I was in a very similar situation to your husband. I was same age, active, and no health issues when I was diagnosed 4 yrs ago. Post surgery, my doctor told me to continue to exercise. I began...
Hi Jack, I just finished up 18 mths of ADT. I lost hair on my arms, chest, armpits and legs. My facial hair took longer to grow but I did not lose it. I just shaved less frequently. I've been off ADT...
Trailguy, JNF and Pratoman, Thank you for replying with your experiences. I appreciate it. Dave...
I agree with Boomer53. I felt the loss of strength in my arms and legs after being on Lupron for several months. I noticed that I couldn't drive through the ball or really use my legs off the tee....
I'm looking to hear from people who have received three treatments (RP, SRT and ADT) for prostate cancer. I went 18 mths between RP and having my PSA become detectable. At 24 mths post RP, I started...
Pratoman - Congrats on the 9 yrs!! Beyond the information folks get from others on this site, the value that I and many others receive from it, is hearing the positive stories like yours and...
lol......now that's even funnier. Completely read it the wrong way..... so what you're saying is...........
JNF - No, I did not know that loss of body odor was a common side effect....... Still doesn't offset all the other nasty side effects that come with ADT....... :)...
Just finished up 18 mths of ADT. I had salvage radiation 14 mths ago. Salvage radiation made my pubic hair fall out. It has since grown back. The ADT has eliminated leg and arm hair. I have very...
Todd 1963 Positive stories give everyone hope! Congats and keep the positive posts coming........
Semper Fi, formerMarine, Semper Fi!!! Have a Merry Christmas....
Good to hear. I find the waiting for test results to sometimes be the toughest part...........
Steve0, During my 18 mths on ADT, I had one Triglyceride measure that was 259. The others were between 80-115. My doctor chalked it up to whatever I had eaten prior to the one test. He wasn't...
Has anyone ever heard of or been to this summit? It sounds like a really good event. Hopefully it can have a positive impact, but I was curious if anyone has more information on it. The registration...
It's not that it is 99% curable within 5 yrs. It's that 99% are still alive after 5 yrs. I agree with your other question about survival rate at 10, 15 and 20 yrs. With so many men with prostate...
Everyone likes to hear about "undetectable" results!! Treat yourself tonight :)...
ok, so my RO (Dr Shasha - MSK) and I just discussed whether I should stay on Lupron (Leuprolide) for 24 mths or stop now at 18 mths. He said there's no curable benefit from staying on Lupron for an...
I would say the same as the others....... exercise does keep you going. I felt like when I stopped doing things and sat or laid down, that my body would immediately want to go to sleep. When I was...
IsIt Serious I'll let you know next week. I get my 6th shot of Leuprolide (every 3 mths). That will bring me to 18 mths when done. I meet with my MSK RO to discuss if that will be it or if I get...
DonJ - Inspiration indeed!! Always good to hear the positives stories. Like many things in life, you tend to hear more from people who aren't doing well. I'm sure you're looking forward to...
lol....better late than never. I'm in the middle of 2 yrs of hormone treatment. My PSA got to 0.2 last March '22 (just shy of 2yrs post surgery). I started hormones in May '22 and had 40 radiation...
I've been on Lupron for 10 mths, post salvage radiation. Aside from some of the more common side effects, I've noticed a loss of body hair and loss of body odor. It's the weirdest thing. Has anyone...
"for life", if you don't mind me asking, what's your history and journey up to this point?...
Joe Jr, I'm 9 mths into my sentence. I have found that each week seems harder to maintain what I was doing the week before. I force myself to push through it and hope that I can maintain my strength...
Curious, when and why did you start Zytiga? I'm only 8 mths into a 2yr Lupron treatment. My doctor mentioned Zytiga early on but hasn't brought it up since I started my Lupron shots (1 shot/3 mths)...
Hi Melanie, I'm in the middle of ADT treatment right now. I'm getting treated at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) in NYC. I started 3 mth hormone shots in May '22. I will take them for 2 yrs. In June...
Rick I, Your 1st paragraph is exactly what I tried doing and I agree with everything you wrote. You'll never get a definitive answer to apply to your specific case, and you do come across a lot of...
Mattam, Melanie & Michael-T, Thank you for your responses. There are a lot of similarities in our cases. When speaking with my doctor the other day, he said something almost identical to Michael, "I...
For those those of you on this journey now for some time, what's next for me? I had RP in Apr '20; PSA became detectable 18 mths later and got to 0.20 at 24 mths. All scans, MRIs, bone density and...
Rick - very helpful. Thanks. I'm very active and continue to lift weights. My diet could definitely be better.....;lots of meat and carbs. That's something that will need to change. The alcohol could...
F8 & Melaine - Thank you for your replies....
It was not as they wanted to see the 1st PSA test at 6 weeks post surgery. When that came back as undetectable, they said they wouldn't proceed with hormones and radiation until it became detectable....
Quick Background: Prostatectomy on Apr '20; PSA undetectable until Sep '21 (1.5 yrs); 0.21 PSA on Mar '22. Recent Tests after PSA 0.21: EKG; PET Scan, CT Scan, Bone Density & Prostate MRI.......all...
My PSA was undetectable up until 18 mths post surgery. My 1st test was 2 mths after surgery on Jun '20 and then every 3 mths since. It became detectable at 0.07 at 17 mths, 0.15 at 20 mths and just...
maybe I wasn't clear.... I was being tested every 3 mths post op and then went to 6 mths after a year. This was the 1st 6 mth test. Instead of another 6 mths, he decided to go back to 3 mths. Is that...
Looking for some experience and/or knowledge from this group....... :) I had my PSA Test earlier this week. My PSA had been <0.05 or Undetectable. This test came back 0.06. My prostatectomy was 1.5...
GardenWeld is you ever want to talk or exchange emails off line, please let me know. MSK and Dr Touijer could not have been better. Both pre and post care. Dr Touijer had conversations with the MSK...
BWeaver - your husband and I are at similar ages and stats. I'm one year removed from surgery. I would be willing to talk or email with your husband, if he would like to speak. I went back and forth...
Pirate74......that's a classic story with the race. Luv it!! Use PCa to your advantage......:)...
Well, that put an exclamation point on a year I never expected. From being diagnosed in late Feb due to a mistaken PSA test during my annual physical which led to a biopsy, to the Covid pandemic...
Fred - well said and great news for sure! There will always be stories where results don't go as planned. It's nice to know this forum is here to support people in those times, but it's the positive...
Alephnull - Thank you for taking the time to reply to my msg. You are one of the reasons that I chose to join this group. I want to hear from people who have and are going through it especially those...
MoTownPaul - we live close to one another. I grew up in Florham Park and parents still live there. I'm down in Princeton now. I go to MSK's facility in Basking Ridge for my blood draw. Maybe one of...
GH - just read your thread from back to front...... I agree with everyone's opinion. Walk as much as you can, whether outside or inside on treadmill. I find the exercise to be good but also to clear...
First off, thank you to everyone who responded. Here is some more information. I had my surgery at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) in NY City on April 28, 2020. My doctor was Dr Karim Touijer. I...
Never thought I would asking to join this club, but here I am...... Looking for some people who were me several years ago that might be able to give some perspective 3-5 yrs out. Age: 53 Elevated PSA...