Agree with the above comments. I've had 3 PSMA PET-CT scans at psa 0.2, 0.4, and approx 0.6. All three were negative. I believe PSMA PET-CT only find a spot(s) 50% of the time between PSA 0.5-1.0....
Hello again, I know some of the folks on this forum are concerned about when they can find cancer after BCR (PSA 0.2). I had my third Pylarify scan this morning. The first scan was done at PSA 0.2,...
Hello everyone, Just another quick update. My PSA continues to climb - currently at 0.55 in mid-November. I calculate my doubling time to be around 9 months. I will have my 3rd Pylarify PSMA PET-CT...
Mumbo, My new MO is big on imaging too. He wants me to get another PSMA-PET/CT scan when my PSA gets to the 0.5-0.6 range - so probably Q1 or Q2 next year. It will be my 3rd scan since last October....
PSA still marching north. Currently at 0.370 with a calculated PSADT of 11 months. I have a top notch MO at MD Anderson calling the shots from here on out. He wants to wait until my PSA gets to...
This article is very interesting and I thought I'd share it with the group. It details a new radioligand therapy that dropped one person's PSA from 42 to undetectable with just two treatments. The...
Thanks, Mumbo. My first scan was Ga-68 PSMA PET-CT. I've heard similar strategies on alternating scan types as well - good advice. I was wondering if MD Anderson was going to recommend Choline-11 or...
Just a quick update, I had my second PSMA PET-CT today and it was negative. I estimate my PSA to be around 0.3 based on my result in February. The first scan was at PSA 0.12 - also negative. I'm...
Does anyone have experience with Guardant 360 genomics testing? I am curious as to the level my PSA needs to be for this test to be of any value. I got the Decipher test 5 years ago when I was first...
Mumbo, Thank you for your advice. I agree with you that getting another PSMA prior to any treatment makes the sense. I could have a hot lymph node in my prostate bed or a single met somewhere else...
Thanks, Halbert. I'm obviously closest to Chicago. Were you thinking University of Chicago or Northwestern (3 hours drive)? Vanderbilt is doable too (about 4.5-5 hours away). IndyGuy...
60Michael, Thank you for sharing your path with me. I'm glad you are still doing so well after all these years. Have you had any side effects from the Xtandi? I've heard good things about that...
JNF, Thank you for your replies. I didn't know I was so fortunate to have IU Health nearby to manage the medical oncology part of my future treatments. I will definitely be reviewing their doctors...
Hello Everyone, I hope you are doing well. In a way, I was feeling good yesterday morning as it was the 5-year anniversary of my RP. I had eSRT seven months after RP and my PSA dropped to <0.008....
Taylor, I agree with Mumbo as eSRT is what I did, but no ADT. There are two schools of thought on this point though. On the one hand, some say to wait until your PSA hits 0.2 so you can do a PSMA-PET...
Thanks again, Mumbo. Congratz on the 0.20 and preferably >0.70....
Thank you Mumbo and Pratoman for your replies. Here is my data from past procedures and PSA trend. I will add this information to my signature. DOB: 10/1962 6-01-15 PSA 2.5 Having urination flow...
Hello everyone, I have been lurking here for a couple of years and decided to finally join. Over the past several months my PSA has been creeping up after being dormant (0.02) for many months. It's...