps with T...
Hey, I go for SRT imaging tomorrow and a 1-month Lupron shot to get things started. I am not sure about Casodex. Should I ask about that? Do I need it? What does it do? How about the Lupron shot...
fiddlecanoe, Did you have ADT/HT with your SRT? J...
Bohemond (Jim), I am well aware of your journey. I refer to it when I need a mental boost. Seems like you're 17 years post Dx. I was thinking of waiting until a higher PSA to start SRT, like you (.4)...
Hey Crazyick (Mike), I was seriously thinking of waiting to for SRT/HT because of my slow PSA rise. I am only at .06 now. Based on my PSA velocity, I figured I may have gotten to about 6 years post...
Crazyick (Mike), thanks for the reply. Your signature did not state your PSA at SRT begin. What did it rise to when you finally decided to pull the trigger on SRT/HT? J...
Hey guys, hate to post again so soon. So, here is my question. My RO basically stated that I will have little to no restrictions during SRT/ADT. I was wondering if I could amp up my exercise?...
Sky, That comes from the Decipher GRID PORTOS report. The Decipher test provides an overall score, mine was .56 (high average risk), but doing some research, they also provide other genomic "scores"...
SRT process begins next week on Aug 23. I go for imaging for planning and casting, and presumably my ADT/HT shot. So, as I head into this, are there any brothers out there that got a nice long run...
Guys, two quick questions. First, at my SRT consult last week, the RO mentioned Calypso, where trackers are placed inside me for real time RT machine adjustments. I would need to have a procedure to...
Pratoman, Yeah, he really seemed to focus on the slow and consistent uPSA rise from 18 months undetect. He told me that was a really good thing and a major factor in the HT/no HT decision. Maybe I...
I agree with mattam. I found a surgeon that had done several thousand RP's. But, to my shock, I had to actually request that he perform my surgery. I found out he supervises a lot of surgeries and...
Hey guys, I just want to fill you in on my SRT consult at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philly on Monday, July 15. I met (actually WE met, my wife attended) with Dr. Horwtiz, who is well regarded in the...
DJBearGuy, Great news! I am similar to you and your journey intrigues me. I was Dx about your age. I was 54. I just had a post RP SRT consult at Fox Chase on Monday ( I will post later about that). I...
Hey Prat, How about another update? I am very interested, probably others are as well, as how you are doing and where you are as far as "T" and PSA? Any SE's? J...
Wilderness, WOW! If you pulled the trigger on SRT at .06, you would have been drastically over treated. I guess you are one reason some RO's wait until they are sure there is truly a recurrence. Best...
AJMan, Can I ask, when you hit the .06 in Jan, why did you wait until May to start treatment? Did it take that long to do the scans, MRI, etc., or did you want a couple more psa data points? What did...
F8, You should not judge one person's view of quality of life. I view starting HT as a quality of life issue. If my RO says 3 weeks will not change a thing, then I'm ok with that. if he says asap,...
Mumbo, I am using the term "very early" to mean starting SRT (and HT?) initiation at values below .1, as mentioned in several studies. I have also seen the term ART used in some studies, simply by...
F8, Michael T, ddyss, That's what the consult with the 'expert' is all about. The study about the .03 and higher, from what I understand, is that 3 successive rises above the .03 should tell you...
Hey guys, Got my latest uPSA and I'm up to .055 3 years post RP. A continuing trend of about .01 rise every 3 months. I kind of knew where this was heading, but it really sunk in when I got an email...
Wotan, Are you still out there. Check your hotmail email account. J...