tak06, I have almost the same issue as you. I am not planning on another biopsy. I have had 4. I am not concerned about the G6 and my PSA has seemed to stabilize. However, I am having the normal BPH...
Just to make you feel better, I have G6 in my prostate and I have had 4 biopsies. I had two MRIs showing one small lesion. One MRI graded it PIRAD 3 and the second MRI PIRAD 4. I have had two...
Thanks again for the replies. As far as my urologist and HoLEP, it seemed like he did not pick up on HoLEP as he asked what it was. He did pick up on laser and it being a focal therapy. Possibly...
Thanks all for the replies. The guy I spoke to at the social event is an intelligent guy who I have respect for. But I don't think he really had a grasp of what was done to his prostate. He did not...
I had my visit with my urologist yesterday and thought I would share a summary of the visit. The MRI showed my prostate volume to be 123 cc a little less than I had stated in my posts. The Dr. had no...
I went to a social event last night and spoke to a guy who just had a simple prostatectomy using the HOLEP method. I asked if that was performed for his BHP. He stated that it was for treatment of...
I did find my previous MRI. Volume then was 145cc and I seem to remember the latest was 160 cc. As far as location, the report states ".9cm area of mild restricted diffusion without suspicious...
I am going to get back to you on the latest prostate size and lesion location. I did not get a hard copy of the MRI and it is not in my electronic files. I do know the lesion has had at least 8 cores...
Thanks to all for your replies. I have a consult with the urologist next week. Nothing changed much so I expect him to say the same thing as before. He recommended that I get it treated but was good...
Good point on Right vs Left...
Here is my history....
Looks as though I still only have G6 in the prostate and still a candidate for AS. I expected the worst this time and spent a great deal of time studying treatment options. I have included below a...
Thanks for your reply. Still awaiting my biopsy results....
I am curious as I am awaiting my latest biopsy results. If PNI is present, will or how does this impact the success of nerve sparing in an RALP?...
Thanks for the replies....
Looking for oncologist recommendations for IMRT prostate treatment in the San Antonio area. Individual recommendations or just a procedure on how to find a good one. Looking for one with experience...
I would suggest that you check our the Prostate Cancer Research Institute's (PCRI) videos on prostate cancer. They do a good job in explaining prostate cancer, treatment options and side effects. The...
I am interested in contributors thoughts on the link below. It presents a more optimistic perception for side effects in treating prostate cancer with the new high tech radiation therapy options....
Interestingly my urologist is concerned about the volume and would like me to consider either surgery or radiation treatment. He did state that AS was acceptable but that with being so young, I may...
Thanks for the responses. I was a little concerned with the additional G6 but I also wasn't certain if that the additional spots may because of the enhanced targeting from the MRI. My BPH is getting...
The PI-RADs score was PI-RAD 3 - Intermediate...
Thought I would share my journey in AS for others in a similar situation and provide you with my latest MRI Fusion biopsy results. I have not yet spoke to the urologist and am not certain how to put...
Thanks ShinytopPC Any side effects using finasteride ???...
Thank you all for your responses. They are greatly appreciated....
For all the Active Survelience people lurking like me on the site, I thought I would provide an update on my journey. Just had my 2nd biopsy a few weeks ago. The biopsy results show no change with 1...
I fought my insurance company to be able to get an MRI and lost unfortunately. I am getting my second biopsy later this month and it is an ultrasonic guided biopsy. Nothing showed up in my first...
I have Aetna insurance and had a MRI schedule for six months . A day before the MRI I received notice that insurance would not cover the exam and they cancelled the MRI. My prostate history is below....
Thanks.....URL challenged....
I saw this article in another forum and thought I might post. For those on AS, below is an article that may give you some encouragement....
ASAdvocate, As you can see below, I have just started by AS journey. I appreciate your comments and all that post here describing their issues. Last week I had my first PSA update since my biopsy and...
Great news !!!! For us on AS......where did you have your surgery? any issues 3 years after surgery....
Newbie here as you can see by my signature. I am very appreciative of this forum and thanks to all that participate. I just spoke to my urologist this week about the results of my biopsy. He went...