Just signing in to post an update. This forum and the people who contribute were very helpful to me in the beginning of my journey. I’d like to thank all who provided support along the way. I’ll get...
Wondering if any new SEs applicable to the Orgovyx will pop up. I seem to be tolerating Eligard somewhat. Libido still in tact for the most part and no real hot flushes (some night sweats). I’ve also...
Has anyone switched from Eligard (or any Lupron like hormone therapy) to Orgovyx? I’m due for my next six month Eligard shot in the coming weeks. I’ve heard Orgovyx has a much faster testosterone...
Hi all. I’ve recently transferred my care from local team to MSK. At the end of the day (besides their reputation) I switched because they think adding brachy with IMRT would be best. Local does not...
Yes sir it’s HDR brachy followed by beam treatment. Got today’s PSA results. Down to 0.9 so that made me happy. External beam treatment will be at the Westchester facility, so it’s not too bad of a...
Update. Been on Eligard for almost two months. Zytiga for about a month. Last PSA was 1.9 on 3/13 (Down from 4.9 on 2/27) Just had another lab today. Waiting on results. Met with RO at MSK today. He...
Question. As of yesterday, it’s been a month since my six month Eligard shot. The only side effects I’m having are that I feel a little weaker and that I get more emotional. No flashes yet. I’ve read...
From what I understand, monthly for PSA and testosterone. It might be three months. Right now I’m every two weeks for Zytiga’s possible impact on the liver....
Got a baseline blood test for the purpose of tracking my liver numbers while on Zytiga. Noticed my PSA was down from 5.31 (December 2023) to 4.90 (February 2024) Could this be from the month on...
Thanks, Todd. I’ve heard a lot about your story. You’re an inspiration, man....
Also, my ADT will be for three years. I was originally told it would be two. Not a big deal. I’m fine with five if it does the trick....
Meeting is with MO, but he will presumably want me to meet with the RO as well. I was reading about Brachy and would love to include it as another form of attack, if it makes sense....
Some news. I’ve been on Eligard for three weeks now and just started Zytiga today. Only Eligard side effect that I’ve experienced has been mood related, but I’m not even sure if that’s the Eligard....
Just prior to the biopsy results, my GP prescribed me Xanax. I took them “as needed” for a few weeks. Occasionally one in the afternoon when I felt like I was about to melt down. The Sunday before...
The ups and downs of this ride are tremendous. I keep having to remind myself not to jump ahead. It adds to the anxiety significantly. I’m already thinking about the first blood tests post RT and I...
Received a six month dose of Eligard. Next is the MRI next week then meeting again with the local RO. Also meeting with my MO at MSK in a few weeks to discuss the local treatment plan. Preparation...
What perfect timing, Michael_T. I’m actually in my urologist’s office now awaiting my first hormone shot. I’ve been on Casodex since 1/26. More to come. Thanks for checking in....
I have the report. Just never got around to posting. The report at a high level Gleason 9 (4+5), two 7s (3+4 and 4+3). All left side. Last PSA was 5.33 (12/23)...
So they want to start me on Casodex. I just have to pick it up at the pharmacy tonight. Next step as explained to me will be a shot of what I believe will be Lupron (after being on Casodex for 10-14...
Good information. It’s possible he said “not recommended” and I heard “not possible”. In terms of staying with MSK, I’d like to. How does that work? Is it a matter of keeping them on in a...
Hey guys. Got the results of my PsMA Pet Scans and I’m happy to say, no METS were found. It’s generally confined to the prostate with one lymph node involved. The RO doc was happy with the report...
Thanks guys. Yes, I’m in Norwalk, CT, which is a stones throw away from the West Harrison, NY MSK location. Some good news. I was able to get my scan moved to this upcoming Saturday and the post scan...
Satellite offices, West Harrison NY and Montvale NJ. My wife has been coming with me, which has been very helpful. I might have a friend come with me for this round....
I did check out some of Dr Scholz’s videos. Very informative especially in the area of G9 diagnosis. I just scheduled all of my appointments with MSK. Surgeon on Friday, MO on Tuesday, RO on...
Great perspective Mumbo. Thank you. I’m getting my head back together slowly. I’m sure I’ll have my emotional setbacks over the next two weeks but it is what it is at this point. I just want to know...
Hey guys. Sorry for the delay in checking back in. I’ve been all out of sorts with this lately and really having a rough time dealing. Today was an emotional set back. Met w the Urologist last...
Thanks guys. This is really helping. I’ll be on here often telling my story as it unfolds. Like you all, nothing would make me happier to be one of the guys on the other side of this giving advice...
Thanks everyone. I feel like I just got dealt a death sentence. Hard to focus on anything right now. Will meet w the doc tomorrow and get all of my information, results, everything. There is a Sloan...
Well guys, got the call today. I’ve been told I have prostate cancer. Going into the office tomorrow to talk to the doc. He was very high level and said the treatment would be either removal or...
So I went through the biopsy process today via TRUS. Wasn’t pleasant but it was dealt with. I’d say it was more uncomfortable than painful. In terms of additional information I’ve learned..My...
I truly appreciate all the helpful information. I’ll definitely follow up regarding the biopsy procedure....
Thanks CentralPAdude. So you had a history of weak stream? I’d classify my urinary issues as mild, but I’ve had for probably a year now. I believe my GP said during a physical years back (maybe in...
This all helps. Thank you. I’m a pessimist by nature so it’s hard to get to a positive frame of mind about this. I was originally thinking, maybe he’s going right to biopsy as not waste any more time...
You guys are great. Thank you.. I should have come here sooner. All of the stress induced googling nearly brought me to my knees. I’ve been on here less than a day and I’ve already learned more than...
Thx for the info. No MRI discussed. Straight to biopsy....
Apologies in advance if this seems rambling..I’m having my first prostate biopsy next Monday. I’m nervous about the process and more nervous about the potential results. I’m turning 49 this month. My...