Anyone know a GI or any other physician who would give IVIG/go to bat for you? It seems I'm out of options and my GI wants me to go under the knife. I live in the NY metro area but at this point am...
Per your advice, I scheduled a consult with a surgeon for Tuesday. The surgeon at the hospital told me that post surgery I'd still go to the bathroom 6 to 10 times a day and there's a 10% chance that...
I'm on Lialda x4 (1.2 G) in the AM. I was taking VSL but stopped a few days ago because it was giving me unbearable gas during this flare (as it hadn't before). It seems all pills really aggravate me...
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with lower left UC and even just proctitis 2 years ago. During my pregnancy, I flared badly and was even admitted to the hospital. I was put on prednisone and even IVed...
Hi all, I had a flare after a miscarriage in July and can't seem to get out of it. I want to get pregnant again but my doctor recommends waiting for the flare to go away which is seeming to never...