I have a colonoscopy every year, but they consider that if there is endoscopic remission, a biopsy is not necessary. If I had a polyp with low-grade dysplasia five years ago, does that mean I could...
My annual colonoscopy and fears are approaching. How many years after diagnosis did you start fearing cancer? Do they do biopsies every time you have a colonoscopy? In my country, or rather my...
I had a colonoscopy yesterday. There is no inflammation, the intestine is clean. The cause of thin stool was internal hemorrhoids. During the first 10 years of Remicade the disease was present, the...
Straydog- My last colonoscopy was year and half ago. Sara- I think that irritated mucosa is mild flare. I was 13 years in clinical Remission, but not all the time in endoscopic one. For last 15 days...
After 13 years of Remicade, for the first time, I am experiencing digestive problems 4 weeks before my next dose. I have 1 to 2 stools per day, with the morning one being mostly loose and the...
Hi quincy, 10 years ago I had left sided colitis, and pseudopolyps are on 30 cm, many of them. Mocosal hyperemia is present throughout the left side, rectum and sigmoid colon. I have no simptoms, 1...
No symptoms ! Normal stool, no blood, no pain. I lived as if the disease did not exist....
I have been on remicade for 10 years, full clinical remisson, blood tests normal, normal calprotectin, no remicade antibodies, but colonoscopy has never shown a completely healed colon.I do...
Before Remicade I had 60 cm of colon in inflamation with many pseudopolyps. Last 4 years 5 cm of rectum have some changes in mucosa, erossions, but no ulcers. I didnt have any problems with rectum...
I wasn’t here for several years. Since 2010.on Remicade in remission of UC. Last few years colonoscopy confirm some erosions in rectum, but no ulceration. I hadn’ t had any problems, fealing...
“Kaplan-Meier analysis of the proportion of patients with sustained clinical benefit demonstrated that 50% relapsed within 477 days after infliximab discontinuance. In contrast, 35% of patients...
Remicade is not forever, so sooner or later it will not work anymore. We can develop antibodies while on Remicade too. So my goal is one day go off remicade. I'm 4 years now on R, and my last...
Today I had colonoscopy. It's been 4 years since on Remicade, and second colonoscopy while on it. There are pseudopolyps on rectum and sigmoid, but no erosions and ulcerations from rectum to cecum....
Even when flaring, I have never had mucus in my stool, or blood was more so I can't see. Currently I'm in remission with 1 or 2 bms a day, on Remicade and Pentasa 2x2. Few days ago I started using...
My doctor will decide when to discontinue remicade. Anyway it's not medication for a lifetime. I have nothing to lose if surgery is inevitable....
iPoop I will stay with pentasa and VSL#3 in case of weaning of Remicade. There are also people on forum who weaned off Remicade, and are still in remission. I can always restarted Remicade or take...
Hi Emma, I am on remicade for 4 years, since first infusion I am in remission, and day before I was going 20 times or more a day in bathroom. There are hundreds of people on forum on Remicade or...
Cavalier I see you were on Remicade and now are med free...how are you doing now, what suplements taking and for how long on Remicade your colonoscopy were clean? I'm on Remicade and pentasa and my...
I had 4 colonoscopy, and 2 doctors, and 2 biopsy, never discussed it could be crohn, even from the first time my rectum was in good condition, only erosions.. But after reading what are people...
Sarav my situation is the same, rectum eroded, sigmoid mild uc, and the biggest ulceration on 60 cm, no right sided and cecum ulcerations...And blood was coming from descending colon...Does your GI...
are you in endoscopic remission, or just clinical? I don't know how smart is to be long period without maintenance meds ( Asacol), my second flare was after reducing asacol to minimal dose, after 3...
soystud how severe is your UC and on wich meds you were before?...
I'm not using rectal meds, just first time in hospital..my worst ulcer is on 60cm, this is where I have cramps when flaring. I just took my colonoscopy report, and it writes- rectum milder...
My rectum is in god shape too since first flare. Two different doctors were doing my colonoscopy in first, and second flare. They both said that rectum is good, and sigmond colon and descending are...
where did you order qing dai from uk, which web page??...
Cavalier 9 is your colon clear? When was your last cscope? You can try Asacol, Pentasa, or something like that when stop Imuran....
lizzie, when was your last c-scope, are you in endoscopic remission during the period on remicade, or jut clinical remission?...
I'm 3 years on Remicade. Last year my c-scope showed still erosions in my colon. My and my doctor plan is to take me off remicade after clean scope and take only Pentasa. When you did your last...
My rectum is always in best condition, and the worst is my descending colon. I'm on remicade now, and pentasa. But in my worst flare I could control my stool, think because my rectum was fine...:S...
Lonie it's not that bad if there is no blood, mucos, and pain. Take Pentasa and probiotics, I keep my fingers crossed for you. When I was in flare, both times it was with blood and cramps, I never...
I'm switched from asacol to pentasa also. Lonie I didn't know you are in flare. Since when? Is that your first flare since remicade or ?...
LONIE you are always on my mind as faith that one day I'll be off remicade. 4 years is long period without c-scope while you were on remi. Were you all 5 years without symptoms while on remi? For the...
were you med free after first flare, or it's possible after a few years of UC?...
LONIE, I know you were 5 years on remicade, and always wanted to ask during these 5 years how long you were in endoscopic remission? How many times have you done colonoscopy in 5 years?...
I'm in the same situation. Been on Remicade for 2 1/2 years. Colonoscopy 6 months ago showed that on my left side stil are some erosions. I'm on Pentasa alos, been on Asacol for 5 years. Have the...
you can take all of meds if it's necessary, but first try with probiotics, L-glutamin, minerals, teas, etc...good luck...:*...
First you have to do c-scope. I was thinking that my colon is healed because I have no simptoms for 2 years, but c-scope showed erosions in my colon. Second, do everything before surgery. There are...
I'm 2 years on remicade, and my first c-scope since than show stil inflammation on my left side. Is it posible that in 2 years my colon was heal, and this is new flare, but I don't feel it, or...
I have no rectal activity, my pain and ulcerations are on left side, and 4 c-scope, and biopsy, and CT confirm UC, and 2 different doctors, but I also have fear sometimes what if?.......
Lonie has been on remicade for 5 years, and now is off, I guess 3 years. My goal is to take down remicade one day. I have been 2 years on remicade, feeling great, but my last c-scope show that on my...
Lonie please give me hope. Two day ago I had my first c-scope after 2 years on remicade, and still not in endoscopic remission, much better than it was wen i was flaring, but stil erosions and...
And remicade is relatively new drug to take conclusion that is for the rest of our lifes, in my country in use last 5 years, in rest of Europe less than 10 years......
In Europe a lot of doctors put patients on remicade until endoscopic remission, and then tray to wean them off, it's too dangerous for the rest of your body to be rest of your life on remicade,...
boumboumbambino please keep me informed of your cscope on monday. And I was too diagnosed in 2007..:P Dr-A I believe in complete endoscopic remission one day, this 2 years on Remicade I'm in clinical...
I was watching my c-scope, there are no big ulcerations, mucus, blood, buth there are stil erosion and small ulcers on descendens colon ..Was on Asacol 2x2, now only Pentasa 2x2 and remicade every 8...
And change in my therapy is from asacol to pentasa 2x2...what is difference between asacol and pentasa?...
After 2 years on remicade today was my first c-scope. I'm not still in endoscopic remission, there are small parts in descendens colon with some erosion and small ulcerations, from 30-50 cm there are...
This is my first c-scope after 2 yeras on Remicade, I'm so nervous about tomorrow.." hoping for the best, but expecting the worst"..:P Please all of you keep fingers crossed...:))...
I hope it's not. Tomorrow I have c-scope, we will see...:(...
I feel gurgling in my ileocecal, and hope it's just IBS, not Chron....:((...