Why are you still on crestor? How is your HDL and triglyceride numbers?...
I don't quite understand why, simply on the basis of a cryptogenic stroke, you opted (or were advised to opt) for a PFO closure. Medication (plavix or aspirin) is an option. No studies (and I was in...
So how did you cure yourself of LPR and globus sensation? ...
TTerry: After having a cryptogenic stroke in 2010, I really wanted my newly discovered PFO closed up with the Amplatzer device, and was subsequently enrolled in a multi-country study assessing...
Jodie: If you're having aFib, I assume you're on coumadin or other blood thinners. If so, you should be aware that fish oil is a blood thinner (so is turmeric, another great supplement). I eat lots...
For term0003: Are you on blood thinner? That alone will decrease your risk of a further stroke. I had my stroke in 2010, was eventually put on Plavix and am still reluctant to have a device closure....
I have a question for those who have had PFO closure due to stroke(s). Have you had a stroke or TIA since having it closed? If you had migraines with aura prior to closure, do you still get them?...