Since the MRCP was not definite, "findings can be related to PSC", both liver specialist treatment is to do bloodwork every 6 months and a yearly MRCP. At this time they are not recommending...
Seems promising but I thought VANCO was as well. I mentioned VANCO to both of the Liver specialist my son sees and both just brushed it off. I will mention LUM001 to his current liver doctor. I would...
Quincy....Have you heard of LUM 001 from Lumera Pharmaceuticals? It is for treatment of rare liver diseases icluding PBC and PSC. They are currently doing a Pahse II study to evaluate LUM001 in...
We met with our son's doctor (Thomas Jefferson University Hospital) Thursday and have the MRCP report which states" Mild luminal irregularity of the common hepatic duct and intrahepatic bile duct...
Herbgarden....Thank you...I got the 2011 Stanford article on Vancomycin and plan on taking this with me to our appointment next Thursday. Why is this not wide spread? I read about the Mayo Clinic...
Herbgarden...I forgot to mention his billirubin total (0.8), billirubin direct (o.4) and Albumin (4.o) are normal. Did your son have abnormal reading of these?...
Herbgarden.....The only symptom so far is Diarrhea which he has had for over a week. Is the URSO for the UC? what is the full designation for URSO? Is he taking the Prednisone for UC as well. You...
We just got the results from the MRCP...There are mild irregularities of the bile ducts...he called them bumpiness. He said there was no blockages or strictures (not sure of stictures as I was very...
canadamom and Herbgarden...I am so sorry about your son's condition. We have a similar problem with our 20 year old son. In February after having blood work it showed iron deficiency and elevated...