Starting with significant incontinence, I was almost fully continent less than three months after surgery. I experienced a practically perfect exponential decrease in the excess weight of the pads...
I understand you are worried since you were diagnosed at such unusual early age. An article recommends no further following out for people with undetectable PSA after 10 years from surgery even for...
Is it a systematic increase using ultrasensitive PSA? Here, some labs like mine give non-ultrasensitive PSA "raw" figure without considering the detection limit. I have had so far fluctuations up and...
I had incontinence for two and a half months. I experienced a consistent diminishing of it during that period.n Now, I am reasonably satisfied and it is not an issue. About erections, after seven...
Two months is not too much for this disease. But we diligent now that you can....
If you start salvage radiation when psa is below 0.2, or maybe 0.4 at much, you have a fair chance to be cured. If you wait to have some spot detected by image, it is probable that only have ADT...
I got a PIRADS 5 followed by a Gleason 6 biopsy, followed by a Gleason 8, 5+3, in the path report after surgery. Seven years later I maintain low PSA figures. I wonder which result was right. You...
A bit out of topic but I wonder if some of you suffer diverticulitis flares. I had two in two months and the last one is taking too long to disappear, specially the fever. It is really affecting me....
Good luck to every one there....
Got my first colonoscopy yesterday. I was required to participate in a screen test of fecal hidden blood years ago but I ignored it since I was focused in my PC worries. Reckless, I know. I had an...
I opted by surgery and I had the same upgrade in the path report. Although the biopsy showed only a tiny fraction of G6 in two cores, MRI suggested more significant desease.This was crucial to decide...
I am sorry to know you are probably heading to have further treatment. Until recently, your story seemed to be the most similar to mine in this forum so that I have always followed it closely. The...
If the number has a "<" sign it means that the amount of psa is undetectable with the analytical method used, which may vary from one test to another. It is not you, it is procedure what changes. The...
Many, if not most, Gleason 6 are updated in the pathological report. It simply means that treament was really necessary. But you still are in the most favorable section. Just relax....
It is not a trivial surgery, you can expect some diverse minor, though bothering issues, along the way. Blood in the urine bag is normal the first few days. When it desapears, it means he is ready to...
All this put you in muddy waters. I had a biopsy with atypical cells and four year later a PIRADS 5 leading to diagnostics. But, honesty, I do not know what to tell you about what you can expect,...
As others say, you should be diligent watching your psa. But, also and maybe more important, you should not let the psa worries change something in your life as your vacation plans or to become a...
This paper may help. I hope it can still be downloaded free of charge, "Establishment of the Optimal Follow-up Schedule..." K. Matsumoto et al. Urology Oncology. Seminars and Original Investigations...
This is what I experience every 6 months. I always tell myself that I should not complain if this is all. This is the minimum tribute we have to give for being cancer patients....
Mumbo: I agree. Moreover, patients that were diagnosed 20 or more years ago received treatments who are not the standard of care today. Like using better equipment for salvage radiation or the newer...
If you are particularly interested in 20 year post surgery statitics, this open publication may be of your interests: Ahberg et al. BMJ Open 2022, 12: e057242...
gfspain: if you want to have an idea of your long term prognosis you may visit the mskcc prostate cancer post-prostatectomy nomogram. Of course, you cannot take the results you get there as written...
Being PT3A it is probable that your increase means something. However, it is slow. I would not seriously consider radiation now, but I certainly would if PSA reaches a value close to 0.1. May I ask...
Boomer 53: Wow, that is a lot of exercise!...
mpr means that the test is able to check several quantitative parameters, like the diffusion of water in different areas. This can only be done using a specific gradient test who requires an...
My pathological report assigned me a localized primary Gleason 5. First psa was 0.08. My surgeon said, typically, "nothing should be done unless it reaches 0.2". I did not believe him and I was more...
Small fluctuations close to the detection limit. In my opinion, you do not have any reason to disturb your sleep thinking about what these figures mean. If there is any worrisome trend, it will be...
With a few exceptions, I guess we always overestimate our power to influence others. Therefore, my answer would be: whatever you say will not matter so much anyway. Therefore, shut up without remorse...
All I can say is that I am a Grade 1 updated to Grade 4 after the pathological report. I am glad I and my doctors considered I had cancer and needed treatment....
A good result indeed....
Congratulations! Ten years behind you here....
DRE is a test depending on the skill and interpretation of the urologist. Moreover, it may give false positives and the true positives usually indicate a relatively high size. With all its faults,...
Since I am not a professional, I answer according to my experience according the stories I have read here and in some other sites. Such a slow growth of post-surgery psa like yours may remain like...
0.05 may mean something or nothing. It depends if it is a value implicitly below detection of your lab procedure; some do not bother to include the < sign or they miss it by mistake. I also noticed...
It is just the 8 week report. Wait to the 3 months test to have a better idea of what is going on. The meaning of the result depends on the laboratory. Most labs give a < before the figure to...
mp-MRI test usually employ the standard PIRADS system to clasify apparent lesions. PIRADS 1-2 mean not significant lesions. Most possible, benign tissue or indolent Gleason 6 cancer. PIRADS 3...
Not completely sure, but I think I have Siemens non-untrasensitive tests as well. But I never get < values, I guess my lab reports raw results directly from the readings. I asked my uro what my...
In my case, I am not no much sure if it is urine or not after reading this thread. Not so much important, anyway....
DT: You are right. I did not have any lymph node removed. I was saved from additional side effects and I guess that my psa would have increased soon without being truly contained, but it is also true...
I also had a dramatic upgrade in the postop path report. I regularly use the mskcc risk calculator and I have recently noticed that, in addition to the path report data, you may introduce now your...
My urologist never mention injections and I am too shy to ask, this guy has a kind of intimidating personality that does not invite to go into intimate details. He just gives me prescriptions for 8...
According to the NMR image the affected area is huge and definitely not contained in the prostate but I guess you already know that. However, even advanced prostate cancer with distant extensions, an...
I was considering SBRT or EBRT as single treatments, though my large prostate was a problem and the addition of HT was needed to reduce its size. Radiation is perfectly OK if you really get the...
I had a similar experience with PIRADS 5 and a bilateral but only with two cores of small percentage Gleason3+3 biopsy. I had an unanimous advice to be treated and I was very much updated to a...
My guess is that you will stay around for more years that you may think now even if you do not do anything. But, as others advice, please do something....
I think everyone is different. Mine has at least the same aspect if not better at rest after surgery. But, in my case, this does not imply a useful perfomance, anyway....
It is great you got a neg biopsy, but it is even better your PIRADS 2 in the MRI test. The biopsy may miss malign tissue but the MRI scans the whole prostate and it has not found anything suspicious...
Anesthesia is indicated for biopsies involving many cores. Maybe you may have one of them, they are more accurate since many cores are taken and analysed....
I stayed more than 24 hours in the ICU room after my surgery. It was because all the normal rooms were ocuppied but I guess spending a night there was mandatory. Whatever your protocol is, be sure...