still waiting on scope results the part that ticks me off is that the surgeon basically said nothing to me other then I did some biophys and we are waiting on those I wasn't having any consistent...
doc can't find anything visibly wrong concurs that the darker blood must be residual still doesn't sit quiet right with me I have had enough of these to know what to expect...
still getting black bloody stools this morning now I am getting light headed going to the doctor ......
alrite ill ride it out until morning and see how it goes seems to be somewhat clotting up its turning darker red and there seems to be slightly less of it kind of hard to tell sigh ... I wasn't even...
I just found it odd I have had many coloscopys with biops and only recall once instance where it was anything like that also she was doing " Screening for malignant neoplasm of colon" which I assume...
I have had a few colonoscopys over the years but never had any postscope bleeding like this >warning fairly graphic: I have had two or three movements that looked like that...