An update- I called me GI doctor and told him about my situation. He raised my 6mp dosage from 50mg to 100mg (I currently weigh around 187 lbs. currently 4 days into it and I have naseau) . He...
Hi everybody, I first got diagnosed with pancolitis 4 years ago. I was put on Mesalamine and Predisone to get me out of my first flare and it worked. Then I got into my second flare about a year in....
I have to wait another week for my appointment with my GI to get the biopsy report. I'm second guessing the diagnosis because I never ONCE had gotten a stool test. So could it be from some...
Thank you everyone for the helpful replies. Still hard to cope with but I'll have to play the cards I'm dealt. I did not know there was a genetic test to test for this? How can I go about getting...
Hello all, let me start off with an introduction of who I am. I just turned 30 years old, working out in the gym for 8 years, compete in bodybuilding shows for the past 2. I'm no stranger to eating...