yes got blood work in a cupple weeks...
well everything is getting back to normal according to blood tests and scopes. got low red blood cells don't know wats doing that. not passing blood anyware. still have to do iv infusions every 8...
idk Heather sounds like a lot of medicine to take all the time scary to me. but you got to do wat makes it work. I'm only taking the iv infusion. got 1 coming up Thursday. also multivitamin...
got scoped out today both ends.didnt have a shitty taste in mouth when I woke up that's a plus. removed a. pylop from inside the throat someware. removed a cupple in the other end. Will have them...
the scope is the 18th both ends. if thay start at bottom end hope thay wash it off before going into top end never know lol...
iv had several blood test done so far. well 3 so far I will talk to him and see if not will have that tested urine not looking to bright yellow sorta dark yellow. may have to see wats that about just...
just wondering if anyone else has had an issue like this. took last iv infusion in early September. had a stumic virus lator on that month. finally got that cleared up dr put me on a heartburn med...
I hear ya. thears a lot of people hear in ky whear I live that has tick viruses. we live in a fairly rule area. house surrounded by crop fields cattle farms deep woods hills n dollars. just a part of...
also the gasrto dr had them send orders to my health provider specifying wat test on stool and blood work thay needed. my daughter works for my health care provider so she checked for certin other...
30 mg daily since around the 8th yes I know how predisone is took it for 2 mth with the taper. will taper off 20-15-10-5 most everything on blood n stool wasn't to bad. found out I got a small trace...
got back some more blood work results this morning seems like iv also got some alpha gal in thear haven been eating to avoid that may be why iv had bad diarrhea and gas since the 9/7 idk...
have posted in a while. thought things wear turning around.but wrong got a stumic bug around the 7th bad one diarrhea heartburn vomiting queasy stumic lasted like 8 days. tried to talk to my Dr thru...
right now I'm just working 20 hrs a week. nothing to strenuous. started my ss last mth. so that's all ican work to keep from messing that up. thear good at work as far as not letting me get to...
had another iv infusion thursday 8/15 2nd 1 so far. avsola. doing the cut back on prednisone taking 2 10mg pills a day 10 days then 1 1/2 ten days then 1 ten days then 5mg 10 days . stool has firmed...
took the iv treatment yesterday 8/1 no adverse reactions or anything went well 3hrs worth. seem to feel better today. no urgent bathroom runs. seems to be tampering down the last few days. not as...
apprishate the advice. have been trying to stick with low fiber diet best I can anyway. I take 3 10 mg prednisone in morning then 1 at around 6pm to keep things calmed down at night has been working...
been on prednisone for a little while. still got a long way to go on it. 40mg a day 14 days. start taper 30mg a day 14 days so on. question is. can I be getting constipated. still have diarrhea with...
checking my chart on line. it's wrote by Dr. reflexes is the med. nurse that called me said avsola. he'll if I know. if I knew all this kind of stuff I'd be working in the drs office. insted of...
yes called them back to verify avsola it's suposed to be like the inflixmab line of med...
postponed i.v treatment. till 8/1 . suposed to be 7/25. insurance wouldn't go with fliximab. so dr had to change it to avsola. and reschedual iv treatment. idk guess we will see. reckon insurance Co....
the prednisone seems to keep it at bay for about 8-10 hrs . then it's up n down to bathroom every 1- 1 1/2 hrs till 6 in morning then start process all over. start the i.v meds thursday will see if...
just throwing this out thear for a thought. if this works on remission. but it flairs back up or doesn't totally go away. why would I want to keep putting myself thru all of this bad discomfort over...
also just stoped taking the suffer med yesterday I feel better today that med had me feeling lethargic didn't have the energy or desire to do anything stumic was squeeze no hunger it was bad...
went to Dr kyle fisher gastrol yesterday. said we need to hit this hard now. so the plan is stop taking budisone. stop taking the suffer meds. start a regimet of the prednisone again. 10 mg pills...
bad night last night up every 45mins to an hr on the pot. tried to eat some normal food cooked in oven chicken nuggets and ff. that was a mistake. end of the mth going to go see a gastroligest. in...
the prednisone wear 10 mg take 4 pills every day for 4 days. then take 3 pills every day for 4 days. then take 2 pills every day for 4 days. then 1 pill a day for 4 days. finished them up a cupple...
will ask dr about the other meds I guess that's like a suppository. for frequency. if my insurance will cover that . will try it wats to loose...
right now it seems to be more frequent in the morning. get up 3.30 will go 4-5 times not much coming out. take meds at 4. then it's seems OK till around 5-6 pm than it starts again till about 8pm 4-5...
finished the prednisone today just taking the budesonide and suffer tabs...
had the dosage wrong on the sulfasazine insted of twice daily supposed to be taking it 4 times daily. guess you will have that. Dr gilliam said this should help alot quicker now. go back in 4 weeks...
well back to gastro dr today to discuss results from scope. think everything was normal other than whole colon inflamed idk yet. still no changes. diarrhea bloody stool. done lost 13 lbs been around...
thanks for the reply just glad to be able to converse with someone that knows and has this type of thing the only thing the sulfa is doing is the coldsore on lip will keep blis tex on that your...
yes the prednisone steroids take 4 for 4 days 3 for 4 days that type. the sulfasalazine are brown coated but I think tear making cold sores on my lips got 1 starting now ouch. been drinking about all...
plus 40 steroids to take...
had colonoscopy today everything looked fine except colon badly inflamed said blood coming from colon walls idk got sulfasazine 500mg also budesodide to try ylto get it calmed down hope it works been...
Heather that is a lot of med to take. hope you don't need all that but if that's wat it takes then that's wat it takes. if I was taking that it would scare me to death. never took any type of meds....
I did that thursday talked about med I don't take any vitamin and probotic been like that for all adult life. took vitals every thing perfect. talked to Anastacia Dr said your healthy you have been...
prescribed me budesonide ec3 3 pill at once every day we will see wat happens .don't know if that will put it back in remission or not...
yes I have a gas dr .I'm supposed to have a screening every cupple years. but I've let it go cause nothing was wrong. so now hear we are. guess thay will do the camera thing and see wats wat. I guess...
diagnosed with uc in 2019 was in hospital a week had no idea wat was wrong with me. I do now. but it went into remission. so I lived like it never happend. now it's back. had symptions for around 2...