I got an axumin F18 PET scan when PSA hit 3.0 after surgery, radiation and leuprolide chemo. That showed 3 lymph node mets. I got them cooked, PSA dropped to <0.1 for 3 & 1/2 years, then it began to...
Personal experience has led me to the conclusion that a finding of "moderate risk" G7 often misses a few G5 cells in the mix that can then rear their ugly heads despite treatments. I am still playing...
4 years after the last round of leuprolide & enzalutamide chemotherapy my testosterone has hit 136. Has been dropping since 'recovering' to 330, 3 years after the first round of leuprolide chemo. I...
I get PSA tests every 3 months, add in testosterone tests once or twice a year. That is how I learned that my leuprolide chemo treatments ("ADT") had killed 1 testicle and severely injured/limited...
Greetings. I am more paranoid than most here, but feel I should add my bit. IMHO, if they found G7 (4+3) there are likely some G5's that got missed and are rearing to go somewhere to do something you...
I am currently undergoing replacement of another molar due to frequent gum infections caused by Xtandi. (They list that as a potential side effect). I had a bone graft 2 months back along with 2 'cut...
..I'll share that one with the wife, Steve. Thanks!...
My uro told me that an axumin F18 PET scan would not show tumor locations until my PSA hit 3.0. I already had RARP, adjuvent RT and 2.5 years of Lupron. About 3 years after going off the Lupron my...
Mainly plant-based diet here, lean meats in moderation, reduced - fat dairy, lots of fruits & vegetables, whole grains only - no refined carbohydrates. Alcohol in moderation, cannabis (flower vapor...
Lifelong 'fossicker' here - I have a decent collection of primarily Devonian invertebrate fossils as well as various dinosaur parts. Fun factiod: fossil dinosaur bones have been found with obvious...
It would be just wonderful to me if such studies 'merely' resulted in curing/preventing cancer in pets. I lost my sweet Sandy (yellow Lab) to hemangiosarcoma that destroyed her liver and spleen. That...
My doc for the last 25 years is both an internist and a geriatrician. He is about 15 years younger than me so not retiring soon, gratefully....
Leuprolide chemotherapy pretty much killed off my testicles, last T read was 126, 3 years ago. Will get retested next month but expect the same. Considering what I have been through to try and get...
Related, but different approach: When I was 6 years old (1956) I got into a cycle of repeated tonsil infections. I couldn't get surgery as I was a "bleeder" (this was before they gave all newborns a...
"ADT" - leuprolide chemotherapy - works by completely disabling the hypothalamus gland which sits on and is intimately connected to the pituitary gland. When the hypothalamus is disabled, it does not...
Age 73. RARP, 72 Gy adjuvent radiation + 2.5 years leuprolide chemotherapy, T to 0. Couple years later Eligard + Xtandi, then 106 Gy more radiation. Eligard killed 1 testicle, the other is mostly...
"tendon ruptures" ? That is frikkin' scary and 1/2....
My $0.02.....the Radiation Oncologist told me that my adjuvent radiation therapy would raise my chance of another cancer by about 2% over the rest of my life. (I now worry more about sunshine, radar...
I agree with halbert, the perspective changes as you accumulate more years under your belt....
Healthy diet here - lots of fresh vegetables, whole grains, dairy, nuts and fruit, lots of variety. Coffee, mint tea, moderate alcohol and 86% chocolate. Like vomiting, constipation is disallowed...
In 2013 after RARP I got 40 adjuvent radiation treatments (72 Gy total) that gave me increasing side effects for 3 & 1/2 years (also got 2.5 years of leuprolide chemotherapy at that time). Soon after...
Lifelong professional visual artist - 57 years doing traditional painting, drawing, sculpture, conservation and lapidary. Not a high - roller, but comfortable. Locally 'famous'. My market has changed...
Welcome, Bill. Have been off leuprolides/enzalutamide for 2 & 1/2 years, still pee a lot. Carry a portable men's urinal bottle (Amazon) in my car for emergencies. Arthritis symptoms never went away,...
Extended "ADT" killed 1 testicle and severely injured the other (also screwed up my lungs, among other things). Started with T of 750, dropped to 125. Surgery & radiation shrunk my asset. Pills did...
Leuprolide chemotherapy (Lupron, Eligard etc) completely shuts down the hypothalamus gland - stops it from producing any hormones at all. The hypothalamus sits on and is very connected to the...
Eligard and Lupron stop the testes from producing testosterone. Prostate cancer needs testosterone to grow, multiply and move (become metastatic - stage 4 cancer). After a while the cancer becomes...
I got a set of moobs from 2 & 1/2 years of Leuprolide chemotherapy, also killed my testicles. T is less than 125 now, was 750 before starting treatments. RO nurse says the boys may recover, will test...
I started with my Internist, a Urologist and a Radiation Oncologist. When the Uro moved away to a distant practice and the PCa had gone to stage 4, I referred myself to the facility that had done my...
Last colonoscopy showed I have diverticulitis too. Took a deep breath and re - figured our diet (I am the house chef). No onions, garlic, heavy spices, refined carbs, grease or peppers. Lots of...
Mine also all fell out...excepting nose, eyebrows and ears. Now have a great crop in those places that I have to keep cutting, the rest has kinda come back except leg hair. Yeah, pump is boring...
Agree - good path report. :)...
...or any testosterone to power those impulses. :sad:...
G7 here. After RARP, 72 Grey radiation and 2 & 1/2 years of Leuprolide chemotherapy, G7 went to T4 with 3 pelvic lymph node mets. "That's not real cancer", "Nobody dies from prostate cancer", "that's...
Xtandi + Eligard helped me kick the can down the road for 18 months before the side effects became debilitating. It dried up my mucous membranes - including tendon sheathes - such that I became...
First round they got real small. After 2 & 1/2 years of leuprolide chemotherapy ended they took about 3 years to get T back up to just 350 (started at 750) then over a period of 6 months or so T...
My post 2013 radiation side effects included frequent explosive diarrhea, severe cramping and much bleeding from my hemorrhoids. That started soon after treatment ended, got worse for about 3 & 1/2...
In 1956 I got radiation treatments for chronic tonsillitis. I had a bleeding issue that precluded tonsillectomy surgery. They laid me down on a steel 'bed', positioned me, covered me with lead -...
I like that they didn't have to be subjected to leuprolide chemotherapy along with the radiation....
If you are in good physical and mental condition, the time that you spend dying is brief. Otherwise, it can take a long time being miserable. Mom did that - 9 years in a nursing home on heavy meds...
I have 3 persons that inspire me on aging. Sam 'the man' whom I first met when he walked past my home 45 years ago. 93 years old, walked 10 miles a day every day. I went with him, felt proud when I...
We each must do what we think is right for us, as we are able. :)...
To find my mets, I got an Axumin F18 PET scan. PET means "positron emission tomography". They bombard pure H2O with protons to change some of the oxygen 18 into fluorine 18, a fluorine isotope with a...
I also plan to get it as I am a fan of preventive medicine. Will get that Covid booster too. I have had many friends die from pneumonia they got after another respiratory infection wore them down....
Daily Taekwondo patterns, light bag work, light weight training and yoga. Currently walk/run/hike about 20 miles a week on local forested trails. Moderately strenuous studio and house work daily....
My first RO moved on to St. Joe's (downtown) right after my treatments at Crittenton - never saw her again. My second RO turned me over to his nurse practitioner about 6 months after that treatment...
My team (Uro, MO, RO + a bunch of nurse practitioners) told me that the side effects of both surgery and radiation are similar, but the surgical side effects were immediate while radiation SE's came...
Mel Went out for a run, tripped on the lip of a raised sidewalk section and fell. I landed well forward with my hands in front and to the side. My left hand was very bruised, x-rays showed a spiral...
The Prolia SE's scared me too. Before I got the shot I got 2 implants I needed done, and a crown while I was at it. The "necrosis of the lower jaw" side effect scared me pretty badly as did the...
Lupron/Eligard for 2 & 1/2 year first time around, during and after first radiation treatments. PCa came back. Details in my sig below....
Yeah. Since the RP I have to stand to empty. Valve issues, multiple streams and splatter are now part of my lifestyle. Getting up in the wee hours (catch that?) is also part of my post-RP reality.The...