I have been on lupron and xtandi pills for over two years, and still a <0.1, started out a gleason score 9. Had my prostate out dec. of 2018, couple months later psa started rising had radiation of...
I was a Gleason score 9, had a prostate removed , couple months later PSA rises, had radiation and was good for a couple of years, started rising again , put me on three month lupron shots and daily...
I have been doing community care from the VA for mohs surgery at a different local hospital with no problems at all....
Have you looked into a AUS?...
Yes it is a good benefit, been 100% disibility since 2018, prostate removed and still on hormone therapy. its surprising how many vets don't take advandage of these benefits. terry...
Far as i'm concerned, no good cancer!...
Sounds like a PSMA scan is in order....
I have been on hormone therapy for about a year, mine are down to just about nothing!...
See if he can have that PSMA/CAT scan, shows any prostate return....
I had a C/T-PSMA scan awhile back , wasn't nothing to it, no worse than a regular C/T scan. terry...
so your saying you cannot use it for six weeks after the surgery? terry...
Thinking about one of these AUS proedures, is it just an outpatient procedure? in and out in a day? How does it work? and any tips on using it? terry...
Got say that is one thing about the V.A. care, i'm on lupron and xtandi pills, and i pay absolutely nothing. terry...
I thought the PSMA scan was the best to detect real small cancers? I know my PSMA scan showed hot spots that other scans did not....
I had a PSMA scan awhile back and found it in a couple of lymph nodes also, one to close to my esophagus to radiate, so i am on on lupron shots and xtandi pills, so far my PSA is.1 terry...
I go to the V.A. hospital in Omaha,and they had me do a PSMA scan at the Nebr. university med. center. covered all costs. terry for a update the PSMA showed lymph node cancer where the regular pet...
Every three months for a year , to find out any kind of trend upwards, and how fast. terry...
Isn't .05 less than .1...
I am working on a reoccurrence right now, i don't think you ever get completely rid of it. terry...
Had a prostectamy dec. of 2018, couple months later rising PSA, had radiation and hormone therapy, good till a couple of months ago, presently on lupron and extandi now, originaly it was a 5-4 , 9...
Get the PSMA pet scan if you can, detects alot smaller cancers earlier. terry...
Most posters here have a little bit more to be worried about than a few punctuation marks....
visit with the oncologist yesterday, started on casodex , hormone shots start next week, then about a month later start another pill that works with the casodex, probably side effects galore! at...
Give you a little rundown had a prostectamy, along with the seminal vessels, Dec. of 2018, couple months later psa rise, had radiation and hormone therapy, everything good till a couple months ago,...