Hey Gold Horse. Hoping that your cousin is doing well emotionally after the G8 diagnosis. ADT and Radiation should take care of this. Can’t see anyone getting surgery at 74. My opinion Good luck. Al...
I’ve been using CP since 2015 - nose pillow. I sleep better and have eliminated acid reflux issues. I haven’t taken reflux meds since 2016. Al...
My most recent Medicare statement had 6 consecutive monthly claims by a KY medical supply company for 200 self directed urinary catheters. Medicare paid the first two claims. My Tricare statement had...
Mid November 2022 - Annual visit with Urologist. PSA .03 Just about 7 years from diagnosis I remain a good example of successful radiation treatment, along with an early diagnosis. My younger brother...
I switched to once a year in November 2021. Urologist mentioned 1 year in November 2020, but I waited and continued 6 month appointments/PSA tests in 2021. Wasn’t quite ready then....
Cancerfight As you are approaching 70, I would recommend that you avoid surgery. Your urologist said that if you were 10 years younger, he'd recommend surgery. What he said was, I think You’re too...
Hey Optimist, Good luck on your decision. I was in your situation 6 years ago. After meeting with a surgeon and later, a Radiation Oncologist, I went with the triple play. My age at the time, fear of...
I was on Lupron for 10 months in 2016. I was tested for osteoporosis annually starting in 2017 with a scan of my wrist. Test indicated osteopenia. I’ve been taking 600 mg of calcium daily and after 5...
Thanks all. I have an appointment with my urologist and a PSA in November. If PSA stays steady, will switch to PSA annually. Appreciate the advice. Al...
In November 2020, urologist recommended 1 year appointment and PSA test. I agreed to the 1 year appointment but asked that we test PSA at 6 months. Tested today .02 At what point do I test PSA once a...
Senator Tillis has decided on his treatment. Surgery is a reasonable treatment option for a 60 yr old. I can only wish him the best, a speedy recovery and limited side effects. I’m sure he will do...
VA took care of me, Moderna Jan 25 & Feb 23. My wife was able to get her vaccine through a county health department 60 miles away, Pfizer Feb 10 and Mar 3. Yesterday, we went to a local, craft...
Hi Geetarman, I'm sure that whatever you decide, will be well thought out and supported by your doctors and family. Its great that you are plugged in here as there are many of us who had to make the...
Pratoman Have you ever had a sleep study? When you have your app’t next week, might be a good question to discuss with your PCP I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea in 2015. I now sleep...
Djin, Interesting study, thanks for posting Whenever anyone asks me about my PCa, which rarely happens anymore, i tell them that I’m in remission. Just like F8....
I’ve had three of my Doctors retire in the last few years, all in their late 50’s. Urologist, cardiologist and primary care. The specialists turned me over to another doctor in their practice and so...
My wife and I will take the vaccine as soon as it’s available. We expect to have to take newer versions or several boosters as the vaccine is improved Most of you remember lining up for the polio...
PSA .03 - 4 years after completing treatment. Downward trend continues. Couldn't be happier. Like many of you, I start stressing about a week before the test and then get grouchy while waiting for...
Bob Your numbers are almost identical to mine at diagnosis. I was treated with ADT, IMRT, LDR seeds Great advice from the previous posts. Good luck Al...
Hey marv Another radiation guy here. My urologist recommended the “triple play”. 2nd opinion urologist recommend surgery. I didn’t want to be operated on. Feared side effects and also wanted to avoid...
PSA test on Jul 30. 0.06. Good news As predicted by those who replied to my post 3 months ago, my last PSA (.36) was a bounce. Last Lupron Shot expired November 2016. I had a Testosterone test in...
Had my 6 month Uro appointment and my PSA has risen from .06 to .36 I'm thinking i'ts a bounce but the number wasn't what we hoped for. Uro contacted me and recommended another test in 3 mo. I know...
Urologist - Yes! Do it. Its been 6 years since your last biopsy. Also Bobby Mac gives good advice about the Prostate Health index. Al...
Hi Dogdays I had a similar treatment plan as you. My PSA rose a little bit after the ADT ended but remains low. I’m now on a 6 month test schedule. You'll probably need a few more readings to see any...
Hi Tebozo Treatment decisions are tough. There are side effects no matter what you decide. We’ve all been there Without seeing your biopsy results and psa history, I’m assuming you are high risk....
Idog Great detail in your last post. Similar to what I experienced except I didn't remember everything as well as you did! Get well and hopefully your recovery will be as uneventful as your...
Great to hear that your procedure went well. I had the exact same treatment plan. At 2-1/2 years, I’m feeling normal. I’m scheduled for my 6 month PSA test this week. Had a colonoscopy yesterday. Two...
I dog I waited about 5 weeks after beam radiation ended Al...
Hi Ca I had the exact same treatment. Good luck. Al...
Hi Nytngale Diagnosed Gleason 8, I selected Lupron followed by Beam radiation followed by LD Brachytherapy followed by a second Lupron Shot. Like your husband, I also had a relatively low PSA I...
Motpnh I started ADT before I made a final treatment decision I got a second opinion at Vanderbilt a few weeks after a Lupron injection. I also had my biopsy slides re-checked at Vanderbilt They...
Not sure if I've reached Nadir. I had one small bounce about a year ago , PSA still dropping. Retest end of April Al...
Another Bone density test this week - Z score dropped to -1.7 from -1.3. Still in the Osteopenia zone. PA wants me to start Prolia shots. Also wants to add some calcium supplements with my dose...
Learning Curves, Your Biopsy results are very similar to mine. Low PSA with a Gleason 8 I was treated with ADT, Beam Radiation and then LDR Brachytherapy. So Far, So good! I would strongly recommend...
Call your radiation oncologist or urologist immediately. Emergency room yes - you might need that catheter. I was on Flomax 2x a day after my seed implant. Burning cleared up in a few days, urine...
When I was making treatment decision, I considered Proton Beam but decided against it because the closest treatment machine was in Knoxville TN. 200 miles away. I never visited the clinic but...
Hi Jack, Glad that you posted. I bet you felt better once you pressed the submit button. I think you are doing everything possible to combat the PCa. You should be fine for many years to come. My...
Kevin Other non surgical options for you to consider I would recommend that you talk with Dr Jim Gray, Radiation Oncologist, at Centennial in Nashville. He took care of me and I thought he was great....
Hi Real Name Wanted to let you know that I was treated by Dr. Jim Gray at Centennial in Nashville last year. He is great to deal with. I was very satisfied with the care I did the same treatment that...
erbob: Great to review those PSA numbers. I'm hoping for the same results!!!...
Hi deerhunter. Hate to see that your PSA is rising. If I were you, I'd be talking to a Medical Oncologist as soon as possible....
PSA jumped from .008 in March 2017 to .090 in June 2017 Urologist is not worried. I know that the my PSA level is still pretty low but the reading jumped 10x in just 3 months. Next test scheduled in...
Hi wife of Pi I did the triple play last year. I decided that at my age, this treatment plan had the best possible outcome with the fewest possible side effects. So far I'm doing well. After the...
Hey 19 Good luck in selecting treatment. I passed on RALP and went the Radiation Route. You might also want to check out Proton Beam Therapy. It's a hassle if you have to travel. Treatment is Covered...
Eat2bwell I don't have an explanation for our family's cancer risk. My sisters and I think it might be environmental. We grew up in an older mining/industrial area where there are several superfund...
JNF - the cancer causing mutation if present can be passed from mother to son. Father to daughter. Also, if present in a female, it may cause ovarian cancer, breast cancer. It also can cause...
Myriad "myRisk" Heredity Cancer Test results show that I am not carrying a Clinically Significant Mutation. This is good news to my children, nephews and Nieces. Myriad recommended family members be...
VA About 14 months ago, I was struggling with the same decision - Radiation or Surgery. My urologist is a radiation guy. On day 1, He recommended the "triple play" ADT, Beam radiation followed by...
Medvetz Your PSA increase in 1 month seems high but there could be several reasons other than PCa. My advice would be to get it checked again in 6 months. If it continues to rise, schedule an...
I think you are a more credible candidate if you disclose your PCa. Be prepared to discuss your current treatment plan and offer a statement from your Urologist. You have to work with these people...