Thankyou I rang my chemist and they can’t seem to find a supplier. Has anyone tried it...
Hi does anyone know if this is available in Australia...
Has anyone had success with fecal transplant...
Anyone had success with this...
Thanks Clo. I pray remission isn’t far for me. I’m exhausted by the last two years...
Hi Clo, Thankyou, I wanted entyvio to work. We gave it a good go. It’s been well over a year. It got me off prednisone so at least there’s that. My Dr isn’t sure yet, he’s waiting on the results of...
Hi, just looking for advice from anyone on stelara. Switching from entyvio, feeling nervous...
Hi does anyone else on entyvio suffer with joint pain . If so what helps?...
They done an endoscopy. Not sure if it was a capsule but my Dr said he wanted to check the small bowel...
I haven’t received my biopsy results yet but I’ve never had inflammation in the small bowel only in the sigmoid. That was likely due to the fact I left it for so long believing it would get better...
My scope only shows inflammation in the rectum. The highest it’s been is the sigmoid...
Diagnosed with UC in 2006. 8cm rectal inflammation. Flaring 2022 30cm. Healed back to 11cm on pred and entyvio for the last year. Currently still have inflammation and now on 4 weekly infusions. My...
Imagine being a new member and told you ask too many questions on a support forum or being told my anxiety is my biggest problem when my user name is TheAnxiousaries.. clearly I’m aware of my...
Anyone at such a disadvantage has nothing to lose trying the pravda protocol then. As for your other comments. No entyvio is not working for me yet. I’m still suffering along with everyone else who...
I don’t know why people assume because you’re interested in trying alternatives that you’re choosing that over the advice of your Dr? I will definitely be including pravdas protocol to see if it...
I hope everyone new who comes across this thread further investigate themselves here after...
Thanks. Yes I take high dose Vit D. Salica and do weight training as well. I feel the budesenide is bringing things under control today. Less blood and sharts hopefully more improvement tomorrow that...
Why do you take Rutin?...
Yes still on entyvio. My Gastroenterologist messed up my dosage so I started to slip back into a flare. Instead of having two weekly injections after loading doses I had two injections at eight week...
Hi, how long can I stay on 25mg pred before I have to taper...
I don't believe so. The paper said its only available in Europe with a perscription as part of a treatment for some neuropathic condition. There are supplement companies that are in the process of...
Has anyone asked Dr Pravda where we can source it...
I agree. Plenty of ppl may be following the thread and finding it useful without commenting. For that reason it should not be taken to email. If you disagree keep scrolling...
I’m just wondering for those who think it’s quack science. What is pravdas motive? There doesn’t seem to be any . His protocol is free for everyone to trial with nothing to lose?...
Thank you. I’ve sent his findings to my GI I’ll Also email you...
I wish I had of had this advice early on. Maybe I could of saved myself from entyvio...
I only ever used rectal meds as my treatment for Over nine years. Now that they no longer work what will I use for rectal medication. I’m on entyvio and currently using budenofalk enemas. Obviously I...
The 13 page thread that was vastly dominated by VJ was addressed to VJ...
The only one I’ve noticed being ridiculed is VJ.. I guess people see thing how they want to see them. VJ thread has helped me a lot....
I certainly won’t be ignoring Van Jordan. I think he/she has a lot to offer people on this forum and I don’t see the need to cast doubt over it. It amazes me how nasty alot of ppl are on this forum....
I wonder if UC is linked to gout?...
Thankyou Van Jordan. We’re still Listening. So far I’ve only added the grape seed and sulforaphane but within days I noticed a difference. The grape seed has saved me from pred when my GI messed up...
Sometimes I wonder if this is inevitable for us all. It’s really like running the gauntlet hoping for a cure...
Hospitalised from complications of UC swelling joints/pancreatitis and PE but that was the first time since my diagnosis in 2006. It was also my worst flare.. probably my only real flare...
How long has entyvio given you remission...
Yes I’m in Australia...
Thanks I thought it was 9mg but didn’t want to go against what the pharmacist had put in the bottle in case....
Exactly. I did check the entyvio website and it’s one pen every two weeks at 108mg...
I posted on entyvio warriors and most said around 5 months seems to be when you start to see results but not to give up for atleast a year. I felt I was getting results. Slowly but Ive been off...
Yes the high results did have worsening symptoms. I was getting formed stools, no blood, no pain. Still having urgency. The calprotectin were done 2-3 weeks apart. My symptoms have progressively...
So I’m back in a flare. Had a consult with my GI last week. I told him how my symptoms have been up and down. It’s like entyvio is working intermittently. My calprotectin results confirmed this....
We will all get our miracle. We just have to believe it will come...
It definitely adds weight to the hydrogen peroxide theory...
Found this interesting
What is the most bioavailable choice for Curcumin?...
Hi has anyone tried this or tumeric? I want to try it for my IBD but I’m nervous it will make my reflux worst...
I could be just run down. Mentally it’s been a tough year...
Thanks everyone...