Hosed66, Thanks for explaining your situation. I have gathered some information that should help you. My RALP was in 04/2012. Following were some of my earliest uPSA readings, when both my uro and I...
Hosed66, I am one of the guys you are asking about. At least, I am getting close to the "official" post-surgery recurrence number, maybe a year or two away now, I guess. This "official" number is:...
Yes, that is the Labcorp order number for their ultrasensitive psa test, described here, and please note the sample report linked therein:...
Happy Holidays to all! Thanks to all for valuable information and experiences. The load is lighter when we are all pulling together. Robert...
Djin, I think we are both going to have to make some decisions based on less than perfect info. This will be really challenging for me. I will be reluctant to start any ADT or radiation based on scan...
I am thinking about having an MRI with and without contrast way before the PSMA scan. I worry that a PSMA will probably not show anything at my lower uPSA of ~.17, though it's obvious I've got...
Touchdown, Hi again. Thanks for posting the complete biopsy. It suggests a more difficult path than for the original 3+4. The biopsy's 4+3, high overall tumor load, per cent of Gleason 4, and extent...
Touchdown, Well, then, you found it! This will be a good site to frequent, as there are many guys here, esp. 3+4 s like you and me, who have turned the situation into something that just has to be...
Interesting article. Thanks. From what I could see, perhaps that should read .2 instead of .02? Robert...
This is a well written overview, esp. helpful for our family members... Thanks for finding it. Robert...
Good show! Hope retirement just keeps getting better and better for you. Robert...
Howard, Sorry about that news. Hope it's just a one-off test result. You may already do this, but remember to abstain from any food or vit/min pills, etc., containing biotin (B-7) for three days...
Hey John, Congratulations on your successful treatment! Path report portends a good future for you. When you get a chance, talk to doc or nurse about Kegel exercises. When not underdone or overdone,...
Pratoman, Please read up on IF (intermittent fasting) and talk to your FM doc about it, too. An example: https://healthmatch.io/cholesterol/intermittent-fasting-raises-cholesterol esp., this part:...
ourtime, This is really sad news. Hope you and close ones can now rest and have peace knowing that you helped your husband through this ordeal. Very sincerely, Robert...
azroadrunner, Welcome aboard. I went through the same sort of deal. Had RALP 2012, was on gel several years, got switched to T shots in 2016, saw first detectable uPSA within a year (2017), tracked...
Well, guess I do have heart issues now. In the last month, I have had echo cardiogram, carotid scan, chem stress test, and 7 day Holter monitoring (guys, make sure you shave chest area first, else...
Well, can you imagine the situation of the mailman whose route includes "Big Corp", to which all the samples are delivered, probably hundreds on any given day. Gets out of his mail truck on a hot...
Am on the every five years schedule, have one this coming week, and hope it is my last one ever (age 73). We'll see. The drink prep is one packet of mango flavored, followed by another of fruit punch...
Hi, rtom, welcome aboard. I am the fellow whose old post you originally appended to. Better to have your own thread. I am a bit above the "low" range you inquired about, but, oh, well.. Some...
ConfW, sorry about the situation and stress. I saw on your prior posts some consideration about getting a second path opinion from Epstein/JH. I do not believe seven months is too long to have the...
Stephanie, I am so sorry to hear this. God bless all. Yes, Jeff's story matters. Your persistence and excellent writing skills in documenting this sad part of his journey will matter to many families...
Saw this about Clint Eastwood's (age 92) eating habits -- he feels this has helped him a lot. But salmon for breakfast? Dunno.... https://www.eatthis.com/clint-eastwood-eating-habits/ ...
Stephanie, So sorry to hear this new development. As if you guys did not have enough on your plate. Good news is he will probably be eligible for COBRA. I had to use it in the past, and it is ok....
Surgery was ten years ago this month. Wow, time goes by fast! All my stats are in my profile and in the posts I’ve made over time. But, to summarize, Gl 3+4=7, one 3mm margin that Epstein rated as...
Really happy to hear about this. Your story is an inspiration to many who are wondering about their future with this disease. Take care and thanks for posting this! Robert...
Rant # 2 first: Yeah, no ****. I don't know what else to say. Not sure anyone does know what to say or do about it, given the political divide. My annual Uro appt. for this year has been cancelled...
Please no flames pro or con about vaccines. This is just fyi for those interested. Saw this pamphlet below, and a few drug interactions (sildenafil, fluticasone, vincristine) apply to me or have to...
A tough row to hoe, but you have a tough family there. Sounds like you are getting excellent medical help, and that may make all the difference! Everyone here is pulling for you. Robert...
Funny how? He's a big boy, he knows what he said....
lapilot, Concerned about this, too, from a different slant -- my five year scope is due fall of next year, but I am also thinking may need SRT sometime next year. Discussed with PCP and he agrees...
Twotall, We are nearly mirrors, with these differences in mine: 3+4=7, RALP 2012, uPSA started detectable 2017 and now sitting around .11, and I had one margin Epstein rated at 3+3=6. One grandmother...
Frank, Yeah, about 10 yrs out now, with margin, and monitor every few months to see if it is "high time for SRT". Right at .11 on last two tests. Seems my numbers since my shots 1 and 2 in Feb have...
Hmmm...gee...I...don't know about that one... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GG2dF5PS0bI ...
Dr. V.: And just another set of helpful tools, if you have not already run across them... https://www.mskcc.org/nomograms/prostate Let us know how we can help. Robert...
Does the "Britanny" in your name by any chance refer to the region of France? My brother lived there in Gourin for many years. Lovely place! I would not get in a panic to get the second path. Most...
Britanny56, Quick answer is that the surgeon cut down into the prostate by mistake, there was cancer there, and when the prostate was pulled out of the body during surgery, a small piece of cancer...
MGT, No have never tried the Muse things. Did cycle through all the meds (or their generics) - Levitra, Viagra, Cialis - over the years with varying results. No med seemed esp. better or worse than...
Not to hijack thread, but could you explain a bit about that? Couldn't find the docs you wanted in Dallas? I am probably going to need SRT down the road and was hoping to try in Dallas (maybe UT...
You, know, that's what I'd do, too, in your case. While the low libido can be disconcerting, your lab numbers don't look all that bad, with exception of your fT. Your numbers are very similar to my...
This is all very positive, and you seem to have pulled together all resources needed for now - a real role model for all spouses here having to deal with the medical maze! So happy that Mr. Jeff is...
Just wanted to add a mild complaint, that being that the post-operative treatment recommended to possibly higher risk men (OLEJ with nodal issue, my positive margin) will depend on who we talk to...
OleJ, You are one of the guys here who will have to make this decision in the future. Many here have also faced it, and pretty sure some will respond. I am headed to the same spot, though maybe a...
Stephanie, My FIL went through this, PCa with metastasis to brain, about thirty years ago. Even then, they did a lot for him and he did not suffer, as far as we know. Nowadays, there is so much more...
Well, that explains it, then. You know, for a well-regarded major lab, they sure do some funny things: like the occasional "way out of line" lab result (I've had one and others here have, too);...
Djin, Thought 1: -------------- Can't imagine why Labcorp would not provide free T units. Maybe suppressed in their portal - I don't access my results that way, so not sure. Suggest you go into the...
This thread reminds me how far a little reciprocal politeness can go, esp. when given a little nudge by mods, when needed... “I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I...
Does anybody have any information about possibly interaction between Covid vaccines and PSA tests? I can't find much but it would be helpful to know for those closely monitoring their trends. Anyone...
Sir, have always thought you have a lot of hard bark on you and that you can teach almost everyone else here lessons in resilience. Do wish you the best, hope you make your 50th and many more....
Ed, just to keep us all straight on your test results, this recent test was .126, right? If so, that result plus the following .137 makes me think you are still aways from the .200 that is...