I can’t give you a surgeon’s name but I would suggest find a major teaching hospital and check in with their urology department. I’m set to have an AUS installed in early February at University of...
I’m considering it. I recently retired and without the manufacturer’s grace I wouldn’t be able to take orgovyx. ADT is a lifetime sentence so T will always be low. So, I’m thinking get the snip job...
So sad to hear of David’s passing!! He’s out of pain and hopefully enjoying the streets of Heaven. He was so strong for all those years! RIP Purgatory!!!...
Well, it’s been four months since I last posted. The day after my last post I was fired from my job. One of the best things to ever happen. Later that month I received a PSA test, UNDETECTABLE...
Thank you Gentlemen!!...
Are there any other blood tests that can detect prostate cancer? I know PSA can tell you something is wrong with your prostate, and the CTC test (circulating tumor cell) can tell you there is a...
I wish greatly that I would have found this group 10+ years ago before I selected treatment. I would have asked for a second opinion. I would have asked for a PET scan. I was naive about the whole...
Was it Agent Orange in Vietnam? Bad water at Parris Island, NC? Over exposure to radiation maybe? Possible over use of medications that muted your immune system? Maybe genetic. Me, well since before...
Mattam, I think it's neat that the only losses Iowa and K-State women's teams, were to each other. Both 15-1, both ranked!...
A few moons have passed since I last commented on this thread. But I won't let this thread die yet, not until I do at least. Having cognition problems while working as a Programmer/Analyst is tough....
That's Awesome Hal!!! Carry on!! The drinks are on the house! Pappy Van Winkle for everyone!!...
Also, It maybe that where ever you read that they were thinking of G6 and G7s. So many G6s never metastasize, and G7s are either treated radically (surgery) plus they have a tendency not to...
Remember Jordan Pennington (JPENN???) He died one year after DX and he was only 45 or so....
10 years on ADT, 18 months on Xtandi, they are practically non-existent....
Wayne, Ignore VA, go with UT Southwestern That one is going up, monitor that one. Also keep track of time between tests. If it keeps going up, then figure out your PSADT (PSA doubling time) If the...
Med Onc for sure!!...
onthefence, Go see your Urologist and talk. Although you need to have another PSA test for a true comparison your PSADT (doubling time) is well longer than two years. That rate generally isn't...
Mattam, I agree but Vince is right about productivity and the interactive nature. Vince, For me the hatred of the rival usually involves arse hole fans, me being outnumbered (I'm a contrarian) not...
Prato, He looked miserable up watching the game Sunday night. I feel for the man. But my Chiefs keep rolling. I was wondering what was wrong with da Chiefs offense, then I remembered that Bienimy is...
Well, there I go again not stirring this post up so as to not let it die. My Royals dead last, please please put them out of their misery. And spend some money on those poor guys. Last place sucks!!...
My PSA never reached 2.0 after CR. But my PSA went from nadir of about 0.18 to 1.41 in a matter of 2 months. My Onco thought it best to have the PSMA scan. I am glad you have it scheduled....
Mumbo, I see that, maybe make in 3 times in a row without going down at all then. Short doubling times are serious things. All I'm saying is, after a set of increases, maybe scans are in order. My...
My MedOnc looked at two consecutive PSADT increases where the doubling increases were less than 6 months each. Your last pair of PSAs are about a 3 month doubling time. If your next PSA is in that...
Last week I had my most recent PSA test. Two awesome facts about it. I am now ONE YEAR UNDETECTABLE. Yea!!! My Onco says the average time to failure on Xtandi is about 9 months. Next month makes it...
Hi all, I just got back from a 3 day retreat learning to fly fish. And it's only for men w/cancer. It was totally free except travel. All gear, lodging, and meals were supplied. They have a lot of...
Ramon and Vince, I do actually agree with you both. HS should be about academics. When my daughter was in 4th grade and playing Optimist Club bball, we had HS school coaches watching the games and...
Do you know what time it is?? College football time!!!!!!!! Rock on!! My Cats play SEMO (SE Missouri, yes it's likely a squish game, but at their level they are excellent), hope we don't overlook...
RCS, all that exercise is what is causing all your pain. :wink: :wink:...
I'm way late in responding. After 24 months I went on ADT, PSA started going up after 12 months. After that we'd wait until PSA stabilized at my lowest for a couple tests, then go take another...
No, well not in internet free space. I found a couple on Facebook....
Logo reminded me of the guy in HS that was cool in a non athletic or non scholarly way, and I seemed to gravitate towards. He was just plain cool! I miss his posts....
Although I voted Yes. On other forums, some respond to these folks with snide comments. So, maybe not....
Oh a little call out to Seeger, I love it!! With the tan I have acquired this summer, I am amazed at all the scarring I have on my left arm. Dog bites, barbed wire, thorn bushes, angle grinders,...
I'm a little surprised that the central plains states aren't in the top 20. Farmers, ranchers and their workers out in the intense sun all day. I remember making the intentional decision NOT to wear...
Thank you EVERYONE!! Love you brothers and sisters!!!...
Thanks Bohemond!! Yes, depth is everything! Also, any spread to lymph nodes....
I went on a search for him. Found an old PC forum, where he commented all of 6 times over 2 years. According to this thread, his name is Jack. Jack Oh, and all of his comments were not in the style...
Does anyone know of a good support forum for skin cancer, specifically melanoma? Dermatologist cut off a mole yesterday that she says looks like it probably is melanoma. Noticed there isn't one on...
Vince, Thank you very much for your service! Anyone that says that, are idi o ts! I will say that when attending a sporting event, the majority of the crowd tends towards pro-country, IE Patriotic....
Exactly right RamonV!! I hate that amateur sports has to respond to big money....
Yes it is!! O'Jays Money ...
Wings that is so AWESOME!! So very happy for you!!!!!!!!...
Say something positive about the Royals. At least we're not the A's. Both the ChiSox and Royals have 48 games left in the season. If we play 700 ball like our last 10 games, and if the White Sox...
DYANK, I went to the Uro to ask about a Sling and/or an AUS. I'll try PT, and hope it does something....
Athletics is already taken, but I'd love that being the A's were the KC Athletics first. Prato, get the Royals above mediocre first....
THANK ALL OF YOU!! My visit with a Urologist was at KU Medical School. I met un-expectantly with a Urologist specializing in Women's urological issues. I wasn't real happy, I was told after I did PT,...
Hello all! I am thinking about going to a physical therapy for pelvic floor rehab. Does anyone know, is this more than doing kegals? Thanks in advance!!...
I was thinking just now, I know I shouldn't do that. The Royals would get a name change. One that would completely tick off a certain segment of society. I haven't decided what it would be yet, but...
Note: As my older players retire, assuming the team is doing better. And by better I mean, the winning percentage has gone up significantly. In the Royals case, after the first year, above .400...