I do have a question, Where do you find information on a surgeons performance regarding robot surgery? Not much information available that I know how to find....
Last PSA test was 12, down from 16 before starting hormon therapy...
Hello All I have started hormone therapy By mouth for 28 days BICALUTAMIDE, starting one week before Lupron Injection, 6 month I have KAISER PERMANENTE Insurance and have been dealing with the...
Sorry nothing new to report, I cant even contact the Doctor with out being branded nuisance. Kieser . Can anyone recombed a lawyer . I really dont know what to do...
Thank You, I hope I have a chance to pay this forward someday to someone needing help. Your insight and encouraging words have really been helpful in regaining my balance of emotion and strength....
I don't even know who to contact at kaiser to request a second opinion. This insurance is horrible and I hate this doctor. The stress from this and dealing with Kaiser Permanente will kill me long...
I dont really know what all the numbers mean, makes things very frustrating. What I see all looks very bad to me....
I am diffidently going to need a second opinion and hopeful a new doctor . Does anyone know how to do that? So looking over his notes from Friday discussing treatment. MSKCC pre % looks bad, why even...
Thank you so much for the reply's,[ there notes falling from heaven] . I will do my best to give more information as requested. It is very difficult for me not knowing the numbers and acronyms. I...
I noticed no one replied , got it...
I am 57, fit and very active. On 4/15/21 I received bad news regarding a prostate biopsy, Adenocarcinoma 4+5 G9, Bone scan and CT scan showed no evidence of metastatic disease in the pelvis or...