ks1905 - I just listened to Christina's story about the hyperbaric chamber - I sat motionless...listening... God bless everyone who is dealing with IBD of any kind. Thanks for sharing......
pmitra0123 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24587823 Here is the link. Dr. Katherine Gundling is in the Allergy/Immunology Dept. at UCSF Mt. Zion Medical Ctr. I wish our GI would call to talk to...
I read a case study about IVIG for UC from the University of California San Francisco at Mt. Zion. I will try to find it again and post. IVIG has been a life saver for my wife. She has not developed...
Momto2boys...I have a friend with 4 girls!!! I would like to hear from rbartolo, who started this thread. How is she doing? Her last post here was May/2014. She got IVIG. I am in Georgia and...
ks1905 AND Haileysletter: Thank you so much! I am sending all of this to my immunologist. He is very progressive, and said he would research it. He has given us Valtrex for mono before. I strongly...
Thank you SO much for sharing! My son had salmonella poisoning in June 2013 and shortly thereafter diagnosed with UC. He is also immune deficient (his mother does IVIG, but he is not that low yet). I...
My son's UC came after he had salmonella poisoning... I keep saying that his colon think the salmonella is still there...could there be remnants of it? My wife is IgG deficient, and our son is immune...
Thank you, again!!! My doctor at Egleston has never treated anyone who has UC and IgG deficiency. He does have one cystic fibrosis patient who also has UC. He said he would research it. I will give...
Thank you SO much!!! He is like his mother, just not as bad yet...but she has not developed any other diseases. We feel that is because she has been doing IVIG. I will send this link to my doctor at...
Can you tell me about your IVIG? Who is your doctor? I am 53 and do IVIG for IgG deficiency. My son, 26, has immune deficiency AND ulcerative colitis. His immune deficiency has not advanced as far as...
I will try that. Thank you for your kindness. I hope you are doing well. By the way, my wife's name is Mary Ann....
I appreciate you offer of New York. I would like to find someone with UC who does IVIG. I would like to put our doctor in touch with their doctor. Our immunologist is in Atlanta. We have seen him for...
Chantrelle99 I'm sorry - I am in Georgia....
He does know a GI doctor that he can refer us to. However, this new GI doctor has never treated anyone that has both immune deficiency and UC. We are IN SEARCH OF A DOCTOR who has treated someone who...
His immunologist is researching the use of IVIG for immune deficiency patients who develop UC. He just had bloodwork day before yesterday to check his levels for the immune deficiency. The gastro...
I forgot to mention that he has had 3 flares in a year, so Asacol and steroids are not working. They recommended Humira, but he is an immune deficiency patient, as well!...
He is immune deficient. The pnuemoccol vaccine keeps wearing off. He was diagnosed with that at the age of 6 years old. His brothers took the vaccine and it worked for them. His mother is IgG...
My wife is IgG deficient; she did IVIG for one year, and now does it SubQ every 7 days at home. Our son is immune deficient; take the pneumoccol vaccine often (at age 22 he had great response), but...
My son has immune deficiency (pneumoccol), his mother is IgG deficient and uses gamma globulin (IVIG for a year and now does it subQ at home every 7 days)...now he has ulcerative colitis (autoimmune...