Will definitely keep in touch. I ride vintage bikes. 1973 BMW, a Vintage Triumph and a few vintage ducatis. All older than 35 years....
Indeed. I was out on my motorcycle today having fun....
Thank you! The positivity from you all when the outcome was unclear, really helped....
Some of you may recall: My PSA has always been what is listed in my signature below. In April of 2022 it jumped to 6.7 As of today it is 1.1 which is my normal range I AM ELATED. I dont have prostate...
blood was drawn yesterday. will know in a few days as the doc is out of office until monday...
As you may recall, I had a 6.7 reading in April when my numbers have always been low as you can see in my signature. Today I saw a respected Urologist here in NYC. He found a small hernia on my right...
thanks for this and thanks for the blessings! Im a fellow believer. The world needs more of Jesus!...
So glad to hear it Glen!...
Thanks! I finished the antibiotic course yesterday and nothing has changed....
Im back. Have an appt with the urologist next Tuesday for the 6.7, out of nowhere (look at trends below) PSA rise. I feel like crap! I have the chills, been peeing a lot, and just finished 10 days of...
One little tidbit of info that no one tells you unless you ask... Apparently it's an insurance thing, but in most cases, insurance will not pay for an MRI guided biopsy unless you've previously had...
Im on my 7th day ( i started them last wednesday and know they take 3 days to kick in) and stiill peeing a bit more than i would like. Last night was rough, maybe because I drank a lot before bed,...
Sure thing. Just did...
Thats not how it works. Ive become much more informed since my first post last week. I have to finish my course of antibiotics, retest PSA and see the Urologist. FWIW I have no growths or lumps in...
During this time and the experience, what were your PSA numbers?...
For those who have had prostatitis and antibiotics prescribed, how long where you on them, and how many days into it did you feel a change, if you had any symptoms to begin with? Im on Doxycycline...
I understand that a PC diagnosis is hard for people who have had theirs removed, are undergoing treatment, have diminished quality of life, and make them pessimistic; Its a hard thing, i get that....
The doc and the urologist are friends....
Thanks. Im trying to understand it myself but Ive taken solace in the fact my doc and the urologist (on a 3 way call the other day) said they are SUPER CONFIDENT its not PC and could not have...
Im 54. Ive been doing some digging and found all my results. Is it possible to have an inflamed prostate, prostatitis infection with NO bacteria or cancer cells being present in urine? As some of you...
Thanks for this. A week before my appt Im going to stop taking it, on the advice of my doctor. But, Im guessing I will have a full battery of tests which will reveal what is going on with the...
its looking more like mine is prostatitis. My doc isnt even worried. im feeling quite calm now yeah it looks like something else is going on with you. good luck! Thanks. Currently taking antibiotics...
its looking more like mine is prostatitis. My doc isnt even worried. im feeling quite calm now...
well the only thing is, a friend had Prostate Cancer and when I told him my PSA was 6.7 he said its likely cancer. THEN I started googling....
thanks for this. the doctor has me on doxycycline for 14 days. Hopefully that will be long enough. he has also written me a referral to a urologist, so here we go! I too think its an infection. What...
thanks for this!!...
54 years old. Made a post that my PSA has always been 2.0 ish. Never higher. Last year I had pelvic pain/scrotal pain. When for a gazillion ultrasounds. Nothing came up bad and my prostate was a good...
Thanks. I just had a visit with my GP. He too thinks its an infection but will refer me to a urologist. He put me on antibiotics for 2 weeks....
Thanks. Ive been having a slight fever off and on for about a month, and yes, peeing a lot. All my other bloodwork came back fine so yes, I think its prostatitis. I woke up this morning feeling...
Im 54. My health has always been good. very active riding mountain bikes and my harley. Last March (2021) i had a very strange sharp pain in my back. I thought it was from doing too many situps ( i...