Thanks to all the great advice from so many of the awesome cancer warriors that are here. It does feel like purgatory that my 5 year risk for developing PC exists but to just relax on the fact that...
I got my pathology report and I think the results are mostly good but I'm concerned about core F and that is the one the doctor is putting me on active surveillance for. I'm glad that I may not have...
I finally got my biopsy results back from the Urologist and there is good news and bad news. The good news is that he says it came back negative. The bad news is they found mutated cells that appear...
Very good advice and good info with those John Hopkins links. I might just pay for that 2nd opinion if I can't get insurance to cover it. I have one other question I'd like to ask. 1) "Not...
"""On the other hand, if no treatment is mandated such as with Active Surveillance, one lives in a purgatory-like situation never knowing exactly where they stand. So a PCa diagnosis is a curse no...
Great points Mumbo and Sr Sailor. The possibility of having PC isn't at all like anything I imagined it to be. I always feared cancers in life and thought it was "We've run a test on you and you have...
Real risk vs Google Doctor vs me What Artificial Intelligence like Chat GPT etc. has to say is the most ominous of all and probibly the cause of why so many men are inclined to overestimate their...
Mumbo, according to your signature you had a PIRADS 5, and that one seems to correlate with a lot of G7+ 8,9 or 10 cancers. Do most PIRADS 3,4,5 ratings accurately reflect their later assigned...
When I give severe weather presentations, I often use diagrams and storm images showing airflow within the updraft and downdraft regions of a thunderstorm along with how to read things like radar...
I wish they would put those little arrows on our MRI images to show us exactly what it is that they are looking at. Ive seen many of these online to show abnormalities but where we really need this...
Great post and info Djin. As a brand new member to a club I hope not to become part of I'm currently in the initial shock, initial you might just have cancer stage... How the average prostate MRI is...
I wanted to look at my MRI images to see if I could find the hidden deadly cancer tumor that may or may not actually exist. What does cancer look like on an MRI? Do any of you guys know what any of...
It is good to see so many others going through this that have not only the experience to help new members but also valuable advice on what to expect in the months ahead. I'm not sure how long it...
Its starting to get real now... Dr. stated a lesion 3 and a lesion 4 were found on the MRI and have ordered up a 2nd biopsy to see if either of them are PC. I have no idea what these lesions are or...
The MRI is next and possibly with a 2nd biopsy. Ive never had a prostate MRI and they say the DRE exams are normal. Maybe all this is young age BPH if that can happen. Will an MRI show if the...
Ive never had antibiotic treatments as Ive never had a UTI or prostate infection. 4.0 use to be normal for my age group but they dropped it to 2.5. Is all that testing really necessary? Has it led to...
I'm 47 now and I had a biopsy two years ago due to high PSA levels that did not fall to normal levels. Biopsy found nothing so I thought I was in the clear. Especially after my PSA dropped to normal...