Hi Jeffery, Wish you the best. Not an easy decision with so many options. My first urologist only gave surgery as an option. Never once mentioned any other options. The second urologist gave me...
A friend of mine who has had a kidney transplant just got his booster shot was told to come back in a month to get a fourth shot....
Redneck - “We broke up, but she said we could still be cousins”....
I would like to thank all who responded. I will continue to read posts and be an active member....
Glad to hear you’re doing well for so long. Gives me hope. The original time was 18 months. I feel the only way to know how well radiation did is to take a break from ADT. And at the first sign that...
Loved the two comments above about ??. Had to do back and read the posts several times in order to finish my comment. Lupron and memory...
I had my third and final Lupron shot June 8, 2021. Will continue Casodex 50mg through Dec. I do find it difficult and frustrating trying something different. Will be glad when the ADT wears off....
Thanks for the help. Slowly learning my around. My name is actually Jack. Atlas comes from the name of the first cervical vertebrae C1. I am a Chiropractor that specializes in adjusting the Atlas. I...
This is one of the most difficult sites of navigating that I have ever experienced. The most irritating is that I can’t find out how to find those who I try to follow. There are other things that I’m...