Does it mean unti now you did not try any biology therapy? so it will be your first?if it is the case then maybe you could make a trial with these medicienes. besides i understand you, sometime we...
Entivio loose his effect some times i red about it. According this article the cause of it sometimes that inflamination find another way... The other famous pathway is IL12 and IL23. And if your UC...
OK. More kind of things can cause uc. But the symtomps are the same. We should find the symtomps root cause. If sby crash his car during a car accident (with another car) or sby hit by hand his car...
I hope it will work to you. But as i see this medicine is also not a miracle. "the 222 patients who completed the phase 2b induction study, 217 (97.7%) enrolled in the phase 2b maintenance study. The...
How are you Chemist?...
i ordered other product, but other salts This product contains mg, calcium, sodium bhb...
thanks but sorry i dont find it. Maybe because i am form EU. could you send the link maybe in private or copy to here. Do you take 8 g is it? i found it "Currently unavailable."...
Where do you buy it? from the amazon? could you send me the link?...
Ahh, i am very angry because of this UC effect. I hate it. I did many kind of sport from i was 10 years till approx 30 years old. My prof GI sad me this is very interesting because nobody told him...
which salt do u take ? this is not sure, but when i take bhb it causes me bowel discomfort...
oohh, then i increase the amount! I have bhb in capsule form, i should purchase it in powder form there is a very good effect of bhb which not related to my colon my brain is much much faster than...
this is mixed version a is see the box of the supplement It contains 400 mg kalcium beta hidroxy butyrate ( 68 mg kalcium), mct powder, beta natrium hidroxy butyrate 200 mg ( 18 mg natrium), beta...
i ordered bhb. i take it for 4 days. no effect yet...
hello I started stelara to decrease 6 mg pred to zero and i take xeljanz my first 2 days with stelara was very good it made me remmision i had very lot energy 1 hard bm/ day 4 days after i feel lower...
i receive it because of the ibd, there is no other issue, it is more than enough :)...
i started it now ( combined therapy) xeljanz and stelara i am from europe, here this is free i hope it will work without side effectd...
thanks Mike for similar articles...
My GI always tell me my ferritin level is ok, He also chech my hemoglibin level... but if i take only one iron pill then my concentration improve very much, i will be not lazy, but it causes me...
Usualy i have Low blod pressure, and cause tiredness, concentration probléma etc. , my GI sad me this is side effect of uc. I tried to drink Coffee but it makes me diarrhae, coffein irritates my...
anyone here who did receive any combined therapy? my GI and me asked the permission to do it. i am much better with xeljanz but im not in remission. we try this way too....
Thank you... my son has recovered.. bit he has healthy bovel. My symtomps is mimic to uc... i have already pain and blood... :( but i think the root cause was the a virus or bacteria infection...
Tanks for your responses... I tried to call my GI and other GI but they have an "official event" therefore today they are not working. So it seems this is the only way where i can get any idea...
I have minimal pain i have no blood... what would be your advice?...
My child and me received a virus my child has healthy bovel but i have uc. My stool is totaly liquid...i did feel the some years ago when i got also a virus... ( mychild symtomps was the same...
Be carefull!!! you will be the next member who will be threated that you are Van Jordan!!! :D...
i understand and sorry, but what did you take exactly ( what kind of supplements) and what amounts?...
What did you take exactly? and what was the amount of tue suplements? This is also a feedback, we have to this kind of feelings too....
Nobody can not do the pravda protocol at this moment because a very important component there is no on the matket now. There was a theory and based on this theory Van Jordan created his own...
That's interesting. Why is it important to change people's minds? I like to give people (factually accurate) information and let them choose for themselves. I don't think you missed any information...
now? forexample change some people mind. This is not about me, i got lot of information, but if sby woll come to here later he can not get the same information amount because of deleting this thread....
I like your comments i can find lot of interesting information and question always in your comments... My question is the same? What happening in the people's bowel? I red another interesting thing...
if you are not interested in any thread i can understand it and i repect your choices. But there were with similar thinking many member in that thread who were not interestend in that topic but they...
"You don't ont have to be here if you're so offended. " that thread contained lot of information by more member who made an effective treatment on theurself. You know the sense of these kind of...
This hyrodegen peroxid story lighted to the most of people only trust in main stream medicines, information. And most of people only want to pump into himself the remicade/ entivio anything. And not...
i have suprised that we can not purchase from other way because Dr. Pravda also used it during his study.. More kind of old studies contain DHLA so more Doc has used and worked with it... Then how...
I am from europe, i tried to find the mentioned diabetes medicine which contain r dhla, i found only R ALA medicine. And i red an article about rdhla, i think it will be very expensive supplement,...
i sent. thx....
sorry i did not see any other warning what is your problem with irrelevant? Karens is also not too hard, but i dont understand why problem that sby's opinion is irrelevant... we dont have to accept...
You are calling people a bunch of "Karens" and "irrelevant" This will be your second warning. The owner of this forum already gave you one warning.[/quote] if u warn Van Jordan please warn the other...
i think not yet :) his profile seem to be living.. Please finish on both side this sheety talking.. Discuss only study, pravda,antioxidant....
it would be very usefull me too....
Sorry but your comments are so frustrated, i dont know what is your problem. BUT yes i think this study has real deficiencies. Too less patients and there is no placebo control group. But it is a...
What is yoir opinion why does camu cause bowel problem(make more bm/light diarrhea)? I try to get bio available c vitamin therefore i bought came but this not ok to my bowel....
this is very sad that the old topic has been closed. What was the reason? ... what we want here on healingwell?there was a discussion, what was the problem... here are more kind of person, the thread...
we had a discussion in the main topic which is created earlier, but i think would be very good if we could collect the expereiences who started this method. Maybe we could see how effective it for...
we can speak about anything on healingwell thats ok , but why we should speak/write everything in this topic? the focus should be on Van Jordan method. We can speak about medicines but yes, in this...
I startedmy therapy according Van Jordan method, thanks for him. I take only sulfarazane very little amount 2 mg/ day, quercitin 500 mg, grape seed 400 mg. Thats all, i tried camu, it made me...
pinochio: thank you!!...