Ok. Thanks....
Hi I seem to remember reading here somewhere that it takes 6 months for the 100mg of 6 pm a day to fully kick in? I started in August. I’m asking because I’m not taking the 6mg of budesonide any...
Checking in. How’s it going clo? I have tapered off the budesonide recently. I was on that a long time. Over a year. I was taking 6 mg every morning. Now I’m just on the Stelara every 4 weeks and the...
Great info. Thanks! What does the green tea do?...
Thanks Just curious. Are you still on it? Did it help you? What happened? Or anyone else here…taking or have taken 6MP in the past…would love to hear your comments on how it went. Thanks. - I take...
Hi. Started 6MP August 1st. My UC doing great. 2 or 3 good looking medium sized movements every morning. Then the rest of the day I am a “normal person”. Updated Blood work results just came in…best...
Thankfully. Back on the 100mg before bed of the 6MP and the bloated feeling during the day has stopped. I guess I’m finally used to it. -...
Frustrating. Last night before bed I only took 50mg of the 6MP and not the 100mg. This afternoon I still have some of that bloated feeling. No nausea. But I expected the bloated full feeling to go...
Hi. Thanks. Another day of bloating. Tonight around supper time started feeling a little nausea. Have not heard back from GI. Tonight I’m only going to take 50mg and not 100mg at bedtime. And work...
Hi. The bloated feeling lasting most of the day is getting old. It usually does go away in the late afternoons or early evenings. But I have it from mornings, starting maybe a couple of hours after I...
50mg a day of 6mp. 8/1/24…i started that dose. 8/14/24 had blood work and everything looked good. 8/19/24 is the day I went up to the 100mg every night before bed on the 6mp per GIs instructions....
Thanks Clo...
Hi. The cramps are gone. But I am still feeling a bloating effect throughout the day. No pain. But it feels like I have had a big meal feeling. And that feeling is there almost all waking hours. It’s...
Hi. Thanks. Doing ok. Good news. Urgency. Frequency. Sometimes daytime feeling that I need to go. Better. But. Feeling some middle upper abdomen bloating sometimes now after I eat a meal. Sometimes...
Blood work came back normal and my three liver enzyme categories all improved a lot. AST and ALT showed just above normal range. My phos came way down as well from last time to 216. So, I’m guessing...
Hi I’m not on anything specific that I know of for PSC. I see a liver specialist yearly and he wants just a liver enzyme check blood work done periodically (every 3 months) and he wants an annual...
Ok. Good tips. I’ll cool the sugar before tests for sure. Thanks. My liver enzymes are always high anyway because I have PSC. (Liver Bile ducts have narrowed. Can get worse. Can also remain stable....
They didn’t say anything about blood work. I messaged my doc through the portal this morning reminding him that I started 25mg on July 25 and moved up to 50mg a day on august 1st, and asked about...
Hi Clo Thanks I do think I’ve felt them before but it’s been a long time. Probably when I’ve started one of the biologics. I just don’t remember if that was part of the “good road”, like I had when...
Some mild abdominal cramps late morning two of the past four days. Last maybe a hour or two. Not bad. But I can feel it. Feels a little like constipation cramps, bit of course, I am not constipated....
These drugs…you read online about side effects…yikes! 6mp. Sheesh. All kinds of bad stuff. He’s got me on 50mg a day and then after two weeks I am supposed to go up to 100mg a day. If I get there, I...
Interesting his timing on getting me started with this 6MP. I’m starting to slip a bit. Last two or three days…frequency in the mornings is up from 2 or 3 early each morning to 5 or 6 throughout each...
Tomorrow I’ll bump up to 50 mg of the 6mp. He told me to start at 50 mg a day for 2 weeks, then go to 100 mg. I’m just now getting to the 50 mg dose. I’ll check back in later with an update....
It’s Monday morning. And I’m not feeling any effect… positive or negative. No red rash. My plan is to bump up to 50 mg of the 6mp this Thursday....
Hi I started the 6mp yesterday. Thursday 7/25/24 at noon. Took just 25 mg. (He wants me to work up to 100 mg a day.) Going to stay on the 25mg for a week. See what happens. No allergic reaction so...
Hi. Thank you. No news because I haven’t started the 6mp yet. I’m a big chicken. Work has been very busy. And I thought I’d wait a bit before I start that. Right now my plan is to start with half a...
I’m thinking I’ll start this at 1/2 of one pill a day for a week. Then. Slowly increase if I tolerate....
Thanks everyone. I’m a little nervous. I tried imuran in the past and I broke out in a red rash all on my scalp. I didn’t even know it was there until I went for a haircut. Then the young lady that...
Hi 61 years old. Male. UC and PSC since 2016. Taking Stelara every 4 weeks. Budesonide 6 mg every morning. In remission since I started this treatment. October 2023. Had most recent colonoscopy early...
Thanks so much. From the January of 2020 to the fall of 2023. Quite a ride....
I’m in remission. Normal stools. Since the fall of 2023. Over the past month or so. Occasionally. Maybe once or twice a week. I get this weird flutter sensation that only lasts only a few seconds...
10,000 of D3 every morning and 100 mcg of K2(MK7) every morning and then another 100 mcg again at night. Take both with a teaspoon of peanut butter (these are fat soluble vitamins>..absorbed best...
Thanks. Anyone have any experience with this blood test?...
Hi Ive been on 4 week interval Stelara injections since the fall. I feel great. Zero urgency. Which has basically given me my life back. Living with Urgency is really rough. The constant fear that...
It’s now Friday afternoon. I’m feeling better. Probably still a 1 or a 2 ache wise. Feels like someone kicked me in the right side yesterday. Well, I’ve never been kicked there, but I guess that’s...
Hi all. Haven’t been here in a while. I’ve been doing really well since I went on Stelara every 4 weeks in the fall of 2023. I’ve also been taking 6 mg of budesonide every morning. Best I have felt...
It feels like my chest gets tight. Pulse stays normal. It doesn’t feel like it comes on me. It’s just one minute I’m fine then the next minute I’m noticing it. There is some tightness muscle pain in...
Anyone else here struggle with this? Mine is kind of seasonal…I can go six months with no issues…it’s out of my mind and…I’m going good….then, all of a sudden I’ll go weeks on end where I’ll have an...
I’ve seen several articles of late…and videos on YouTube…doctors saying an all meat carnivore diet is great for those of us with IBD. A good friend just sent me a video where the doctor says this has...
Merry Christmas...
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thankful for this forum and for those who post. I was diagnosed with UC in 2016. This forum has helped me get through many rough times. The doctors don’t...
Well. That was quick. I think I figured it out. Yesterday I did not have my usual Quest brand high protein bar at lunch and things were much better last night. :)...
Hi. Ok. So for a while I was having trouble with soupy mix on my morning movements. Not on the toilet paper. But I’m thinking that soupy heavy liquid on top of my movements was mucus. So. I really...
Does it matter what type of crackers? Curious as to the brand and style you buy....
I’m bad with the late night snacks before bed. Sugar and Dairy do not get along at all with my UC. These definitely affect what my morning movements look like. Any tips?...
Well. Not so fast. My wife showed me an article last night… that nutritional yeast is not good for those of us with bowl issues....
Last time I had blood work done, several months ago, my B12 levels were “outside the upper limit of the normal range”. So I stopped supplementing as well. I’m going to start taking my Bragg’s...
Hi. Through some experimentation the past week or so…I’m pretty sure BOTH sugar things (candy, cookies) and milk (or ice cream) are not good for me. Especially at night before bed. I see a direct...
Hi. Yesterday I eliminated all dairy. And I cut way back on the sugar. Much improved last night. Not nearly as much growling or gas. This morning, I also saw much less mucus in my first movement....
Hi. Been on Stelara since 1/2023 every 8 eeeks. Just started every 4 weeks. But the symptoms I’m talking about have been going on for a few weeks now. Urgency? None. Gas easy to expel…and not...