Will do Halbert. My sailing days are in remission but my favorite was a fixed keel Catalina 22 on Puget Sound....famous for not much wind in summer but you could usually find a little breeze off some...
Thanks so much for your replies and positive feedback. Especially JNF. Your post should be read by anyone considering radiation therapy. Thanks also to those of you who shared your thoughts of...
Decided on 2 rounds of HDR brachytherapy and 5 weeks of lower dose external. Had the measurements today. Worse part was the ducolax. After being up all nights with cramps I was ready for surgery. :)...
Hey guys, Yesterday I had decided on surgery...scheduled for Feb 10. I like the doc and feel he would do good job (even though he's only done 15 RPs), but I was still waking up with this feeling of...
Waiting to get some feedback from Swedish in Seattle on whether I'm a good candidate for seeds. Question: am I right in thinking the decision depends not so much on side effects but on which...
Trying to get scheduled with an oncologist but tough since so many of the docs are overloaded. I'm in a Medicare advantage plan with Kaiser which complicates my choices, but I "think" I can opt to go...
Great advice. I was leaning towards surgery...have the robot scheduled for early February. But, the rationale for seeds plus high beam radiation are compelling. The immediate after-effects of...
Thanks so much to all of you! I'm located near Seattle, WA but willing to travel once I decide what to do!...
Happy Thanksgiving. Just got results of my 12 core biopsy. Four of 12 cores have cancer, two from right base Gleason 4+4 (10 mm of 28 mm) and two at left base 3+4 (6mm of 30 mm). DRE normal, PSA 3.3....
Yes, the Prolaris folks told me that the maximum charge to patient was under $400...$300 something. They do bill insurance etc. for full amount....
I'm a newbie here (still learning what most of the abbreviations mean...:) Just starting active surveillance (Gleason six, Tc1, first opinion, waiting for second opinion from UW Seattle Urology) and...
Thanks, Paxton, for thoughtful reply. I asked my doctor today about the Michigan prostate urine test, which tries to measure aggressiveness of the "indolent" cancer cells but he says not enough...
I'm in early stages of PCa, Gleason 3+3, psa 3.8. Biopsy at age 63 after being on T replacement for one year which apparently lead to increase in PSA thought don't know that for sure. Doing AS and am...