John and Dutch: I am overwhelmed by your support and your willingness to help. I will start my research on Proton Beam Radiation tomorrow. I may have further questions to tap your first hand...
Jayadub, I was under the impression that Loma Linda is in SanDiego Calif. ?? ( I have heard of Dr Luu) I would expect my RT to be daily, this would necessitate a short term move to the San Diego...
Tony: Thank you for your concerns. I have had no therapy at all. Being 5 years post surgery when my PSA went from undectable to being dectable at 0.19 there was no need for immediate therapy. I have...
DAVE: I appear to have recurrent prostate cancer. I had a radical prostatectomy in 2000. 5 years later my PSA went from "not detectable" to 0.19 . To date my doubling time is 23 months. Jan 2005 0.19...