No constipation right now, but I did have some after completing the antibiotics therapy for the H-Pylori, it only lasted a couple of weeks thankfully. I’m taking a good probiotic now. Just dropped...
Hey Q! Yes I was diagnosed with an upper endoscopy. I’ve been off the Omeprazole for a month now as I had to do that in order to take the follow up test (stool sample) I have to do tomorrow. I’m...
Just wanted to update ya'll on my progress with the treatment for H-Pylori. I was able to finish it completely with no real bad side effects except the bad taste in my mouth from the Clarithromycin....
Oh and Quincy I forgot to also tell you that so far since my diagnosis of Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis, my scans have been stable and not showing any progression so far. The only med I am taking...
Hey guys so sorry for the delayed reply!! To answer Quincy, I am taking a triple therapy consisting of Clarithromycin 500mg 2X per day and Amoxicillin. 1000 mg 2x per day. Along with the Omeperazole...
Hey everyone, I’ve been a member here since 2005 when I was first diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. Well it’s been almost 20 years and the last 10 of those years have mostly been remission with a...
Hey Q, I got in with a new gastroenterologist last month, he's really good so far! He ordered a bunch of tests and everything came back normal except for my ferritin level which was slightly...
Hey Quincy!! I had an MRCP back in August and originally the radiologist said everything looked normal, then I went and saw a liver specialist in Houston and he had the facility re check the images...
Hey Guys!!! It's so nice to "see" youre still around and kicking! And I totally forgot I posted about that oral surgery I had... OMG that was my worst flare EVER, even when I was first diagnosed! I...
Hi everyone, it’s been years since I’ve posted here… so much has happened and I will eventually get caught up with everyone. Just wanted to share that my Ulcerative Colitis is in remission but now...
Hey everyone! Well I dropped from 10 to zero and by the end of the second day I was already feeling that low, cramping inflammatory pain. I even gave it two more days to make sure it wasn’t something...
Hey Old Hat! Thanks for that, I actually felt a lot better today. I still feel a little loopy but had more energy today and a better attitude. Had 3 BM’s today but nothing seeming like a flare up,...
Oh Lordy guys... So Ive been doing this prednisone taper which I started back on July 1st, 40mg for 5 days then 30mg for 5 days and so on, dropping 10mg every 5 days and here I am on day 2 of 10mg...
Hey Guys, I just finished 3/4 of my prednisone pack, I took the last of the 20mg today and down to 10mg tomorrow for 5 days then that's it. So far things are super stable and I am feeling much...
Hey everyone, I caved in and started the prednisone on July 1st. Took my 40mg for 5 days and today was day 1 of 30mg. So far it hasn't effected me too negatively but it did stop my flare almost...
Hey Old Hat, No, I've never had pancolitis, the most its traveled is into my sigmoid. He did mention left sided colitis but without a scope I agree there's just no way of really knowing. I'm actually...
Hey Guys, I got my test results back today... No infections of any kind, bacterial or viral or parasitic, but my inflammation is pretty severe. my results said this: Calprotectin, Stool Result:...
Hey Christine!! I don't know if you remember me but I am still around and dealing with my UC. Back in another flare after almost 10 years of complete remission with only 2 tiny flare ups that didn't...
Hi everyone! I had my GI appointment on Thursday....I actually saw a nurse practitioner because I couldn't get into see my actual GI until July 19th and I was feeling pretty crappy. The NP talked to...
Well I’m still here, still flaring had a few days where I thought I was getting better than I’d start seeing more blood again etc… well tonight I was hungry and made sautéed chicken thighs in garlic...
Was wondering if anyone else here with UC has had dental implants and if so, did it effect your UC at all? I just got 10 implants in my jaw, 5 on top and 5 on bottom. Spent a fortune on a brand new...
Thanks Old Hat~! It's amazing once you put yourself into a position where you can be blessed how the blessings start pouring in! I am honestly so happy with my husband now it feels like that old life...
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delayed reply, and Quincy and Old Hat... SO GOOD TO SEE YOU GUYS!!! So much has changed in my life it is unbelievable! I divorced my idiot abusive ex husband back in 2010...
Hey everyone! I haven’t been on here in years, I joined back in 2005 and was on for quite a while but backed off after I got into a remission that lasted almost 10 years! Well I’m back, also back in...
Hi everyone! Yes, I am still around, and YES, I am still happier than ever! New developments though, I had Gallbladder Surgery last Friday. I had been having so many issues with side pain, back pain...
Hi Again! Well I went ahead and had the surgery last Friday and I must say..... I FEEL BETTER!!!!! I still have some right sided pain, but heck, it's only been 5 days so I am guessing that I'm just...
Hey Sherry!!! Long time no SEE!! LOL And ya, I've been doing pretty good lately Ulcerative Colitiswise, I have been in remission for quite a while now (I need to change my signature) But I'm also...
Hi everyone, I am having gallbladder surgery in a week and after doing some research online, I am afraid I may be chickening out! So many horror stories and it is really making me second guess my...
Thanks for the reply Merrida, We are starting to really see (Actually we've seen it all her life) that she is showing major signs of Aspergers Syndrome. I think she's always had it, but the Chemo...
Hey everyone, I am updating on my sister... She's gotten 4 of her 6 chemo treatments and seems to be handling them fine physically, but mentally she is a complete disaster... She has slipped into...
Hi everyone My sister was diagnosed with stage II Breast Cancer and is starting Chemo on April 1st. She is going to be taking the following medications for her chemo and I was wondering if any of you...
Hey Everyone! I'm still here and doing a little better... Still don't have answers to what's going on with me but overall I am doing better. I went in last week and had an abdominal ultrasound and...
Hi everyone! I don't even know where to start... SO, I'm just gonna let you all know where I am now. As of today, I have lost almost 20 lbs since January 1st. (OK, the weight loss I could have used...
Thank you everyone! I was feeling so crappy and sick when I first posted this.. I'm doing much better today. I still have pain but it's way less and I am feeling happier because of it. I did go on...
Pretty sure it's my gallbladder now. My pain has concentrated to my right upper abdominal area just tucked underneath my ribs. Pain also radiates to my back and sometimes up to shoulder. Sick and...
Hey Marty1976! I remember you too!!...
Hey Quincy! I do have some meds, but they are expired which is such a shame.. I have like 6 bottles of Asacol HD (1200.00) LOL.... I did message my old pharmacist back in California and asked him if...
Thanks everyone for the replies.. I'm honestly not sure what's going on and I'm a bit worried..It is mostly on my right side and Kidney area.... Soooo,, I signed up for Health insurance today through...
Hey everyone, I am still here!! Although lately, I have been having pain all across my upper abdomen. It can radiate all the way to my back/flank area... Almost like Kidney pain. I am flaring, as I...
He enrant! Glad to hear it's not U/C related... If they do give you antibiotics, the ones that work best for me as far as Bladder and Kidney infections are either Bactrim DS or Macrobid.... Both of...
I agree with you.. Unless they can come up with an easy way to prep.... LOL.. The drugs from the procedure are so much fun I wouldn't mind having one done every year just so I can have that 1/2 hour...
If I were even willing to consider doing a FMT, I sure wouldn't feel comfortable using poop I purchased from a stranger.... It's a shame if it is true REALDEAL that you are charging people for...
I have heard that after having U/C for 10 years they did recommend a Colonoscopy every year, but I am guessing that would depend on where it is located... Some people only have U/C in the last little...
Hey Judy2, You are correct about the economy here... Work is more than we can keep up with and people are complaining all over the Houston area that they can't even get contractors to show up to bid...
My perfect day would be to wake up next to my adorable husband, get up together and have our morning cup of coffee, make a wonderful breakfast with some of our farm fresh eggs.. It must be a warm...
Hey Girl... Since I'm back now I hope I can be of some assistance... ;) I too have been feeling down in the DUMPS at times... Although I have an amazing life now, this friggen disease just won't...
OH MY GOSH!!! It is SOOOO GOOD to see you guys!!! I have been doing really well with my life and yes, I was in a HORRID marriage and in a very bad way with my Ulcerative Colitis.... NOW.... I am...
Hi Everyone! I have Ulcerative Colitis and have been suffering on and off for almost 10 years now. I haven't posted much lately because I've been feeling pretty good for the most part.. I am still in...
Thanks Red... It's nice to hear that I'm not a weird case (if that turns out to be what it is) but I am going to try to NOT have surgery if it is my gallbladder, unless they tell me it's in really...
OH, and yes Red, I have Nexium and have taken it when the heartburn get's really bad and it does help some... right now I've eliminated meat from my diet and I don't have heartburn the last few...