Thanks F8. I appreciate your posts on this board (not just this thread). We narrowed it down to SBRT or IMRT with BT boost and went back and forth between those 2 options. I think they are both great...
Hi Joinedtheclub, So happy for you about the undetectable PSA, and hope that you always see the same with every test going forward. It must be a big relief to see that result! After meeting with the...
Joinedtheclub: It sounds like your husband is doing great! Good luck with the 3 month PSA check, and please let me know how it goes. I keep reading over and over here that once you make a decision,...
Hi, Quick update. We met with the urologist yesterday and discussed treatment options. He did express that either surgery or radiation were about equal in terms of results in my husband's situation,...
Djin Tonic - thank you very much for this explanation/recommendation. I get the general idea of what you are saying here, but now I have some more reading that I need to do to understand better (so...
Thank you Sailor, F8, and Michael. If any of you wouldn't mind answering, what made you choose HDR/SBRT over the other? They both seem like viable options and so interested in what you have top say....
Hello, My husband called John Hopkins and found that they had already completed the 2nd opinion and sent results to our provider, but they were kind enough to email us the results below. I do have a...
Thank you to everyone who has responded. This forum is a wealth of information and support! Djin: Yes, this was my husband's first biopsy. He did not have a prior MRI, but when he saw the urologist...
Thank you Pratoman. I'd already read about Dr. Epstein and we will be getting the 2nd opinion on the samples. One of the things I'm confused about is the amount of cancer present. Our report didn't...
Hello, First post here, but I've been reading threads for the past 5-6 days for information. We received my husbands biopsy results back today so I was hoping for some feedback. Thank you for any...