The actual procedure was easy as I just woke up and it was over. From What I remember, the next day they removed the catheter and were going to put it back in if I didn’t urinate on my own. I didn’t...
I had it in the middle of treatment. After external beam and prior to seeds. Mine was to remove just a protruding “nub” that was partially blocking the urethra. Like any other surgical procedure when...
From long term prednisone use and/or high dosage, -The most concerning potential side effects of the eyes can be glaucoma and cataracts. Add in aging related deterioration or a combination of both in...
Rescued a repeat shelter offender, going on 4 years together, what a wonderful dog. Recently diagnosed with a mast cell tumor on his head at the base of his ear canal opening Consult $230 , recommend...
Oh, so no lunch time wood?...
Hey Mumbo, Exactly 85% of my paid social security for 2023, was added as taxable income on my 2023 tax return. My wife is not retirement age and she works full time, me part time. I did an online...
I started collecting early at 62. Full retirement for me was 66 and 4 months, depends on your birth year. Collect less but for longer so the break even point would have been around 78. It allowed me...
Can’t help with recommendations but ask family, friends, pcp, urologist, co-workers etc Online search with google reviews. Either way you need to get it done. I had the standard ultrasound guided....
Not right, hopefully he’s only using a hand digit and not some other appendage....
I remember a former participant on this site who had 8 or more? biopsies before they found the cause of his elevated psa, a tumor in the transition zone. That’s PC for you, the “good” cancer to have....
That’s great, congratulations 14 years out. I had a triple play too, was always less than .1 My understanding is, guys to better in the long term if they have a decline over time with radiation,...
It’s out there, see below. I don’t take them but seems worth investigating before you start. More likely and may cause,? Seems questionable. “A recent study just published in Jama Opthamology found...
Wife came down with a severe case from a co worker who went into work sick. That was about 2 weeks ago, sure enough it hit me yesterday. Feeling awful since with 101 fever. I think it’s a surge as...
Purgatory and Tall Allen replying, almost 5 1/2 years ago. Not sure dad survived that one...
See a urologist to rule that out. (Self digital rectal? Ouch,) not sure you’d be qualified to make a valid assessment) like others mentioned, blood work looking for cancer markers and all other basic...
Antibiotics and they can prescribe something to help him relax like a Valium if that helps. And make sure they numb the area first. It’s been over 10 years but from what I remember my Uro used some...
See your own radiologist...
They are nerve sparing unless they’re not. The primary directive is to remove the cancer however wide they need to cut. It’s in your best interest to be open to other less invasive treatment options....
Ruled out prostatitus but not sure how? Did they take a urine sample, blood test and perform a digital rectal exam? If not, they need, to in order to eliminate that....
The drug was Carafate pill form, RO said it creates a mucus like coating that helps protect from radiation, and Trental to increase blood flow for healing. This was pre space oar and from an RO who...
The full bladder helps stabilize the organs and surrounding “stuff”’from moving around. If they said he met the requirement to proceed, I’m sure it was fine. Plus if administered correctly they have...
“Then he said between 12 and 18 months should do it. Now, more recently, he's saying 12 months” They really don’t know and there are certainly negative side effects of continuing. Not taking the next...
Just an update if it might help someone. I had a spinal steroid epidural, didn’t help at all. Some pain killers finally prescribed. Hydrocodone acetaminophen combo, didn’t help, not strong enough to...
If your symptomatic from prostate cancer, Your way too late....
Ten years out from “triple play”’treatment . The thinking decision time was to go big and hit it hard, given it all I’ve got captain approach. It was a long drawn out process. Still under .1 Expect...
If you have had a constant rise over time, 90%. For a one off high 8, 50/50.(IMHO) As the late Terry Hebert said, the main rule with PC Is there are no rules. Tracking PSA over time and DRE with a...
I respect your decision either way, I get it. I’ve considered not treating if things go south or the next age related malady rolls around that requires excessive medical intervention. I would see...
Meant to say, if you do have prostate cancer there are many types of treatments available. My brother had SBRT 5 treatments no pain and minimal side effects. He is fully functional and for him it’s...
IMHO, assuming you even have pc, you can either have a potential cure from cancer, or have your the sex life you had prior to treatment, but not both. Adjusting to the new normal will be the way...
Congratulations Manfred, I had the same treatment. 9 years out for me, still <.1...
I had a left side iguinal hernia repair done with out any issues. It was 6 years after triple play treatment. It might make a difference if it’s done closer to the end of treatment but I have no...
A slow steady rise is indicative of prostate cancer. Variations can be caused by various factors. Getting a biopsy is recommended to rule out PC, plus early treatment can mean a better success rate...
So neurosurgeon, not an orthopedic surgeon?...
Thanks Susie Thanks for the reply Yes to neurosurgeon. It’s a long drawn out process especially with the end of year insanity with physicians being booked up, as patients are scrambling to get...
Just diagnosed with L3 L4 far lateral disc herniation. It’s a large protrusion off to the left side These types are are not very common. The discectomy requires partial bone removal to access the...
Stick with treatments that have long term verifiable high success rates over the long term, I’m pretty sure the cryobalation does not fall into that category. With that said, I stopped researching...
Another good site for information This one along with healing well helped me tremendously...
Starting the hormone therapy right away will immediately start fighting the cancer cells while you wait for the main treatment to start. Good luck...
I had an 1 1/2 hour commute too, had to get creative as the treatment caused urinary urgency. The solution was to wear loose fitting shorts and use a hospital type of urinal bottle as needed, which...
I had a color Doppler ultrasound to find that prostate protrusion then a urine flow test to determine how to fix it prior to the seed implant. My RO had his own on-site Doppler and ct scanner.I did...
Just re read my reply, probably doesn’t help you very much. Just aim for the treatment that will give you the best chance of a cure with the least chance side effects....
Hey JRK, You are on the right track by doing your due diligence. I had an enlarged prostate (65cc) with a "nub" partially obstructing the urethra.(didn't know at the time) which caused urinary issues...
The decision to treat is based on a very small sampling and is often upgraded at final pathology. Since I’ve been made aware of the PC world 10 years ago I’ve come to believe that with surgery you...
Wish I had some helpful advice but you might have chronic prostatitis which does not always respond to antibiotics. If you can, find a good Urologist to help you sort this out...
When I researched treatment options almost 10 years ago, the conclusion I came to was that an aggressive radiation regimen was superior to surgery for higher risk patients. I had surgeons telling me...
Nothing to add, but your How is tumor confined to the prostate followed by 4/3 LYMPHOVASCULAR INVASION PRESENT. PERINEURAL INVASION PRESENT....
Your 71 year old brother never had prostate cancer and has a psa of 1.9? Way below normal for his age. If that’s true, testing yearly seems about right...
Uro who did the biopsy recommended robotic surgery and briefly mentioned other treatments. He had only done a few robotic surgeries but was confident in his abilities to eradicate the cancer. Luckily...
Had 2 root canals and a crown same tooth. 2nd root canal failed, tooth had to be extracted, bone build up to support an implant was done, that failed, then needed a sinus lift and another bone build...
4 4 is serious, the fact that only 2 cores were found doesn’t mean it’s nowhere else lurking in the prostate. The biopsy is very limited as only a tiny fraction is sampled. I was diagnosed in 2012...